Sanders’ Supporters Attack Nevada’s Culinary Union After It Points Out He Would ‘End Culinary Healthcare’
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Sanders’ Supporters Attack Nevada’s Culinary Union After It Points Out He Would ‘End Culinary Healthcare’

Sanders’ Supporters Attack Nevada’s Culinary Union After It Points Out He Would ‘End Culinary Healthcare’

The union stressed that “[W]orkers should have the right to choose to keep healthcare Culinary Union members have built, sacrificed for, and went on strike for 6 years, 4 months, and 10 days to protect.”

The powerful Nevada Culinary Union Local 226 stated that supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) “viciously attacked” the union after it pointed out that his required Medicare for All could kill culinary healthcare.

The union has around 60,000 members. This includes “housekeepers, porters, bartenders,” and others in Las Vegas, NV.

Here is the flyer the union sent to members. It mentions Medicare for all under Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), but her plan would “[R]eplace Culinary’s Healthcare after 3-year transition or at end of collective bargaining agreements.”

The Sanders campaign immediately fired back:

“Bernie has stood with workers his entire career, fighting on picket lines against pension cuts and corporate greed. Medicare for All will be no different; the program is crafted with the working class and particularly union members in mind,” said Sarah Michelsen, Bernie 2020 Nevada State Director. “Bernie has been clear that under Medicare for All, we will guarantee that coverage is as comprehensive or more so than the health care benefits union workers currently receive, and union health clinics, including the Culinary’s health clinic, will remain open to serve their members. With health care as a human right, unions will have more leverage to negotiate better wages and benefits.”

In a statement, the union wrote that it “believes everyone has the right to good healthcare and that healthcare should be a right, not a privilege.” It reminded Sanders and his supporters that it “already enacted a vision for what working people need – and it exists now.”

The union stressed that “[W]orkers should have the right to choose to keep healthcare Culinary Union members have built, sacrificed for, and went on strike for 6 years, 4 months, and 10 days to protect.”

The union then expressed disappointment “that Senator Sanders’ supporters have viciously attacked the Culinary Union and working families in Nevada simply because our union has provided facts on what certain healthcare proposals might do to take away the system of care we have built over 8 decades.”

Sanders spoke to the Culinary Union two months ago. People “heckled” Sanders while shouting, “Union health care!” and others screamed, “How are you going to pay for it?”

Clark County, which includes Las Vegas and the union, along with Washoe County, which has Reno, generally decides who wins the Nevada caucuses.

The caucus takes place on February 22.


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The dishonesty!
All Dim candidates have a bullet point stating their position on Culinary Healthcare. Not Donald Trump.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Exiliado. | February 13, 2020 at 2:06 pm

    “Hey! What’s Cooking Bernie?”

    Word of caution for American Patriots:


Historically, trade unions were feted by communists and national socialists in order to gain power. Once in power, the unions were marginalized or disbanded. Obviously, reactionary forces are still in control of this union. Bernie’s players jumped the gun by not knowing history…. too eager… too soon.

    MattMusson in reply to alaskabob. | February 13, 2020 at 2:17 pm

    The old British Joke has a Communist on his soap box addressing a crowd. When an aristocrat rides by on a horse, the Commie announces, “Come the Revolution, the workers will ride!”

    “Not me,” says a crowd member. “I am afraid of horses!”

    “Come the Revolution,” the Commie says, “you will do as you are told.”

I think this pointedly demonstrates that in fact Sander’s core group are a bunch of crazed unemployables, academic-wannabes, and basement communists.

UnCivilServant | February 13, 2020 at 1:16 pm

The restaurant workers in Nevada are unionized? No wonder the food prices in Vegas are absurd.


    when I first saw this last night, I couldn’t get Vegas Vacation out of my head.

    “Best buck forty-nine buffet in town, Clark”

    While I’m sure that there are many fine chefs in the mix, I keep thinking that the union includes the guy who serves it

    “I’ll have some of the yellow. And don’t go cheap on me”

and who’s going to pay for this wonderful medical coverage for all that’s better than the best union contract?

Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself somebody else is gonna pay for it.

It’s great watching them tear each other to pieces.

God, I hope this guy wins the Dem nomination. He will destroy the Democrats for generations.

I think I will just step back and enjoy watching this Democratic Party “food fight”


Keep in mind these are the people Dingy Harry bussed around for his wins.

How dare they topple Bernie’s house of cards plan!

healthcare Culinary Union members have built, sacrificed for, and went on strike for 6 years, 4 months, and 10 days to protect.

Wow, look how long it took them to force somebody else to pay for their bennies. That’s dedication.

Sanders is one angry Commie! He’s either yelling or scowling in every picture I see of him.

Bernie never joined a union or went on strike, though he probably went to some picket line and stood around cheering.

Sanders only appeals to dreamers who think that we should live in a 100% equal world where everything is free and we all have high paying jobs. Once Bernie has to actually defend his ideas on a real debate stage it will fall apart. When the 180,000,000 people with good private healthcare realize that they will lose it and have to take a number at the local Federal HMO, they will drop him in a heartbeat. The parents and students who sacrificed and paid off their student loan debts will reject his silly idea to make them all disappear by saying “No F**ing way”! Opening all of our borders to anyone who wants to come here is also a no-win for the Bern. With the Coronavirus threatening every nation, it will not take much imagination to see what an open border policy would do for national health. All of his policies will turn off huge segments of the population and he hasn’t a chance to win.

Bernie Bro(wnshirt)s!

A rapidly expanding us demographic.

Comrade Bernie’s purge of dissidents, kulaks and lumpenproletariat, Photoshop erasures of the same from all pictures and subsequent Cultural Revolution, coming soon!

Bernie Sanders doesn’t know how much his plan will cost. He can guarantee nothing about it.

The Federal government currently runs 2 single-payor health programs: the VA and the Indian Health Service.

I’m pretty certain that what President Bernie would select for me would be worse than either.