Rep. Steve Scalise Wins the Internet Responding to Bernie Supporter Keith Ellison About ‘Bernie Bros’

One of the topics that came up during the Democrat debate on Wednesday night was the behavior of Bernie Sanders’ supporters on the internet.

So called “Bernie Bros” have earned a reputation for going after critics of Sanders and not always in a nice way.

Keith Ellison, a former Democrat congressman and current Attorney General in Minnesota, raised a question about this on Twitter and got an epic response from Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).

Matt Vespa reports at Townhall:

Keith Ellison Asked for Examples of Bernie Bros Acting Badly…and Steve Scalise Totally Wrecked HimSen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters have been slammed as sexists and misogynists. In 2016, his campaign was marred by allegations of sexual harassment that the Vermont democratic socialist didn’t really address. His excuse: he was too busy…losing to Hillary Clinton. In Nevada, his campaign and the state’s influential culinary union have been duking it out over the latter’s refusal to endorse anyone. Specifically, they cannot endorse Sanders because his health care plan would gut 150+ million private plans, many of which belong to union workers.Sanders was challenged during the Nevada debate about the actions of his supporters. Of course, Bernie said that he’s not responsible for the actions of his bro legion and that he disavows anyone who engages in ugly attacks against other people. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who has endorsed Sanders, took to Twitter to ask if there are any examples of the Bernie bros acting outrageously because he hasn’t seen any such examples.

Here is Ellison’s tweet:

This is Scalise’s response:

Scalise is obviously referring to the fact that he was shot and nearly killed by Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson in the spring of 2017 during a congressional baseball game in Virginia.

Gregg Re of FOX News has more on how the issue of supporter behavior was discussed at the debate:

The moment highlighted a brewing internal fight among Democrats after Wednesday night’s contentious presidential primary debate: Are candidates responsible for the conduct of their supporters in an increasingly heated election year?…”Look, I have said many times before — we are all responsible for our supporters,” Warren told moderator Hallie Jackson at the NBC/MSNBC debate. “And, we need to step up. That’s what leadership is all about. But the way we are going to lead this country and beat Donald Trump is going to be with a candidate who has rock solid values and who actually gets something done.”Her response came in response to Jackson’s question referencing Joe Biden’s comments on Sunday accusing Sanders supporters of bullying union leaders with “vicious, malicious, misogynistic things.” Biden, speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” had called on Sanders to disavow online activists spreading hate in his name.

It’s only February, but Scalise may have already won Tweet of the Year.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Keith Ellison, Steve Scalise, Twitter