New York’s Bail Reform Policies Are Setting Anti-Semitic Attackers Free to Attack Again
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New York’s Bail Reform Policies Are Setting Anti-Semitic Attackers Free to Attack Again

New York’s Bail Reform Policies Are Setting Anti-Semitic Attackers Free to Attack Again

The suspect in a Friday anti-Semitic attack on three Jewish women in NYC was set free Saturday with no bail, only to be arrested after another attack that happened on Sunday.

In the aftermath of the horrific machete attacks at a Monsey, New York synagogue that left five Jewish people injured Saturday night, Democrats are predictably pointing fingers at President Trump, who they blame for the stabbings.

Prominent New York Democrats in particular have done much of the finger pointing, as NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio demonstrated during an interview with Fox News’ Ed Henry on Sunday.

An atmosphere of hate has been developing in this country over the last few years. A lot of it is emanating from Washington and it’s having an effect on all of us,” he said.

When asked if he was blaming Trump, he said, “not just the president,” but said “we need a different tone, starting in Washington … that encourage this country to actually find some unity and some common ground” that he does not think the country has had in recent years.

Governor Andrew Cuomo also didn’t waste any time blaming the president for the recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish people in New York state, first in a quick situational update given Sunday morning to reporters – without directly mentioning Trump by name:

And then later during a telephone interview he did on MSNBC in which weekend host Kendis Gibson helpfully steered Cuomo to directly pin the attacks on Trump:

CUOMO: What can anyone make of President Trump’s tweets, right? They say more about the sender than anything else. New York, he believes, is a Democratic state, and this is how he plays to his partisan base. By demonizing Democrats. “Democrats are evil, Democrats are bad, Democrats have lost their minds, they’re anti-American.” You foment that hate, and then you’re shocked when you see these episodes of hate across the country?

That has now become the dialogue and the currency of this nation. And it’s politics, but it resonates outside of the politics into society. And now you see people who are acting out on those hateful acts, and people are impressionable, and some people are lawless, and some people are vessels, and some people are ill. And they hear it, and they respond.

Cuomo’s and de Blasio’s blame-game playing is as ridiculously off the mark now as it was back in June when de Blasio absurdly characterized the dramatic rise of anti-Semitism in New York City as a “right-wing movement” in spite of the fact that many of the suspects in cases over the last several years do not fit the profile of a MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter.

If Democratic “leaders” in New York are as interested in solving this problem as they claim they are, one place they can look is by way of reversing course on their bail reforms, which were signed into law back in April and which take effect on January 1st. At the time, Gov. Cuomo hailed the reforms as one way to make the system more fair and to stop jail overcrowding:

Criminal Justice Reform: New York continues its commitment to a fairer criminal justice system with the inclusion of the following reforms in the FY 2020 Enacted Budget:

Reforming Bail and Pretrial Detention Reform: As part of a groundbreaking plan to modernize New York’s bail system, cash bail will be eliminated for misdemeanors and non-violent felonies, alongside a new requirement that police officers must issue desk appearance tickets to most people charged with misdemeanors and Class E felonies, rather than making a custodial arrest. Together, these reforms will ensure approximately 90 percent of people charged, but not yet convicted of a crime, are not sitting in jail awaiting trial solely because they do not have the economic resources to meet bail.

Prosecutors, judges, the law enforcement community, and local officials in cities across the state aren’t happy with the law.

Even though the policy hasn’t officially gone into effect, it’s already having a negative impact on residents. Case in point, a woman who admittedly targeted and attacked three Jewish women on Friday was set free on Saturday without bail. On Sunday, she was arrested again for another attack:

A Brooklyn miscreant accused of slapping three Orthodox Jewish women last week struck again on Sunday and was busted for assaulting another woman, police said.

A day after she was released without bail on charges stemming from the Friday attack, Tiffany Harris was charged with assault for slugging a 35-year-old in the face on Eastern Parkway near Underhill Avenue in Prospect Heights at about 9:15 a.m., according to police.

It’s unclear if Sunday’s victim is Jewish — and police weren’t treating the incident as a hate crime. The victim suffered swelling and bruising to her right eye from the pummeling, police said.

