Book Review: Red November by Joel B. Pollak

Amid continuing civil unrest, social justice antics, and pandemic coverage, it may be hard to recall the Democratic Party’s primary season and the impeachment process that occurred in the early months of this apocalyptic year.

However, as we gear up for the November election, savvy Americans will want to refresh their memories…especially of the continuing socialism-oriented trends entrenching themselves in the Democratic Party platform. One excellent place to start the review process is with the new book, Red November: Will the Country Vote Red for Trump or Red for Socialism?, by Joel B. Pollak.

Pollak is a former leftist activist, who has now become a senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News and a co-host of Breitbart News Tonight on Sirius XM Patriot. He has a perfect position to cover the Democratic primary process and analyze the increasing rate of devolution in the party’s priorities.

Red November is an engaging and informative account of the entire primary season and gripping history of the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Pollak captivates the reader with descriptions of his interviews with candidates, as well as interactions with their staff, Democratic voters, and media members.

Perhaps the aspect of “Red November” I enjoyed most was when Pollack chronicles precisely how the Democratic candidates wandered rapidly down the road of socialist policies. He steps back from the minutia of the primary process and provides us a critical overview.

Pollak’s recounting of the townhalls during the primary season exemplifies this intriguing facet of his overall theme:

In September 2019, for example, CNN held a town hall on the topic of climate change. Governor Jay Inslee had pressed the DNC for a climatechange– centered debate; he dropped out of the race in August, but CNN picked up his idea.For seven hours, displacing regular afternoon and evening news programming, CNN hosted the candidates in its New York studio, wherethey seemed to compete with one another to propose the most outrageous idea. Andrew Yang talked about forcing Americans to drive electriccars. Kamala Harris talked about banning plastic straws— a topic that had nothing to do with climate change. Several supported a “carbon tax”;most wanted to ban fracking, which has actually reduced carbon emissions; and only Yang and Booker defended nuclear energy. The mostradical proposals earned the most applause; there was no room for moderation. Joe Biden drew attention for a burst blood vessel in his left eye that turned it a frightening dark red.At a similar event in October, just days before the Ohio debate, CNN held a town hall in Los Angeles devoted to LGBTQ issues. The answersfrom the candidates were radical enough: Elizabeth Warren, for example, applauded a 9‑year-​old who claimed to be transgender.But audience was even more ambitious. Anderson Cooper was busy interviewing Pete Buttigieg when activists interrupted from the audience: “Trans people are dying! Do something!” Some members of the audience applauded, chanting, “Trans lives matter!”During Beto O’Rourke’s turn, a black transgender woman, Blossom C. Brown, seized the microphone from a female audience member who was attempting to ask a question. “Black trans women are being killed in this country, and, CNN, you have erased black trans women for the last time!” Brown said.

The leftists were not pandered to enough during the primary season…so we will continue to experience unrest and disruptions for the remainder of the 2020 election cycle.

One of the problems I find with authors who blog regularly is that their books are often nothing more than a compendium of their posts. Happily, Red November is an original piece of extraordinarily thoughtful and well-presented analysis. I have given it five stars out of 5 and recommend it strongly to anyone who enjoys political history. The book is officially being released on July 14, 2020.

If you are interested in the author’s take, here is Pollak being interviewed by Larry King on PoliticKING.

Tags: 2020 Election, Book Review, Democrats, Trump Derangement Syndrome