Hulu Criticized After Removing Golden Girls Episode: ‘They Were in Mud Masks, Not Blackface’

This reminds me of the blog I wrote about BET Robert Johnson’s comments on white people tearing down statues, removing movies and shows, and apologizing for their race.

Johnson wants white people to reach out and ask black people what they want and need.

Or how about the white people in New York City who think the black people in Harlem hate the police even more than they do? They obviously didn’t ask because those in East Harlem said it would be “suicide” if the NYPD disbanded.

Maybe now they will because Hulu is receiving criticism for removing a Golden Girls episode for supposed blackface.

From The Hollywood Reporter:

Hulu has removed an episode of The Golden Girls that contains a scene in which Betty White and Rue McClanahan are mistaken for wearing blackface.”Mixed Feelings”, episode 23 in season 3 of the sitcom, aired in 1988 and shows Michael (Scott Jacoby), the son of Dorothy (Beatrice Author), planning to wed a much older Black woman, Lorraine (Rosalind Cash).Dororthy is concerned over the age difference while Lorraine’s family disapproves of their daughter marrying a white man, and thus the two families attempt to end the marriage. In the episode, Lorraine’s family finds Rose (Betty White) and Blanche (Rue McClanahan) trying a new mud facial treatment, and as they greet their family, Rose says “This is mud on our faces, we’re not really Black.”

It’s not even blackface! It’s a mud mask! But those in charge don’t use their brain and jump the gun, which makes them come out looking like idiots.

Then again, Hollywood is so full of itself that nothing will persuade them from “doing the right thing” because this is the racial justice and reform blacks want, right?

Maybe Hollywood and the apologetic whites should take Johnson’s advice because like I said, black people, even on the left, criticized this move.

Tags: Breonna Taylor, Cancel Culture, George Floyd, Hollywood