Michael Avenatti puts attorney fee lien on Stormy Daniels strip club arrest settlement

Now for some comic relief.

Michael Avenatti, the once-upon-a-time highly-touted potential Democrat presidential candidate, former favorite anti-Trumper of cable loon TV, and defendant in multiple criminal prosecutions, claims his most infamous client Stormy Daniels (aka Stephanie Clifford) owes him $2 million in legal fees and costs.

For what? After all, Avenatti’s representation of Stormy against Donald Trump completely collapsed, with Stormy being ordered to pay Trump almost $300,000 in legal fees and costs. Avenatti was indicted for a separate representation of Stormy and alleged financial abuse of her.

Avenatti and Stormy had a messy break up, with Avenatti claiming I broke up with Stormy before she broke up with me!

This guy is an incredible piece of work, no offense intended to pieces of work.

Now Avenatti is now laying claim to a settlement Stormy got after an arrest at a strip club. From NBC News:

Attorney Michael Avenatti has filed court papers demanding the $450,000 settlement won by former client Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against the Columbus, Ohio, police department.Avenatti, who represented the adult film actress in legal action against Donald Trump, filed a lien claim in an Ohio federal court Wednesday that says Daniels owes him more than $2,000,000 for legal services, costs and expenses.In September, Daniels settled her lawsuit over her arrest last year at a Columbus strip club. Police arrested Daniels on July 11, 2018, at the Sirens Gentlemen’s Club on misdemeanor charges of inappropriately touching customers. The charges were quickly dropped.

Here are excerpts from the Notice of Lien (pdf.)(full embed at bottom of post)

TO EACH PARTY AND TO THE COUNSEL OF RECORD FOR EACH PARTY AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES INTERESTED IN THIS ACTION:YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in accordance with the terms of a written and/or oral fee agreement with Plaintiff Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) (“Ms. Daniels”) and California law, Michael Avenatti, Esq. and Avenatti & Associates, APC have and claim a lien ahead of all others on any and all attorneys’ fees or costs in this action, and on any judgment and/or settlement rendered in favor of Plaintiff in this action, in order to secure payment for legal services rendered and costs and expenses advanced in an amount in excess of $2,000,000…..Accordingly, demand is hereby made that any and all settlement proceeds paid in connection with this matter: (a) include Mr. Avenatti’s name and Avenatti & Associates, APC as payees and (b) be deposited only after consultation with, and agreement by, Mr. Avenatti as to the proper handling of said funds pending full adjudication of the lien pursuant to California law. Failure to do so will subject the payor and other participating parties/attorneys to significant liability. See id. To be clear, no net settlement  roceeds or fees are to be distributed to Ms. Daniels or any of her attorneys without the express, written agreement of Mr. Avenatti and/or a full adjudication of this lien pursuant to California law. [Emphasis in original]

These sort of attorney lien notices can be enforced, but they are not self-executing. The court will have to rule on it. But until then, the lien will freeze any money owed Stormy.

As fun as the Stormy-Mikey fight is, I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop:


Michael Avenatti Notice of Lien on Stormy Daniels Settlement by Legal Insurrection on Scribd

Tags: Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels