Spartacus Rides to Defense of Joe Biden as Vice Presidential Sweepstakes Begin
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Spartacus Rides to Defense of Joe Biden as Vice Presidential Sweepstakes Begin

Spartacus Rides to Defense of Joe Biden as Vice Presidential Sweepstakes Begin

“…if you come after Joe Biden, you’re going to have to deal with me in this case,” said Booker.

A week after putting out a mid-September plea for donations in order to stay in the presidential race, Sen. Cory Booker’s campaign announced it had reached the DNC’s donor threshold for the 5th presidential debate, which is next month.

But while Booker has managed to qualify for the next two debates, he has remained in the lower tier of presidential candidates since he formally declared his candidacy back in February, outside of one poll released shortly after his announcement (which showed him at 9%).

So with time running out before the primaries start and his campaign continuing to go nowhere, what’s a guy to do? Ride to the defense of a top tier candidate who could make you their vice presidential pick if they win the nomination.

Booker, who infamously compared himself to Spartacus during the Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS confirmation hearings last year, appeared on CNN Sunday to talk impeachment and Trump’s Ukraine allegations against Joe Biden.

Here’s what Booker said when asked about the Trump/Biden Ukraine issue:

“I’ve said time and time again that this is unacceptable, that if you come after Joe Biden, you’re going to have to deal with me in this case. There is no — as you said — these are baseless, unfounded, scurrilous lies, plain and simple, trying to undermine the character of one of the statesmen of our country, not our party, but our country. And so, yeah, you’ve got a problem with me,” Booker told CNN’s Ana Cabrera on “Newsroom.”

“I can’t speak for this in a political context,” the New Jersey senator added. “This is just me as an American to see these kinds of attacks and whether it’s the lies this President tells about Joe Biden, or lies that he tells about other American citizens, to demean and denigrate them.”

Watch Booker act in the role of Joe Biden’s bodyguard after months of insinuating he was out of touch and a racist over his stance on forced busing and working with segregationist senators back in the 1970s:

Booker is not the only lower tier presidential candidate who has flip flopped when it comes to attacking Joe Biden. President Obama’s HUD Secretary Julian Castro, who insinuated the former veep was senile and not carrying on the Obama legacy at the last debate, had this to say this week on the Ukraine attacks against him:

CASTRO: I believe that Trump is trying to do to Joe Biden what he did to Hillary Clinton, that he’s trying to take a public servant that has served honorably over the years and muddy their reputation with false accusations that, in this case, have been investigated.

To me, there are plenty of reasons for people to make a decision in this primary. I hope that in this Democratic primary, they’re going to do that about the issues. I disagree with Vice President Biden on immigration, on health care, as people saw at the last debate, and a number of other issues. But I believe that he’s fundamentally an honest and honorable man.


Sen. Kamala Harris had a breakout moment in the first presidential debate when she broadsided Biden over the busing and segregationist senators issue. But her campaign has been in a freefall since mid-July and she has struggled (and failed) to regain her footing in a crowded field. Like Booker and Castro, Harris was a relentless critic of Biden’s until recently. Here are two answers she’s given in the last week on the Biden/Ukraine allegations:

I think in light of their about-face on Joe Biden, these three struggling candidates have made it very clear: The veepstakes are on.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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“So with time running out before the primaries start and his campaign continuing to go nowhere, what’s a guy to do?”

Pucker up?

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to MrE. | October 10, 2019 at 5:34 pm

    Er……. “Pucker Up”
    told to Corey?

    Very bad choice of words there MrE.

    Bad bad Orange MrE.


““…if you come after Joe Biden, you’re going to have to deal with me in this case,” said Booker.”

WOW! Bookee be gettin tough!
I guess mayor of Newark probably is pretty tough fighting off all the competing druglords, cartels and dealers.

send shartacus a truck load of charmin

Julian Castro sounds a bit wishy washy?
Veep anyone? Biden/Castro is kinda katchy!

Cory could give Brad Manning a call and maybe arrange for some quality time

If I had to bet money now, I think it will be a Warren/Buttigieg or Warren/Fill-In-Name-Of-Female ticket. Democrats are lusting to run another “first” ticket (first woman, first gay, first illegal alien, first Borg Wannabe, etc), and demonize and dehumanize anyone who criticizes their “first”. It worked magnificently with Obama – McCain, Romneycare and the rest of the GOPe went fetal with guilt at every media frown – and almost worked with Hillary! as #NeverTrump Republicans flocked to Her campaign.

So why do the hard work of debating the issues when you can simply label your critics as Hitler Reincarnated (TM) and bask in the holy light of Sacred Victimhood? Harris could have been a better figurehead wacko carrying the communist banner than Warren (Harris would have allowed Democrats to play the race AND gender cards), but so far she has flopped spectacularly.

Whatever, Cory.

Aww, such a cute little tough guy act. I’m guessing this is Spartacus returns…

I think T-Bone groaned with this latest Marty Feldman look me in the eye move.

Maybe it’s time he stage another heroic deed so he can yell “I am Dooficus”. That will be as effective in propping up his failed campaign for a few more weeks.

Spartacus looking to be a heartbeat away…

Giuliani was on fire tonight on Trish Reagan’s show. Spartacus better stay out from between Biden and him or he might get hurt.

The Triumphant Return of the Tough Talking Turtle!

…if you come after Joe Biden, you’re going to have to deal with me in this case,” said Booker.

Isn’t this what the gingerbread man told the fox that taking him across the river?

This is actually interesting. If also-rans like Sparky and Kneepads think Quid Pro Joe is worth cultivating for a VP slot, that means they don’t yet have any insider info that the DNC is planning to abandon him in favor of one of the communists.

It appears Spartacus has just volunteered to be Joe Biden‘s VP.

That’s adorable. Like a kitten hissing.

Quiet, Cory… grownups are talking. Well, not in the Democrat primary.

“…these are baseless, unfounded, scurrilous lies, plain and simple, trying to undermine the character of one of the statesmen of our country, not our party, but our country. ”

Meanwhile, the video of Joe Biden telling the story of how he used the threat of withholding 1B in aid to Ukraine to get a prosecutor fired, is all over the net. His son, Hunter, is a member of the Board of the company, which paid him astoundingly well.

Spar-tookus….don’t quit your day job.

2smartforlibs | October 9, 2019 at 8:34 am

When you know you have nothing to offer it appears VP is good enough.

ScottTheEngineer | October 9, 2019 at 9:19 am

Can I get a 1 billion dollar aid package to pave my road?

Corey knows any chance at Presidency is gone… except if he were VP, so he’s taking that route, which he will (in my humble opinion) be offered by either Warren or Clinton. They need to recapture the black vote, he’s black (kind of), therefore he’s a good candidate.

Supporting Biden sends the message that he’s a team player.

FortesFortunaJuvat | October 9, 2019 at 12:55 pm

This from an already hasbeen.

Spartacus Cornpop

The dummy looks like he has a mohawk in that photo.