This is Tiffany Harris:

The NY Post also noted in another piece that Brooklyn prosecutors didn’t even ask for bail Saturday knowing the new law would go into effect in a few days. The judge also made mention of the new law when addressing Harris:

“So I’m releasing her on consent and also because it will be required under the statute in just a few days,” [Brooklyn Criminal Court Judge Laura Johnson] said.

“Ms. Harris you’re being released on your own recognizance.”

Furthermore, most of those charged in other anti-Semitic attacks over the last week (outside of the Monsey attack) will also be allowed back out on the streets in short order:

The legislation requires arraignment judges to set free suspects in any non-sexual assault that doesn’t actually cause a physical injury, even in cases of hate crime attacks.


The no-injury loophole will mean a quick get-out-of-jail-free card for all but one of the accused attackers in the eight Hanukkah-timed, anti-Semitic bias crimes that have terrified the city’s Orthodox communities.

As Ed Henry did with de Blasio in so many words, someone needs to ask Gov. Cuomo in a future interview if President Trump is also responsible for these new bail reform policies that quickly let criminals out on the street again.

There is nothing Democrats won’t blame him for, but if they want to start keeping in real, they can look in the mirror going forward when they want to pinpoint leadership failures.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | December 30, 2019 at 6:30 pm

Why are Liberals and DEMS so bigoted?

At the start of this Fox interview today, they point out there were 10 murderous attacks upon the Children of God in the NYC metroplex this weekend!

Pompeo talks rise in religious attacks, US strikes on Iraq and Syria

•Dec 30, 2019

Socialist Democrats and Bail Reform: paving the way for a new generation of pogroms.

Buckle up New York, once the criminals figure this out, the crime rate is going to skyrocket. Voting democrat leads to dangerous, unsanitary, dysfunctional conditions, and they raise your taxes to bring you more failure.

Which group gives more money to support democrats, Jews or blacks? Jews do have some control over the situation.

    mailman in reply to Anchovy. | December 31, 2019 at 7:22 am

    Apparently not because they keep voting for Democrats…just like blacks keep voting for Democrats.

    Although at least with Blacks they keep voting because they think they are getting free shit from Democrats. Not sure why Jews keep voting Democrats because all the seem to get for free is attacks and killings.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | December 30, 2019 at 7:26 pm

Side note…..

Southern Poverty Law Center Oddly Silent On Domestic Terror Attack Against Jews

JusticeDelivered | December 30, 2019 at 7:51 pm

“What can anyone make of President Trump’s tweets”

Truth which cuts to the quick.

Someone convince me that that woman did not commit a hate crime, confess to a hate crime, and then commit another, all with the blessing of Cuomo. de Blasio and the left.
I personally do not believe hate crimes are Constitutional, but recently a man was sentenced to 6 years in prison for burning a rainbow flag, not even harming an individual. If these crimes are to have any chance at being other than a modern version of Russian thought crimes, the law must be applied evenly.
America has clearly adopted a two-tiered justice system, one for conservatives and another for liberals. The discrepancy has now reached a level where the left openly brags about it and judges openly apply it. SCOTUS, and particularly Roberts, fail to see how they are losing control over the judiciary and all aspects of law enforcement, from agencies such as the IRS, the EPA, Interior, ATF, DOJ, FBI and large police forces. And there are Obama Judges, and they are crackpots of juvenile legal competence and thought.

    Milhouse in reply to puhiawa. | December 31, 2019 at 1:53 am

    Sorry, this is nonsense. Nobody claims that the woman’s alleged assault on the three Jewish women was not a hate crime, and if she is convicted her sentence is certain to be enhanced because of it. There’s no information on whether her subsequent assault was also a hate crime, so you’re just guessing.

    But she was out because she has not yet been tried, let alone convicted, and it is a fundamental constitutional right not to be held before trial unless there’s a real risk that one will not return for trial. Affordable bail is every accused person’s right, and setting it so high that the person won’t have to remain in jail is a violation of that right. Before the recent reform she’d have been set a cash bail and she’d probably have paid it and got out; all the reform did was spare her having to raise the money.

    The person in Iowa, who got 16 years, not 6, got it because he committed arson and it was his third felony. The exact same result would have happened had an anti-Christian felon stolen a cross and burned it outside a church that he’d threatened to burn down, and at trial loudly declared that he would repeat his crime as soon and as often as he could.

    mailman in reply to puhiawa. | December 31, 2019 at 7:26 am

    Pity the guy didn’t set fire to the gay flag in New York…then he would have been set free.

