Joe Biden, Susan Rice Leap On Hollywood Conspiracy Theory About (Nonexistent) Mailbox Removal in Oregon

Some days, I just don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the state of the left and what they are attempting to do to our great country.  This day, though, I am laughing pretty hard at Joe Biden and Susan Rice, and it’s an easy one.

Hollyweirds Mia Farrow and Jamie Lee Curtis tweeted a ridiculous “gotcha” photo of trucks removing USPS mailboxes from Oregon neighborhoods as supposed “evidence” that President Trump is removing mailboxes in an effort to stop people from mailing in their votes.

Already top-door cray-cray, right?  My guess is that Portland has quite more than a few “shy” Trump voters at this point, having watched their city burn and violent crime spike for months on end.  Biden may suspect the same thing, since he, too, leapt on the TDS-induced conspiracy theory.

The problem?  The mailboxes are being replaced because they are old and presumably on schedule for replacement.  That’s it.  Nothing to see here.

Tags: Joe Biden, Oregon, Susan Rice, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Twitter