South Carolina Democratic Primary – BIDEN WINS [Update – Steyer Drops Out]
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South Carolina Democratic Primary – BIDEN WINS [Update – Steyer Drops Out]

South Carolina Democratic Primary – BIDEN WINS [Update – Steyer Drops Out]


The South Carolina Democratic Primary polls close at 7 p.m. Eastern. We’ll cover the results as they come in.

This is the little storm before the big storm next Super Tuesday.  Whoever outperforms expectations will get some free media for a couple of days, not that Tom Steyer (on the SC ballot) needs it. Bloomberg is not on the ballot. Joe Biden needs some really good news in SC to keep himself relevant.

If Bernie wins or comes close, that would be devastating to the #NeverBernie Democrats. It will be interesting if Operation Chaos, whereby Republicans cross over in the open primary to vote Bernie, helps narrow the gap.


I’m skeptical of exit polls, but anyway, here’s some interesting and not really surprising findings.


Well, that was quick. As soon as the polls closed, all the networks projected Biden not only the winner, but by a large margin based on support from the black community.


There’s Always A Tweet

Steyer Out

Tom Steyer spent a lot of money for very few votes. He focused hard on South Carolina, but it looks like he won’t hit the 15% threshold for delegates. He’s dropping out.



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Who cares? They are all hypocrites…

legacyrepublican | February 29, 2020 at 7:06 pm

And today’s winner is …

Sadie Hawkins!

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 29, 2020 at 7:10 pm

Bite Me won what?

Thao Nguyen @
south carolina exit poll shows black voters shrinking as a share of the dem primary electorate

2016: 35% white / 61% black
2020: 41% white / 55% black

this is consistent with national trends showing non-whites moving away from dems …

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 29, 2020 at 7:15 pm

This of course explains why Mini Mike is squandering his money on this.

Bloomberg Will Run This Three-Minute “Address To The Nation” On Coronavirus “Crisis” Sunday Night On CBS And NBC

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Bloomberg Will Run This Three-Minute “Address To The Nation” On Coronavirus “Crisis” Sunday Night On CBS And NBC
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date February 29, 2020

Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg has purchased three minutes of Sunday night primetime air on NBC and CBS nationwide to deliver this “address to the nation” on the coronavirus.

“Mike will outline the facts: coronavirus is spreading, the economy is plummeting” and Mike Bloomberg “has the experience to handle the coronavirus outbreak,” the campaign said Saturday in a press release…..”

    “’Mike will outline the facts: coronavirus is spreading, the economy is plummeting’ and Mike Bloomberg ‘has the experience to handle the coronavirus outbreak,” the campaign said Saturday in a press release…..’”

    The Trump general election commercials write themselves. I’m not really going out on a limb when I predict this stunt will not age well.

    It’s the first of March. Bloomberg wouldn’t be president until 10 2/3 months from now. What is he going to do? One option is that he is going to start up an organization to combat it, funded and run by Bloomberg himself, and given his ego I wouldn’t doubt it. Or he’ll say “If it’s still around next year, I’ll handle it” Because on its face just saying, “I know what to do” without actually doing anything is laughable.

      p in reply to p. | March 1, 2020 at 7:17 am

      OK, I watched the 3-minute ad. I’m a political junkie and I was bored after the first minute. That ad is a waste of time and money.

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to p. | March 2, 2020 at 1:43 pm

        All of Mini Mike’s ads are wastes of money, and they’re jammed packed full of lies.

Well, Bloomers is the only one who owns a school of Public Health.

Well, let’s see your plan, Mr. Science.

So I guess the folks in South Carolina looked at ol’ Joe as he asked and decided, yes indeed, they want him to be their Senator.

Looks like only Biden and Sanders are going to be crack the 15% threshold to earn delegates.

Joe Biden is now confident that he will win North South Carolina.

Voting for Bernie is stupid, stupid, stupid! How horrible if conservatives are responsible for causing the CHAOS from making Bernie the Democrat nominee.

If 1 in 4 Sanders supporters stay home or vote third party – that ensures Trump’s reelection. But – are they serious?

Poor Tom, I guess that reparations thing didn’t sway any Biden voters.
I figured he would at least wait until after Super Tuesday to leverage any delegates he may have won.

Steyer may be out, but I’ll bet his money isn’t. He’ll keep pouring in more to support ABT.

I guess Steyer “being the only one talking about reparations [to blacks] and immediately convening an Emergency Meeting on Climate Change” didn’t impress anyone — let alone blacks or environmentalists.

The Friendly Grizzly | February 29, 2020 at 11:09 pm

?? I’m Biden my ti-ime,
Bernie’s not the candidate I- m,
Today was choose-day,
Now for Super Tuesday,
I’m Biden my time!

Ukraine just opened investigation into Burisma. Joe is not home free yet.

After decades and three Presidential campaigns, he’s won ONE Primary!?! Give him a participation trophy, he’ll smile and Dr Jill will take him home for some warm milk. Set out the flannel footie pajamas.

Steyer is out? TV stations taking his ad money are the hardest hit.

    pfg in reply to p. | March 1, 2020 at 10:18 am

    “And the Lord saith unto Tom Steyer, ‘I shall give unto thee resources beyond thy capacity to husband well, and thou shalt be an example unto others of what not to be, what not to say, and what not to do. Thou art a fool, and thou shalt always be the same, and others shall learn from thy stupidity’”

I take it the results are not in yet.

“Thank You, North Carolina!”
– Joe Biden

With Steyer dropping out, that just opened a bunch of commercial time slots for Bloomberg to fill.

There is no more DEM Party, it’s now the POC, Party of Color.

That’s all they care about, or certainly all they pander to.

Buttplug too, but Pocahontas vows to make the Socialist Convention the Little Big Horn for the Democrats. Well played, professor!