Rep. Rashida Tlaib granted “humanitarian” visit to grandmother, but she rejects it
Had agreed not to engage in boycott activities during visit, but now she says she’s not going.

Yesterday, Israel denied visas for Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, after pressure from Trump, under a law permitting the government to bar entry to advocates of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
The decision kicked off a firestorm, including false accusations by former Democrat Vice Presidential candidate and current Senator Tim Kaine that Israel had imposed a “Muslim ban”.
Previously, Israel had indicated that notwithstanding the law, the government would exercise its discretion to allow the congresswomen into the country. The stated reason by the Israelis for the change of position was that they learned the tour organized for Omar and Tlaib was focused on incitement. It included a visit to the volatile Temple Mount, where Palestinians regularly riot against visits by Jews, and which has been used for a century to incite violence on the claim that Jews are attacking the al-Aqsa Mosque, built on top of the ruins of the Jewish Temples. The claims regarding al-Aqsa inspired, among other things, the massacre of Jews in Hebron in 1929, and the bloody Second Intifada, which killed a thousand Israeli civilians during 2000-2005.
The tour also did not include any meetings with Israeli officials, unlike other congressional tours, and included terror-linked activist groups and a trip to the infamous Nabi Saleh, home of the Tamimi terror-supporting clan. So this was not a trip to learn, it was a trip to incite.
That said, it’s still clear that Trump played the decisive role. Nonetheless, when announcing the denial, Israel said it would consider granting Tlaib a humanitarian exception so she could visit her grandmother who lives in a village near Ramallah, under the control of the Palestinian Authority. But such a humanitarian exception would have to include promise not to engage in the type of BDS incitement planned for the original tour.
Tlaib made the humanitarian request with the promise that “I will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit,” and Israel granted it.
Despite having her request granted, it’s not clear if Tlaib is actually going. Her tweets this morning seem to suggest otherwise:
Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what she wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in–fighting against racism, oppression & injustice.
When I won, it gave the Palestinian people hope that someone will finally speak the truth about the inhumane conditions. I can't allow the State of Israel to take away that light by humiliating me & use my love for my sity to bow down to their oppressive & racist policies.
— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) August 16, 2019
Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what she wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in–fighting against racism, oppression & injustice.
— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) August 16, 2019
This is just more evidence of Tlaib’s bad faith. The original tour was a stunt, and now that she refuses to see her grandmother despite having agreed to do so under preconditions, that excuse no longer is legitimate.
Here is Tlaib’s official statement:
“My family and I have cried together throughout this ordeal…It is with their strength and heart that I reiterate I am a duly elected United States Congresswoman and I will not allow the Israeli government to humiliate me and my family.”

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Tlaib’s true colors on display for the uninitiated.
Democrat’s true colors on display for the uninitiated.
Corrected it for you.
Let her go. Let her behave badly (as she will). Capture everything on video, show the world who and what she is.
It’s easy to give that advice when you’re not a resident of the country whose existence she’s determined to end.
The world knows who she is and what her intentions are.
Trump continues to lead the democrats into supporting unpopular people and policies.
She applied for a rejection and wasn’t granted one.
Bet she was gutted she didn’t get rejected.
Heh, good point!
Even the opportunity to visit her mother is a political opportunity for Tlaib. It’s hard to imagine a lower creature than that.
Sorry. I should have said “grandmother” instead of mother. Same principle. Tlaib is cynical, grandstanding and generally a bad person.
I think we all knew what you meant 🙂
I almost always have at least one mistake whenever I post online, because I never re-read / proof before I hit the “post” button.
I always tell myself, “slow down and make sure you are intelligible”, but I rarely do.
So maybe she can’t bring her political entourage with her? Is that it? She can’t go alone visit her grandmother without a few well-planned protests while she is there?
Remember when BO shamelessly used his grandma in the 2008 campaign? Yeah, me too.
A POS will be a POS even if it means turning their own family political prisoners.
She has no interest in seeing her grandmother. If she will not be allowed to make propaganda then there’s no point in the trip. She asked for a private trip only in the hope it would be rejected. Israel has never had any objection to any opponent making a purely private trip, with no publicity, no propaganda, no public disturbances.
One more thing:
You forgot one biggie: The proposed itinerary submitted was headed “US Congressional Delegation to Palestine”. If I were the Israeli government I’d have replied “If you want to visit Palestine or Ruritania, write to the governments of those countries. Oh, wait, they don’t exist.” Tlaib’s request for a private trip said “I would like to request admittance to Israel”. OK, great. If you want to visit Israel, and not some fictional country, then you’re admitted.
