American Corbynism is every bit as toxic as British Corbynism, will it be crushed as well?
American Corbynism is embodied not just in Bernie Sanders and the Squad, but in the broader “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party driven by the same anti-Western, anti-Capitalist, anti-Zionist dead end ideologies and obsessions which turned British Labour into a toxic waste dump.

What does the massive British Conservative Party victory, which will keep Boris Johnson as Prime Minister but this time with a huge mandate to “get Brexit done,” mean for the U.S.?
There are many parallels between what drove the 2019 British election, and those driving the 2020 U.S. presidential election. First among them, is a party (Democrats) whose political agenda has been to repudiate and unwind the 2016 presidential vote, much as the “remainers” (chief among them Labour) sought to repudiate and unwind the 2016 Brexit vote.
Richard Littlejohn in The Daily Mail notes that the British vote was a reaction to the disrespect shown voters:
Without the gridlock over Brexit, caused by Corbyn and Labour, there wouldn’t have been an election. Since it was called, they’ve tried to make it about anything but.
Voters had other ideas, fortunately. They saw through Labour’s Fantasy Island giveaway manifesto, and the lies about selling the NHS to Trump. Getting Brexit Done became an article of faith.
This was as much a vote for the sacred principle of democracy as it was for the Conservatives.
It helps that Corbyn himself was unelectable — although it is frightening to think that millions of people, particularly in London, were prepared to vote for a party led by a Seventies throwback, Marxoid, terrorist-loving, anti-Semite….
The great news is that, yet again, the British people have resoundingly rejected Left-wing extremism. The ruinous notion that the citizens of this ancient democracy are gagging to live in a highly-regulated socialist utopia has been tested to destruction.
Thanks to the Tory landslide, we shall soon be free of the shackles of the sclerotic European superstate….
Democratic Party Corbynism, like British Corbynism, is a toxic mix of extreme left policies, visceral hatred of Israel as a proxy for Jews and the West, and embrace of anti-American foreign tyrants and regimes.
Andrew Sullivan describes well the American Corbynism and its likely doom for Democrats:
How much can be blamed on Corbyn? A lot, but what kind of politics does Corbyn represent? He was endorsed by AOC, love-bombed by Left Twitter, and favors proposals like borrowing massively to finance a Green New Deal that is as much about socialism as environmentalism. He’s deeply hostile to the Jewish state, wants to abolish NATO, declared he would never use a nuclear weapon, larked around the Soviet bloc for decades, and admired the regime in Venezuela. Hmm. Remind you of anyone?….
A push left is essential. But a huge and unaffordable shift left? The British working classes said no. The same, I suspect, will happen here. If the Democrats go with Sanders or Warren’s Medicare for All, the Democrats could be obliterated. If the Democratic candidate cannot persuade people he or she wants to halt mass illegal immigration, ditto.
On both sides of the pond, there also is a recognition that more is at stake, as Melanie Phillips, in a wonderful column, describes:
The stakes in this election were enormous, not just for Britain but for the world. Labour is led by the most far-left leadership in its history, supporting terrorists abroad and incubating virulent antisemitism at home. If elected it would have wrecked Britain’s economy, attacked the State of Israel and posed a mortal threat to the security of Britain, its Jewish community and the west.
It was defeated by a seismic shift which may just have redrawn the British political landscape for ever….
Why? Because the British working-class is deeply, passionately patriotic and attached to democracy. They are the very best of Britain. Time and again they have saved the country in its wars against tyranny by putting their lives on the line to defend what it stands for: their historic culture, institutions and values.
Sound familiar?
Here, American Corbynism is embodied not just in Bernie Sanders and the Squad, but in the broader “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party driven by the same anti-Western, anti-Capitalist, anti-Zionist dead end ideologies and obsessions which turned British Labour into at toxic waste dump.
Democrats allow American Corbynists into their mainstream at their electoral peril.

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Corbyn = Dustbin
Corrupt fascists never quit politics. Why should they? Where else would Omar or Tlaib find work? Where else would a dirtbag like corbyn find work? Where would obama have worked? And biden? Pelosi? Clinton? (She was fired from every one of her jobs.) Michelle obama? (she couldn’t hack it in the real work world and quit.)
Where the hell else would bernie sanders make more than minimum wage?
You left out….
“Where else could the STEAL MILLIONS AND MILLIONS….”
“A push left is essential.”
That comment was from Andrew Sullivan… a Republican who worked for McCain’s campaign.
Andrew Sullivan waged a war of personal destruction against Sarah Palin and two of her children, a downs syndrome baby boy Trig and his, then, 17 year old sister Bristol. It was horrible. He hates Sarah because she was an outsider like Trump is an outsider, not part of the corrupt establishment who plays paddy cakes with the left.
To be perfectly candid, I hate Andrew Sullivan’s guts to hell.
Wups. I cross wired Steve Schmidt with Andrew Sullivan as far as working on McCain’s campaign.
I would have said that “American Corbynism” would not be “crushed” in 2020 and would even have a good shot in 2024, without the Dems having created a critical issue like Brexit – impeachment. I think President Trump will have much better chances of winning in 2020, with control of the House returned to Republicans; and a moderate Republican elected in 2024 – analogous to the Reagan-Bush years. Democrats sticking the label “impeached” on the president, may well prove to be a pyrrhic victory.
Prediction: Trump is going to wear “impeachment” as a badge of honor, just as many of us embrace the description “deplorables”.
I still contend that Hillary’s flock are the real deplorables.
I’ve also learned to embrace “racist” since being white makes it a matter of genetics. Don’t expect any apologies from me.
Impeachment, in this case is a faux impeachment if it happens.
The ignorant, like Bernie, don’t understand that the person standing next to them they are praising, if they were the majority in the country, would persecute him under Sharia law, maybe even kill him on the spot in the name of Allah.
With no guilt.
In a few generations, through differential birth rates, that may turn out to be Merkel’s legacy.
It seems that the British are waking up to the Muslim problem, maybe they will finally address it.
The British Muslim problem long predates current EU wackiness. It goes back to the desperate postwar attempt to hang on to India by pretending that it was, by definition, an organic part of the UK. An obvious consequence was unrestricted movement of populations. France tried essentially the same thing in North Africa. Neither has worked out well.
The Soviets would have locked him up in a psychiatric hospital, or used him to exploit other Jews.
I wonder how generally true that is: I expect that many leftists understand exactly what Islam is but are cynically using it as a weapon to defeat and destroy us. I have read that in Iran the Communists thought they were using the Islamists to depose the Shah and were shocked and surprised to find out that the Islamists were using them before disposing of them when they were no longer useful.
“What Corbyn has tried to do with the Labour Party is not dissimilar to what some of us are trying to do with the Democratic Party,”
Bernie Sanders 2017
Corbyn was selected by Labour to represent them. So for them to turn around and say it’s not their fault, it’s his is ludicrous. They could have selected someone else, but they decided that Corbyn was their shining beacon and representative of what they hold sacred.
Yes. Leftists claim the success of others and assign their failures to others until they kill their hosts. Parasites.
Bernie Sanders and his followers leave a sizeable Corbyn footprint.
“Time and again they have saved the country in its wars against tyranny by putting their lives on the line to defend what it stands for: their historic culture, institutions and values.”
That is exactly why a world of free nations is better than tyranical single government globalism. There are many variations people can choose to be free. But it is essential to be allowed to associate with others who share the same beliefs. Having shared a long history as a “people” is how we bind together and makes us strong. None of us should be willing to surrender that heritate.
The entire world doesn’t have to jump off of that cliff like the billionaire “Masters of the Universe” are commanding us to. Let’s not.
Heritage, not heritate.
Thank you for the link to the Melanie Phillips’ article.
Quite good, indeed.
Now, let’s hope for a clean BREXIT followed by Britain dealing with its immigration/borders/islamic problem.
Am hoping that your analysis comes true in the November 2020 election!