Michael Avenatti found GUILTY in Nike Extortion Case
Avenatti still faces additional charges in other cases

Infamous anti-Trump lawyer, and one-time possible Democrat presidential candidate, Michael Avenatti has been found guilty on all counts in the Nike Extortion case.
Avenatti aggressively (surprise) attacked Nike after the charges were filed, Michael Avenatti Goes On Attack Against Nike Despite Extortion Charges.
More background on the Nike case from our prior coverage:
- Avenatti Allegedly Googled “Insider Trading” Before Attempts to Extort Nike
- Michael Avenatti’s Bail Revoked, He’ll Remain in Custody Throughout His NY Trial
- Avenatti Tells CBS: ‘Facts are on My Side’ in Nike Extortion Case
- Feds Charge Michael Avenatti with Extortion, Embezzlement
Avenatti also faces other criminal charges:
- Michael Avenatti Gets Two Conspiracy Charges Dropped, Feds Add Fraud Charge
- Indictment: Michael Avenatti screwed Stormy Daniels (financially)
- Federal Grand Jury Indicts Michael Avenatti on 36 Counts, Which Includes 34 New Charges
- Avenatti IRS problems added to Extortion and Embezzlement charges
These Avenatti tweets did not age well:
It wasn’t that long ago that Avenatti was Democrats’ great white hope to defeat Trump:
Donald Trump Jr. previously mocked Avenatti over the indictment:
It was a short lived campaign. Michael Avenatti went from Avenatti 2020 to Avenatti 20 to 25 ?????? #MAGA pic.twitter.com/uzPm4TKtpO
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 29, 2019
And upon news of the conviction, rubbed it in.
I look forward to Michael’s witty twitter retorts to the jury that just found him guilty in all counts. Though I’m told he is still doing well amongst the Democrat primary contenders. #basta
MAGA: Michael Avenatti Going Away https://t.co/FfJ0OrZBfi
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 14, 2020
Media + Michael Avenatti = ❤️#ValentinesDay #Avenatti #basta pic.twitter.com/X9xeyNw5Bi
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 14, 2020

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Has he been disbarred yet?
Did he pay his lawyer?
Who’s his lawyer? Michelle or Barrack?
Oh that’s right, they’ve been disbarred……
“Disbarment proceeding in California
On June 5, 2019, the State Bar of California filed with the California State Bar Court a 573-page application, under California Business and Professions Code section 6007(c)(2), to involuntarily enroll Avenatti as an inactive member of the bar.[11] The State Bar Court is the court that decides whether a California attorney committed professional misconduct worthy of discipline, up to and including disbarment. The State Bar contends that the evidence submitted with the petition establishes that Avenatti has committed professional misconduct that has caused or is causing substantial harm to Avenatti’s clients or to the public and that there is a substantial probability that Avenatti’s professional misconduct will result in his disbarment. If the State Bar Court finds sufficient evidence to place Avenatti on involuntary inactive enrollment, the State Bar must initiate disciplinary proceedings within 45 days of the effective date of the order. If the State Bar Court rules on disbarment, the California Supreme Court must review and approve it.[105]”
I thought he represented himself. After all, Avenatti is the greatest lawyer in the history of lawyers and we best not f**k with him. At least that’s what he told us all.
The guy is clearly a sociopath.
Junior beat me to it. I was going to ask how this would affect his presidential campaign.
Among the anti-corporate commies, it’s probably positive cred.
Shouldn’t the headline be Former CNN anointed Presidental front runner convicted?
His punishment ought to include a Betsy Ross Nike shoe being thrown at him.
That shoe can be used as a warm up exercise for what will happen in prison.
Well, if you watched the last video mashup posted by Donald Trump Jr., Avenatti tells the “ladies” of The View that all his sexual fantasies involve handcuffs.
If true, he should enjoy prison.
Avenatti would have skated like McCabe had he not interfered without Party authorization in the Democrats take down attempt of Kavanaugh. After that the Republicans had the green light to prosecute.
But MvCabe is not charged.
Replace barr with this prosecutor.
McCabe skates because he knows too much. The Department of Justice is literally afraid of what he would say under oath…. and the Democrats would use the scandal to attack Barr and thus Trump during an election year. Yeah, I know…. but this thing would get into court in October just in time for the accusations to be an October surprise which couldn’t be refuted until well after the election.
Easy fix, make it look like he is turning on the Clintons. Then he would probably commit suicide, and then maybe that would be pinned on the Clintons.
Happy ending.
Creepy porn lawyer is a felon 🙂
Good thing he’s a Democrat, he could vote from his prison cell.
So as a convicted felon does Avenattii get to keep his license to practice law or will the state revoke that once sentencing is pronounced.
In all seriousness, Avenatti is going to be spending the rest of his life in Federal Prison, especially after the Embezzlement trial that starts in May in LA.
This trial here was just the pre-game warmup.
Don’t forget, he also has to face criminal charges for stealing from his high profile client Stormy Daniels. This is entirely separate from the upcoming embezzlement trial in L.A.
So this was the first of three trials on his dance card. And since he goes before three separate judges he gets three separate sentences which probably won’t be bundled together. Odds are he will have to serve them consecutively.
His law license is now the least of his concerns.
This is from the above link “Michael Avenatti screwed Stormy Daniels (financially):”
“Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced the indictment today of MICHAEL AVENATTI on fraud and aggravated identity theft charges. As alleged, AVENATTI used misrepresentations and a fraudulent document purporting to bear his client’s name and signature to convince his client’s literary agent to divert money owed to AVENATTI’s client to an account controlled by AVENATTI. AVENATTI then spent the money principally for his own personal and business purposes. The fraud and aggravated identity theft case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts of the Southern District of New York.”
So he has another trial in NYC, then off to L.A. Or vice versa. Avenatti has such a crowded “to do” list I really don’t know in what order they’re going to happen. I’d imagine since he’s already in the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center it would be more convenient and certainly more efficient and cost-effective to do the Stormy Daniels fraud and identity theft trial in New York first, the L.A. trial embezzlement trial last.
But who am I kidding. Since when have the feds cared about efficiency and saving the tax payers money.
This is from the above link “Michael Avenatti screwed Stormy Daniels (financially):”
“Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced the indictment today of MICHAEL AVENATTI on fraud and aggravated identity theft charges. As alleged, AVENATTI used misrepresentations and a fraudulent document purporting to bear his client’s name and signature to convince his client’s literary agent to divert money owed to AVENATTI’s client to an account controlled by AVENATTI. AVENATTI then spent the money principally for his own personal and business purposes. The fraud and aggravated identity theft case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts of the Southern District of New York.”
So he has another trial in NYC, then off to L.A. Or vice versa. Avenatti has such a crowded “to do” list I really don’t know in what order they’re going to happen. I’d imagine since he’s already in the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center it would be more convenient and certainly more efficient and cost-effective to do the Stormy Daniels fraud and identity theft trial in New York first, the L.A. trial embezzlement trial last.
But who am I kidding. Since when have the feds cared about efficiency and saving the tax payers money.
There’s a kink in the timing of the Stormy Daniels trial, suddenly. It was supposed to start in April, and it was set to be heard in the courtroom of the first openly LGBT Federal Judge in the country, Judge Deborah Batts. (also African American) Avenatti probably thought he got a lucky draw with her court.
Well, 2 weeks ago, Judge Batts, age 72, suddenly dropped dead. So much for a friendly courtroom – no replacement has yet been announced. The timeline for the Stormy Daniels trial is now in limbo. But, the LA Trial is all teed up and ready to go.
I hadn’t heard the news about Judge Batts. Ah, well, I’m OK with dragging things out and spending a little more on transportation. You couldn’t even call that expense a drop in the bucket; it’s not significant enough to amount to a drop. Let him rot in the MCC for a couple more months, then send him to Kali, then bounce him back to Manhattan. I’m sure it’ll add to that loud mouthed jerk’s pain and humiliation.
After what he tried to do to Kavanaugh and his family he deserves every bit of it.
I wonder how long it will take the DOJ to overturn this travesty of justice?
They sure got it right letting off McCabe, I mean what are a few lies under oath, unless you are Flynn anyway.
Look what they did to Martha Stewart. All these liars should be held to the same standard.
I didn’t even know the trial had started. That moved quickly from indictment to conviction.
As they dang well should.
Avenatti–once touted as an outstanding Democrat Presidential Candidate—and, in his own estimate, the “smartest guy in the room” just got schlonged.
I am not familiar with the Nike “extortion” case, but I do know that many attorneys “extort” settlements on behalf of their clients.
When I have a “gold-digger” hire me to try to settle her “palimony” claims, one of my first approaches to the married “sugar daddy” is that if we settle quickly, his wife and family don’t have to hear about the situation, but if I have to file a lawsuit in pursuit of my client’s rights, it becomes a matter of public record. Am I committing extortion?
The really fun part about this case – and why it was such a slam-dunk and happened so fast, is that Avenatti called up Nike and made all of his extortionate demands. Nike called up the FBI that evening, and said “You won’t believe what this guy just did to us!!!” The Feds said “come on, that sounds extreme, I’m sure he didn’t put it that way.” So Nike said “come on over, we’ll call him again.”
So the next day, 2 FBI agents went to Nike’s headquarters and they called back Avenatti and asked him to repeat his demands. And of course, Avenatti repeated EVERYTHING he had demanded previously, adding a whole bunch of new threats, with 2 FBI agents LISTENING ON AN EXTENSION LINE.
How arrogant can you get? That’s why there was no doubt about what he had done, the FBI agents were Eyewitnesses!!!
There’s no known cure for TDS. So many democrats have been infected and have no hope of recovery. Makes me smile ear to ear.
He is an embarrassment to the Italian mafia.