Just when you thought the on-going feud between Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) couldn’t possibly become more absurd, it does. Bernie has been accused by CNN, who relayed the message from the Warren campaign, of saying that a woman could not win the presidency. Only die-hard Warren supporters appear to believe Warren (or CNN).
This time it’s MSNBC host Joy Reid serving up the absurdity in the form of a body language expert who supposedly proves that Warren is telling the truth and Bernie is lying.
You can’t make this stuff up.
MSNBC host Joy Reid was joined by body language expert Janine Driver, who assessed the post-debate confrontation between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, and concluded that Warren was telling the truth, while Sanders was “lying.”On Saturday morning’s edition of AM Joy, Reid kicked off a lengthy panel segment by summarizing the timeline of the controversy, which began with a Sanders campaign volunteer script that took aim at Warren’s “affluent” supporters, which was followed by a story in which 4 sources recalled Warren claiming that Bernie Sanders told her, during a private meeting in 2018, that a woman could not beat Trump in the 2020 election.. . . . Reid began by telling Driver that when Warren “rolled up on him, was like ‘No no we’re not going to handshake now, you called me a liar,’ that felt to me like a lot of the ways that women have to operate and work in the professional environment where you can’t be angry or you’re the bad [one].”“Most of us want to deal with it afterwards instead of just going right for it,” Driver said, and added “The fact that Elizabeth Warren not only came right over, she squared her body, he’s giving her the cold shoulder, he doesn’t turn to her, she says ‘I think you just called me a liar on national TV,’ if you go back to Wienergate, you go back to all of these political armageddons when it comes to deception, no one calls someone else a liar.”“And she comes right out and says wait a minute did you just call me a liar?” Driver continued. “This is indicative of someone who’s telling the truth, because if she was lying it’s unlikely she would have confronted him in that moment.”. . . . Reid returned to Driver, and said “Bernie Sanders does have a sort of physicality when he talks that is a shaking your finger at Hillary Clinton, shaking your finger, shoving, his physicality makes me think yeah, he could have said ‘Listen I think in this environment a woman can’t win. That doesn’t seem like a crazy thing for him to say.”“I think Bernie’s lying,” Driver said, then explained “We see him, he slouches forward anyway Joy, but here he turtles, and if you look at his eye level where he normally answers questions, when he makes the denial, his whole shoulders come up like a little kid getting caught, his eye level is below his shoulders, this is trying to hide in plain sight.”
Needless to say, Bernie Twitter is melting down.
Of course this was ridiculous and a clear attempt to prop up Warren’s flailing campaign, but the socialist left’s outrage is rather ridiculous, too. They can apparently only see media bias when it is used against Bernie. Weird how that works.