    Millhouse…fuck off and read what Puhiawa said for fucks sake.

      Milhouse in reply to mailman. | December 31, 2019 at 6:57 pm

      I did read it, of course. Maybe you didn’t. There is no double standard. Pre-trial release, when there is no significant reason to fear flight, is a constitutional right. And the person in Iowa got such a long sentence because it was his third felony.

Don’t fit the profile of right wing … Lol …unless Jessie Jackson … Al Sharpton … Louie Frakkhan … Are right wing

4 pages of the new no bail release game. ny is legalizing crime for their base. Welfare fraud is now simplified.

158.05 – 158.25
Welfare Fraud 1°($1,000,000)
Welfare Fraud 2°($50,000)
more welfare fraud at link

AnyProstitutionOffense, including:
230.08 Patronizing a Prostitute ina SchoolZone
230.19Promoting Prostitutionina SchoolZone
230.32Promoting Prostitution1°(victimlessthan13)
Promoting Prostitution2°(compelling victim to participate in prostitution)
Promoting Prostitution3°(victim isless that 19 years old)
230.33Compelling Prostitution230.34
MostSexTrafficking235.21 – 235.22
Disseminating Indecent Material to Minors 1°

    Milhouse in reply to 4fun. | December 31, 2019 at 1:55 am

    NY is not legalizing crime. It’s ensuring that accused people can have their constitutional right to be free until trial, unless they pose an unreasonable risk of flight or of harming someone. Had this woman actually harmed her victims she’d not have been released.

      scaulen in reply to Milhouse. | December 31, 2019 at 8:52 am

      I guess our definition of harm are different.
      “Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews,’” Harris admitted to cops after that attack, according to a criminal complaint.
      She admitted to assault and battery also that it was a hate crime.

        Milhouse in reply to scaulen. | December 31, 2019 at 7:00 pm

        Yes, and she will be tried and convicted and sentenced in due course. Nobody claims otherwise. In the meantime she has not harmed anyone, and there is reasonable risk of flight or of harming someone, so she has the right to pre-trial release, just like anyone else.

Man, that woman sure looks like a neo-nazi to me.

Anti-semitic, yes. Generally, a minority with a trans-human orientation, who are first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change that places all people, especially women and girls, at risk of rape… rape-rape, and, in the worst case, a total loss of viability.

SF Calif has suffered from similar idiocy. A mentally ill guy attacked a women trying to stop her from entering her building. This was captured on video and he was caught. He was released and on the streets In just a few days.

This leftist terrorism. Does everybody get it?

Great law brought to us by the awesome governor dictator of the sad state of New York. Anyone who didn’t see this coming were willfully blind.
Why do these leftists hate the citizens of this country so much over their own quest for power?
I truly have begun to hate any and all leftists because they vote for this insanity against their own well being.

The American left has killed more American Jews than Iran.

Dhimmi-crat laxity and kid-gloves treatment of criminals, while evincing callous indifferent towards the safety of crime victims and others, is the Dhimmis’ calling card.

JackinSilverSpring | December 31, 2019 at 2:28 pm

IMHO letting criminals out will lead to a breakdown of civil order. As law abiding citizens are attacked and the government meant to protect them refuses to do so, these same law abiding citizens will take matters into their own hands. I can foresee vigilante groups forming to protect citizens and to mete out rough justice.

    Letting alleged criminals out is required by the constitution, it’s a fundamental human right, and it’s been happening since before we were a nation. The only legitimate purpose of bail is to give the person a motive to return for trial, and it’s unconstitutional to set it higher than is necessary to achieve that purpose. Therefore almost all people set bail pay it and are released. So almost all the suspects who will now be released without bail would have been released anyway when they paid their bail.

    Suspects whom there are grounds to believe are a serious danger to the public are not eligible for this reform, and will remain in custody.

One more time and it’s three strikes, and we’ll set bail at $100.

    Milhouse in reply to harleycowboy. | January 2, 2020 at 3:44 pm

    New York does not have a “three strikes” law. So long as she keeps her alleged offenses down to misdeameanors, and doesn’t hurt anybody, she will be entitled to pre-trial release, which in NY no longer involves putting up money. If she is convicted at trial, then of course she will be sentenced appropriately.