It looks to me like the first application was rejected on the grounds that it was for a state visit by a US Congressional delegation but had no planned official meetings with any Israeli government officials. It also seems that the proposed itinerary must have listed Tlaib’s visit to her grandmother as a separate item.
So, was the approval of only Tlaib’s visit on humanitarian grounds a follow-up offer by Israel depending on her accepting an amended itinerary limiting?
In any case, I really doubt that The Squad expected this to be approved and the subsequent conditional approval delegitimized their planned campaign of indignant outrage, not that illegitimacy ever stops these people.
Apparently, Tlaib wrote a letter to the Israeli authorities following the rejection of the first request where she replaces the state visit request to a personal request and explicitly agrees to refrain from engage in political activities while there
I wish i could say i dont understand her. Bur i understand her all too well.The line line between love and 0 hate runs through the middle of every human heart, i know how to be a monster, if i didnt know i would have been a lese effective Naval officer.
I faced my monsters. I am not special. Lots have.
So basically she is more concerned about her political agenda than she is her elderly grandmother. Yep that is a garbage human being.
Exactly. I can’t help thinking that I would give nearly anything to be able to visit my grandmother but I can only visit her grave. Someday, Tlaib will claim to feel the same way and blame the Israelis.
That picture, three hideous women, devoid of any merit whatsoever, makes me cringe.
My experience has been that physically unattractive people usually have other desirable attributes, that is not the case with these three.
I took the liberty of updating Golda Meir:
“We will only have peace with the Squad when they love their gam-gams more than they hate us.”
I always thought Golda Meir totally rocked.
This confirms that she wanted a political public relations event. She applied under humanitarian grounds and was approved under humanitarian grounds and now rejects the approval.
Serious people know that you are supposed to take ‘ he’s for an answer. Maybe the media will accurately report this story but …..likely not.
Ben Shapiro is whining that Israel looks weak by denying entry to Tlaib and Omar for their incitement visit. The strong move for any country is to deny entry to sworn enemies unless they are coming to negotiate peace (which would be best done on neutral territory).
Ben Shapiro is as bad as those three in the picture at the top.
Am wrong in taming your handle to refer to the pistol and the fighter?
“My family and I have cried together throughout this ordeal…It is with their strength and heart that I reiterate I am a duly elected United States Congresswoman and I will not allow the Israeli government to humiliate me and my family.”
she obviously requires no outside assistance to make a complete stool of herself
I hope to see the day when these three women are together and a bolt of lighting suddenly appears out of the clear blue, leaving each of them smoldering, chared, crispy bits.
How do you not want to visit your grandma? If.griz was between me and my grandma i would fight the griz, I dont bring this up to make me sound special, i think any normal person would have done the same, She got sick and fell into a coma the week before she turned 100. The hospital sent her home to die as was her wish, My brothers and sister took shifts making sure she was comfortable and a large part of that was feeding her morphine.
I am never going to he poor
Sorry. I have a bad connection. I am never going to be poor because i have family.
Unfortunately when i hear pols like Obama and Tlaib tossing grandma under the bus I dont need to wonder what is wrong with them. I have known too many NORK and Cuban gulag guards to not recognize the signs,
If it is a personal trip for Tlaib to visit her family the cost of the trip is on her and she cannot force taxpayers to foot the bill for her Pro-Islamist Junket.
As if she even gives a damn about Granny. Hell, Granny ought to whipped just for being related to such a disgusting biological abomination.
Great! I’m glad she’s not going to Israel.
So is Israel, I am confident. Try asking for humanitarian permission to visit your Jewish grandma in Saudi Arabia.Oh
I am using my tablet. Because my dog knocked over the table and killed my laptop.
Every once in a while he makes me madder than a rattlesand then the angenake. Then he lookks at mewith nothing but undiluted love and I melt
I really need something with an actual keyboard,
The only time I hit a woman was when.I stopped a thief. I wont go into all the details but it was funny. Then she came back hunting for me. I was still going to laugh it off until crackhead picked me up and threw me against the store front window.Then. i realized i no longer had a choice, i was still conflicted. Evenn after crackhead gnawed at me with me with the only 3 molars she had left. Sending me to the hospital for a tetanus shot.
I still felt bad.
I was raised to never ever hitma girl. My sister had to sit me down andmexplain I did not do anything wrong