#NeverTrump and Lincoln Project Leader Rick Wilson Called out for Confederate Paraphernalia

Rick Wilson is not having a terrific week.

Because Democrats and the mainstream media are steady trying to cancel people and companies for WrongThink in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, apparently #NeverTrump grifter Wilson thought he’d get in on the action, too.

Wilson, who is one of the more out-front advisers to the anti-Trump “Lincoln Project” PAC, found a response tweet Monday night from Domino’s Pizza to White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and rushed to cancel the national pizza chain over it. Here’s what he tweeted:

Except there was a big problem. In trying to dunk on Domino’s for posting a friendly social response to a member of the Trump administration, Wilson neglected to check the date on the message. It was from nearly eight years ago, well before Trump’s presidency, and when McEnany was still in college. Note the date on her tweet and their response to it :

Domino’s destroyed Wilson with the perfect tweet:

Wilson, who has made guest appearances on CNN and MSNBC since President Trump was elected, tried to wiggle his way out of the embarrassment his cancel fail brought to the Lincoln Project brand, but it didn’t work:

Twitter users James Hasson and Jerry Dunleavy had a field day with Wilson, questioning him on past projects and digging up old tweets of him insulting Joe Biden, who the Lincoln Project has endorsed:

Unfortunately for Wilson, his bad week was about to get much worse.

Because he went tweet-digging to cancel Domino’s, others started digging beyond Twitter to see what Wilson had posted on some of his other social media accounts. People discovered images he shared on his Instagram account of a cooler with a Confederate flag and messaging and splashed on Twitter. It brought further embarrassment to the Lincoln Project, who just a few weeks ago released an error-filled ad trying to shame President Trump for the people who fly Confederate flags at his rallies:

This was Wilson just two weeks ago:

Donald Trump, Jr., also weighed in:

I believe this is what Wilson would call “killing your brand,” but he’s too busy trying to bury his hypocrisy on his Twitter feed by sharing umpteen tweets from the Lincoln Project for us to know for sure.

There are lessons to be learned here about the dangers of playing the cancel culture game, but acknowledging that he acted stupidly in using an 8-year-old tweet to nuke Domino’s is not in Wilson’s DNA. Mocking and ridiculing the very people he used to count on to vote for the Republican candidates he once represented is more his style.

If this is what “principled conservatism” is supposed to look like, please count me out.

[Featured image via YouTube]

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Cancel Culture, Democrats, Lincoln Project, Media, Social Media