Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
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Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona

Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona

“This is not a peaceful protest, so if you came out here for a peaceful protest, you missed it.”

In Madison, Wisconsin, rioters threw a statue of Hans Christian Heg (an anti-slavery activist and abolitionist who actively fought slave catchers and died from battle wounds fighting for the Union in the Civil War), into a nearby lake.

This same crowd punched a state senator and started a fire.

“This is not a peaceful protest, so if you came out here for a peaceful protest, you missed it,” one organizer said. “We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice,” they said, according to local reports.


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the barbarians are inside the city gates…

since they are immune to reason, we either accept their presence and ongoing destruction of our society, or we must remove them from it.

Dantzig93101 | June 24, 2020 at 7:11 pm

It would have been bad enough if the rioters had said, “We are tearing down the statue because we despise what he did.” But instead, they destroyed simply for the sake of destruction.

That kind of activity does not result from injustice. It results from weakness and cowardice in the face of aggression.

    CorkyAgain in reply to Dantzig93101. | June 24, 2020 at 7:45 pm

    The idea seems to be that no white man can be portrayed as having done something good. It goes against the narrative.

    But instead, they destroyed simply for the sake of destruction.
    When are you going to understand this is an attempted violent overthrow of the US government?
    This isn’t about destruction, it’s about tossing the Constitution and installing a communist government with no room for anyone but them.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to 4fun. | June 24, 2020 at 9:46 pm

      NOW I believe those who say they are following DEM plans to try and goad a action.

      Finrod in reply to 4fun. | June 25, 2020 at 9:21 am

      They need to learn the meaning of “Thus always to tyrants” good and hard.

    NavyMustang in reply to Dantzig93101. | June 24, 2020 at 9:27 pm

    They destroyed cause they’re morons and have no clue who this man was.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | June 24, 2020 at 7:14 pm

But they do despise what he did – freeing the slaves.

Enslaving blacks and sex trafficing children is just their start…….

Remember: Popular Mechanics magazine ran the article on ‘how to’ tear down a statue.

Alexander George
Editor-in-Chief, Popular Mechanics
Cameron Connors
Publisher, Popular Mechanics
Jack Essig
Senior Vice President & Publishing Director, Hearst Men’s Group

They’re part of the Hearst Group of rats.

Boycott their products whenever possible.


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“This is not a peaceful protest, so if you came out here for a peaceful protest, you missed it,” one organizer said. “We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice,”

Oh, no, they’re not. They are pursuing The Revolution, not justice. The statues are an exercise. Blood is what they are after.

    txvet2 in reply to Valerie. | June 24, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    “”Blood is what they are after.””
    And we should give it to them – but we won’t, because we’re too nice and that would be mean. We’ll still be trying to be nice when they’re tying the nooses around our necks. Rush has finally started to wake up and bemoan the utter lack of pushback against what you correctly describe as a revolution. He’s also mourning the friends he’s lost because they’ve been corrupted by their own daughters but he just can’t bring himself to admit that the cause is lost because only one side is fighting.

    JohnC in reply to Valerie. | June 24, 2020 at 8:38 pm

    Revolutions follow a pattern: First statues, then people.

    I fully expect bombings to begin soon. The orchestrators of this push are completely serious.

“We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice,”

You heard the man. Give them what they are demanding.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Milhouse. | June 24, 2020 at 8:47 pm

    This might be your best post ever.

    I’m not trying to brow beat you here, but do you see why you can’t try to “fight fair” and stay in the middle with irrational mobs and their enablers?

    DaveGinOly in reply to Milhouse. | June 24, 2020 at 9:51 pm

    Justice, 62 grains at a time. It’s coming. They will do something that will get an unexpected reaction and the clown show will come to a screeching halt. Anyone sitting on a jury deciding the fate of the patriots who put an end to this have got to know that they must acquit. It’s a case of cultural self-defense.

    Let’s start a movement, like the Three Percenters, only instead of direct action, supporters will instead pledge to not deliver guilty verdicts against patriots who take any action necessary to defend the Constitution and American values and cultures.

    I’m serious. How does one start a movement like that? Have I just started one? Then spread the word.

Where were the police?

texansamurai | June 24, 2020 at 9:17 pm

“We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice,”

and so shall it be–when justice comes for these idiots believe they’ll be begging(if they can still speak)to be arrested and protected

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to texansamurai. | June 24, 2020 at 9:51 pm

    Dead women and dead men don’t wear plaid……..

    I don’t think so. I think they’ll resist violently, post (heavily edited video) of the altercation and scream police brutality.

    Then they’ll sue for vast sums of money, plus making more money on the speaking circuit.

    They say they want justice, but all they really want is whatever feels good at the moment.

It’s Not about race
Not about Law
Not about Freedom
Not about Rights
Not about the USA and its contributions to the world
It’s About Power.
and it’s yours to lose….for now. Have you seen your politician leading, lately?

Throw.mcconnell and the rest of the GOP into the lake, while they’re at it. They less useful than the statues. And the statues are more trustworthy.

“destruction for destruction’s sake”

NO!! Wake up, people.

This is the Marxist’s agenda. Obliterate absolutely everything even remotely reminiscent of the previous regime. Rewrite history to conform with the dialectic’s fictional version. The purpose is to have all future generations have no experience of any culture other than the Marxist one.

This, to them, is a Marxist Revolution. Their goal is nothing less than the overthrow of the Republic.

None of it ever had anything to do with confederate monuments. That was just the low-hanging fruit. Testing the waters with a target they could get some normal people’s sympathy on.

The reason none of the targets currently being destroyed makes sense to most people is because they are examining the individual history of each. Not relevant. They’re old white guys, and more importantly, part of the Republic, and therefore they have to go. Along with the, all the rest of Western Civilization.

The only cultural relics that are safe are the Marxist ones. Like the statue of Lenin in Seattle.

George_Kaplan | June 25, 2020 at 5:16 am

“We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice”?

Many folk would love to see these ‘protesters’ get justice. Something like a beat down with a 2×4 would be immensely satisfying, but a grossly simplistic solution. How about a change in legislation to permit corporal punishment and public ridicule for a protracted period for these sorts of Marxist insurrectionists? Something akin to the old stocks combined with Singapore’s enlightened use of a rattan cane?

Intolerable racist insult to Norwegian-Americans.

Where the fu$k are the police?