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Rashida Tlaib Boos Hillary Clinton at Bernie Event: “No, I’ll boo. Boo!”

Rashida Tlaib Boos Hillary Clinton at Bernie Event: “No, I’ll boo. Boo!”

Later, she explained: “In this instance, I allowed my disappointment with Secretary Clinton’s latest comments about Senator Sanders and his supporters get the best of me.”

Anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) of “we’re going to impeach the motherf***ker” fame booed Hillary Clinton at an event for socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

NBC News reports:

Rep. Rashida Tlaib booed after a mention of Hillary Clinton’s name at a Bernie Sanders event on Friday night — the candidate himself was not present — and encouraged the crowd to join her.

After the moderator brought up Clinton, some in attendance started to boo before the moderator attempted to stop them. But Tlaib jumped in.

“No, I’ll boo. Boo!” Tlaib interrupted, imploring the crowd to take part. “You all know I can’t be quiet. No, we’re going to boo. That’s alright. The haters, the haters, will shut up on Monday when we win” in the Iowa caucuses.


She later said that her feelings about Hillary “got the best of” her in one of the worst non-apology apologies on record.

Fox News reports:

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., on Saturday expressed regret for booing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s name at a Bernie Sanders campaign event in Iowa, saying that his supporters “deserve better.”

“In this instance, I allowed my disappointment with Secretary Clinton’s latest comments about Senator Sanders and his supporters get the best of me. You all, my sisters-in-service on stage, and our movement deserve better,” she said in a statement.


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Food fight!

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 1, 2020 at 3:38 pm

Is that the meeting where the DEMS are doing this?

Group Of DNC Members Discussing Rules Change To Stop Sanders At Convention

I wonder which or all happened before Rashida issued her apology –
1. someone explained arkanicide/body count and how Hillary got the nick name Killary
2. She released Seth Rich wasn’t robbed and Epstein didn’t kill himself
3. Rashida is too stupid to realize any of that so Hillary sent a friend to explain she should apologize before R. suicides from feeling bad about booing Hillary

“I allowed my disappointment with Secretary Clinton’s latest comments about Senator Sanders and his supporters get the best of me”

When it comes to this Tlaib character, the concept of”best” simply does not apply.

    JOHN B in reply to fscarn. | February 1, 2020 at 8:07 pm

    To plagiarize Michelle O:

    “This was the first time in my life that I was ever proud of Tliab.”

    And then she apologized…..

Paul In Sweden | February 1, 2020 at 3:41 pm

#schadenfreude #theyeatthereown #democrats #looneyleft #hillaryclinton

> my sisters-in-service
> #NotMeUs

Trump in a landslide.

Eastwood Ravine | February 1, 2020 at 3:49 pm

After doing what she did, Rashida ought to up her security detail and life insurance. And make the following public statement, “I will never commit suicide!”

Low life, no class. To be expected from savages.

“The haters, the haters, will shut up on Monday when we win”

Tlaib and her posse are promising to shut up! Hooray!

rashida tlaib is a bigotted swine, and about as honest as hillary clinton – except in announcing her hatred of Jewish people.

It’s fun to watch her trash clinton: the pot calling the kettle black.

Colonel Travis | February 1, 2020 at 7:55 pm

I will continue to strive to come from a place of love

Has she claimed the world record for being full of crap yet?