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March 2020

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowowitz released a report today on FBI practices in making Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications to the FISA court. If the entire country were not focused (understandably) on the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, this would dominating the news.

CNN's Chris Cuomo announced Tuesday that he tested positive for COVID-19 saying, "I just hope I didn't give it to the kids and Cristina. That would make me feel worse than this illness!"

***UPDATE: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily reinstated the abortion ban in Texas: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay on a ruling from a lower court that had blocked Texas from enforcing the ban. State officials argue the ban is intended to conserve medical supplies for health workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. But abortion rights advocates say states are using the pandemic as an excuse to block access.

The Chinese government caused this worldwide pandemic. It started in Wuhan. It should have stopped in Wuhan, but the Chinese government covered up, lied, and destroyed evidence. How various countries responded is not the problem. The Chinese government threw the world overboard, and now is claiming the world should have known how to swim better.

As chatter rises about Joe Biden's fitness, and Trump's poll number's keep rising as Biden has all but disappeared, Biden's campaign is trying to book Biden in comfort-zone interviews, where he has at least of chance of staying on script. And by staying on script, I mean literally staying on script, as in reading from notes during the interview.