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A good time was had by all

A good time was had by all

It was great to meet many Legal Insurrection readers at my lecture in Sharon, Massachusetts, on “The War on Conservative Speech – From Campus to Culture”

Courtesy Sharon GOP with permission

I’m really not thrilled with the Featured Image. I look McSmirky.

But it’s the only close up of me at the podium I have from my lecture last night at the invitation of the Sharon (MA) Republican Town Committee.

The topic was “The War on Conservative Speech – From Campus to Culture.”

As Sharon GOP’s tweet indicated, it was a full room.

How big was the room?

Remember Trump’s most recent rally in Hershey, PA?


But it wasn’t that big. Bigger than a breadbox, but something less than the Hershey Giant Center. Regardless of size, the deplorables seemed to enjoy it.

Legal Insurrection readers were well-represented, and it was great to meet many of them.

As for the speech itself, I have an audio recording, but its not great quality.

Substantively, it was similar to my speech at the Kingwood (TX) Tea Party (video here).

A special shout-out to the two Sharon GOP members who invited me, Sue Price and Linda Kaufman.

Courtesy Sharon GOP with permission

[Sue Price, Linda Kaufman, William Jacobson]

All in all, I think it’s fair to say a good time was had by all.


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I think that should have been a glass of Whiskey, not a plastic bottle of water. Whatever happened to the Red-Blooded American..? 🙂

“I’m really not thrilled with the Featured Image. I look McSmirky.”

Sorry, Professor: Jeffrey Epstein passed the smirk baton to Adam Schiff, who refuses to yield.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Rab. | December 14, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    The Professor looks fine in the photo.

    He’s probably just heard the funniest joke ever about Warren and is trying to hold in a big uproarious belly laugh!

I wonder how event organizers so often pick the room size so accurately. I don’t think I noticed more than four empty chairs there.

The smirk was likely due to the letters of impeachment which failed to identify any crimes. Abuse of Power is not crime and neither is Obstruction of Congress. LOL. These may be incidents of a crime, but they are not common law or statutory crimes and would be stricken as vague and ambiguous if one attempted to enact such childish, peevish nonsense.

re: McSmirkey … did someone show you the photos of the new and improved HRC? Containing yourself to just a smirk is admirable, professor. A lesser man would have succumbed to full-on hilarity. 😉

I dunno, Professor, I think you should have been pictured sniffing the hair of those lovely ladies, à la Joe Biden.

You might want to run for President someday.

Personally, I thought 7:42 p.m. was best, though others might disagree.

Love the photog. The more varied pictures I see of a person, the better I know them.

Good work to all!

That’s the same expression Trump wears when entering a room with Melania.

Your tie is a little crooked though.

It was a very good event, a big thank you to the Sharon Republican Town Committee. Very glad I made the trek up from coastal RI. Prof. Jacobson did not make a plug for Legal Insurrection Foundation, so I will make it here for him.