Sweden: Violence-Ridden Malmo Has “More In Common With Baghdad Than With Other European Cities,” German State Broadcaster Admits

Sweden’s third-largest city Malmo is turning into a Third-World war zone, Germany’s state-owned Deutsche Welle admitted. Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city, had “more in common with Baghdad than with other European cities,” the broadcaster reported on Saturday.

“Bombings and shootings regularly shake Malmo, so much so that locals find it normal,” the German broadcaster added. Deutsche Welle, though describing the current reaction of the Swedish accurately, left out any mention of mass migration from the Middle East and Muslim-majority North Africa, and how this is a key factor driving the city’s violence and crime rates.

Ironically, German state broadcasters like Deutsche Welle have been the foremost cheerleaders of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open borders policy for illegal immigrants. It is precisely this unchecked illegal immigration that turned Malmo, once a proud Scandinavian commercial and cultural hub, into what many claim has become a Third-World hellhole.

Deutsche Welle reported the deteriorating situation in the Swedish city:

At times it seems like Malmo has more in common with Baghdad than with other European cities. This year 29 bomb explosions rattled the city of 317,000 as of November 11. Police reported 50 shootings in the Malmo region by the end of October — in a country where guns are hard to come by legally.Formerly an industrial town known for shipbuilding, Malmo has remade itself since the Oresund Bridge, which connects it to the Danish capital, Copenhagen, opened in 2000. Sweden’s third-biggest city has become a knowledge hub, with a new university drawing students from Scandinavia and abroad and more and more companies, including gaming industry giants Massive and King, setting up shop on the eastern side of the straight. It’s also the country’s most diverse city: Around a third of its people are foreign born.Malmo residents are used to seeing almost daily reports about violent crime. On Tuesday, for example, public broadcaster SVT reported that gang members had forced a grocer to allow them to stash drugs in his city center store. Police have been struggling to contain the violence, which they attribute mainly to gangs that deal drugs.The latest efforts have been prompted by a November 9 shooting in front of a pizzeria, which killed one 15-year-old boy and put another in hospital. Police declared a national “special event” and set up a task force to quell gang violence.

The mainstream European media has done everything to cover up the nature and the extent of migrant crime in Malmo and throughout the rest of Europe. “Malmo, along with other urban centres in Sweden, has one of the highest levels of reported rapes in proportion to population in the EU,” BBC admitted in early 2107. The British broadcaster, however, attributed these high rates to “strictness of Swedish laws.” Conveniently enough, the politically correct Swedish police keep no data on the ethnicity of the perpetrators.

For a discerning observer, the signs of things to come were apparent from early on. The city’s tiny Jewish community was the first to face the wrath of the incoming Muslim gangs. As early as 2010, Professor William Jacobson pointed to “Malmö Syndrome.”

“Malmö is the third largest Swedish city, and now the poster child for what I call Malmö Syndrome, the anti-Semitic violence which results from the shared anti-Israeli agenda of Islamists and leftists,” he explained.

In a separate Legal Insurrection post the same year, Professor Jacobson highlighted how the “Islamists across Europe have used anti-Israel agitation to justify acts of anti-Semitic violence, and anti-Israel leftists have either encouraged or excused such violence, as in Malmö.” Violence against the city’s Jewish community was just an ominous beginning, as “Islamist agitation against Jews and Israel inevitably spreads to agitation against Western civilization in general,” he predicted.

Needless to say, those and other warnings went unheeded as Europe opened its borders to illegal immigration from the Middle East and Arab North Africa. Just days before Chancellor Merkel opened Germany’s border, triggering a huge influx of migrants, I wrote in the Gatestone Institute (September 20, 2015): “German media is in lockstep with the government, giving happy-talk and a positive spin on migrant crisis of gigantic proportions hitting Europe.” Major media outlets, I added, were “not merely willing executioners of Merkel’s open border policy, they are ideological players committed to breaking any opposition to the plan.”

While Eastern Europe resisted, Sweden was quick to follow Germany’s lead. “My Europe takes in refugees. My Europe doesn’t build walls,” the then Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said, joining Chancellor Merkel as she scrapped the European border regulations for illegal migrants, also known as the “Dublin II.”

The mass migration, championed by the mainstream media and Europe’s political class, has transformed the Scandinavian country’s demographics. Sweden, a country of around 10 million, has a Muslim population of roughly below 10 percent.

According to Pew Research Center, one-third of the Swedish population will be Muslim by 2050. Malmo, where around a third of the population is already Muslim, might be a good indicator of how Sweden might look within a generation’s time.

Media silence over ‘migrant crime on women’ in Sweden

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Antisemitism, Crime, European Union, Malmö Sweden, Terrorism