Elizabeth Warren Says Joe Biden Has Been ‘Credible and Convincing,’ Infuriating the Berners

For anyone wondering where Sen. Elizabeth Warren stood on the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden, she cleared the air on Monday by stating she believed him.

A month ago, former Biden Senate staffer Tara Reade alleged that he sexually assaulted her in 1993. Last Friday, he denied Reade’s claims on MSNBC.

Warren said yesterday Biden’s answers to the questions posed to him by Biden supporters Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were “credible and convincing:”

“I saw the reports of what Ms. Reade said, I saw an interview with Vice President Biden. I appreciate that the vice president took a lot of questions, tough questions. And he answered them directly and respectfully,” Warren said, according to Fox News and a CNN reporter.“The vice president’s answers were credible and convincing,” she added.[…]“I support the vice president, I support his campaign, and I’m proud to endorse him for president,” she said.

Warren endorsed the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee last month. When asked by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow at the time if she would accept Biden’s offer to be his running mate if he asked her to, Warren’s answer was “yes:”

Like the other female vice-presidential possibilities who have done 180s when it comes to believing and supporting all women, Warren’s answer was not a complete shock. But still, some contrasts between her then-vs.-now positions were warranted:

Here’s Warren, a year to the day after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford first testified against Kavanaugh:

Some Bernie Sanders diehards, also known as “Bernie Bros” or “Berners,” were absolutely furious with Warren’s politically convenient about-face:

The most prominent among them was Sanders’ former national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray, who posted these tweets after reports broke of Warren’s stance on Biden:

She also retweeted this tweet, which highlighted how Warren used to feel about believing all women before she became a rumored vice presidential hopeful:

The irony of that clip is that it is a reminder of how Warren torpedoed Michael Bloomberg’s campaign, in part, by striking him on the non-disclosure agreements he had with former female employees. Taking him out of the picture paved the way for Biden’s campaign to come out of the slump it was in and surge on to clear primary victories on Super Tuesday and beyond.

Here we are two months later, and now Biden is refusing to have the University of Delaware unseal his Senate papers.

With that in mind, will Warren demand Biden give the okay to unseal those papers, just as she did with Bloomberg over the NDAs and then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over documents related to his government service?

It is not going to happen.

So what are we to conclude from Warren’s flip-floppery? Nothing we didn’t already know about her, but Legal Insurrection’s Mike LaChance summed it up best:


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: #MeToo, 2020 Presidential Election, Democrats, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden