The investigators need to be investigated
We can’t let the Mueller fiasco be forgotten. This was really dangerous, almost beyond imagination.
My initial reaction to Robert Mueller’s congressional appearance was one of pity. He was a pathetic character on the stage, seemingly bewildered at times, mentally frail, and vulnerable as a witness.
What a way to end a career and to be remembered by friend and foe alike.
But emotion is not the way to assess what we saw. It’s not an overstatement to say that the Hillary-DNC-Fusion GPS-Steele operation, as embraced by influential members of the FBI and possibly intelligence services, compounded by leaks to and collusion of a willing media, came close to undermining a presidential election before and after Election Day.
In many ways the Mueller testimony confirmed our worst fears that the Mueller Investigation was the Mueller Investigation in name only, that it was run the way the pre-Mueller investigation of Trump was run — by people with a political agenda to override the 2016 election result, or at least to make sure it didn’t happen again in 2020. It’s a theme we’ve covered here pretty much since the Inauguration.
Whether Robert Mueller was a mere figurehead or in control, he was a participant. So while he was a sorry figure in the congressional hearings, and his appearance did substantial damage to Democrat and media plans, the gravity of what happened should not be lessened. It almost worked.
The media, of course, was a full participant in what happened. Just when you thought the major organizations who control almost all of popular and social media couldn’t get any worse, they do. This all takes place while high tech companies put the thumb on the scale by penalizing non-liberal content.
You know where I’m going, don’t you? Dread.
After Mueller had testified for several hours, and it was clear that it was a disaster for Democrats and the media, I was asked by someone who works in the neighborhood, knows about this website, and is a big Trump supporter, how it was going. We talked about the hearings for a little while, since he was unable to watch, then he asked me: “Do you still have hope?”
That simple question somewhat set me aback.
My answer, paraphrased:
Yes, I still have hope, but it’s hard. When the weight of the media, entertainment and educational industries is so hostile to non-liberals, and when it combines with the power of the state, it’s tough. It seems overwhelming at times. It’s emotionally and physically draining. And it’s been going on for several decades. Yet I still have hope despite that overwhelming disadvantage.
It’s almost unimaginable that after this decades-long onslaught, Republicans nonetheless control the Senate and the presidency, and most state legislatures. How can that possibly be, it’s seemingly impossible. The American people are resilient, and that gives me hope.
But vigilance must be eternal, going to sleep politically even for a year or two is not an option. You cannot give an inch, or they’ll take a mile. And people need to be held accountable.
We’re doing construction at the house. The contractors we’re using told me they’ve never seen the economy this strong, that they can’t hire enough people for all the work they could get. Some of the workers blasted Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I smiled.
We can’t let the Mueller fiasco be forgotten. This was really dangerous, almost beyond imagination.
The investigators need to be investigated.
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Wray is crooked. That has to be dealt with. Field agents and retirees are now openly saying Wray is a Comey plant.
Wray was one of the reasons I retired from the FBI in June 2018. During his tenure, the FBI provided redacted documents in response to various FOIA and subpoenas. When the redactions were subsequently removed, it was apparent that they were not placed for a lawful reason, but to protect the FBI. While I don’t necessarily hold Wray responsible for the redactions, once their illegality was shown, he didn’t hold anyone accountable. He is therefore part of the problem begun by Comey/McCabe et. al. INHO, he is at best a weak and malleable director.
It is chilling to hear you describe such crookedness. How did the FBI go from being one of the most trusted agencies of the federal government to one of the most corrupt, if not THE most corrupt? Did it really happen that fast?
I’m cynical enough to think it has always been this corrupt, but the days of J Edgar Hoover having sock puppets like Walter Winchell, and media offering shows like radio’s “I was a Communist for the FBI” or the TV show “The FBI”, movies like “G-Men”, etc are over.
Propaganda is what made the FBI so great and wonderful and God-like in the eyes of the public. That alone.
I disagree with your comment that the FBI as a whole is corrupt.
The FBI has many patriotic agents and staff who are diligently working to protect the US within the bounds of the law. As evidence of this, consider that in order to execute the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation, the perpetrators used a very small cadre of conspirators, all of whom were at very high levels of the FBI. They also short-circuited numerous safeguards to execute this investigation. They had to do this because there are a large number of patriotic, law-abiding employees in the Bureau, who would have interfered with their plan, had they known of it. Thus, they were cut out of the loop by the conspirators.
There are two FBIs and there always have been. One is the, mostly, apolitical lower level of investigators. This FBI largely follows the rules, both those promulgated by the agency and those imposed by law. The other FBI is the highly political upper echelon. This FBI is totally immersed in politics. While most of its members are based in DC, the upper echelons of major Bureau offices are cut from the same cloth. Their entire mission is to get to DC. And, the members of the FBI will do almost anything to protect the image of the institution.
But, it must not be forgotten that the FBI is not autonomous, it is part of the DOJ. And, the DOJ is nothing but politics. Most FBI agents can not even make an arrest unless they clear it with an AUSA, first. And, the DOJ is composed entirely of lawyers. Do you know where most DOJ lawyers end up? working for major law firms to defend the very people they were prosecuting when they worked for the DOJ. They are the ultimate gun for hire and will go wherever the money is.
I see today’s FBI as being more like “X-Files”. I realize the vast majority of agents are honorable but corruption spreads and the top has been so corrupt for so long now that surely networks have formed and younger corrupt agents allowed to move up.
I have to pushback on this comment Colonel. When exactly was this golden era of FBI trustworthiness? The FBI in Boston has a long sordid history that includes providing protection for the Whitey Bulger crime syndicate going back to the sixties. The FBI also participated in the framing of 4 innocent Boston men as part of that protection racket that led to these men spending 30+ years in prison and at least one of whom died in jail.
And who was up to his eyeballs in that fiasco? Andrew Weissmann?
They also were caught lying about bullet forensics and many many court verdicts had to be overturned or re-tried. I think the FBI is like DC in that once you get a job there and you have noble intentions, the job and the surroundings corrupt many. Any system based on supervisors for promotion tends to create a go along to get along attitude.
Mueller was around all of these FBI dirty deeds
Not to mention “ignorance” of this ongoing fiasco.
The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade by Alfred McCoy – Chicago Review Press–the-products-9781556524837.php
Any organization saturated with corruption at the top is fairly regarded as a corrupt organization. Truly honorable rank and file members would either resign under protest of the corruption, or make a public stink of the corruption. Those of the FBI rank and file who remain silent are nothing more than co-conspirators in tye corruption.
I disagree with the notion that the entire FBI is corrupt. However, corruption is an ever-present temptation, and each generation has its share.
The current problem is that the corruption was concentrated at the top levels of the government, including bureau heads and the Cabinet, who are political appointees. We have a group that seem to think they are on the side of the angels, so cutting corners is not only justifiable, but heroic.
The prior administration was full of people who were apparently selected for this trait, and who in turn selected others with the same trait.
To me, this trait explains otherwise incomprehensible scenes, for example the call by a former
US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, for blood in the streets.
The FBI should have died with the repeal of the 18th Amendment at the end of prohibition. The United States has no need for the American equivalent of a totalitarian secret police.
Remember how the KGB’s reputation collapsed in Munich 1972? What we thought vs what we see with our own eyes. In Oklahoma it’s hard to believe that it’s only the “top” of the FBI that is corrupt.
TY. First hand insight is priceless.
I’d never heard of Wray before the day he was sworn in and gave his inaugural speech. It glossed over the many significant problems with the FBI in a way that seemed delusional.
It was a Soviet-like lie that he told: not a mere coloring of the truth but it’s exact opposite.
I knew from that moment he would be a problem.
This has to be common knowledge by now.
The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade by Alfred McCoy – Chicago Review Press–the-products-9781556524837.php
Wray appears corrupt, incompetent, or both; but, Trump nominated him for the job. In fact, Trump has made many poor hiring decisions; e.g., Sessions, Rosenstein.
The question that no one seems to be asking is why is the President making a lot of bad hiring decisions. Until that is addressed, it will keep happening. Even Barr, who seemed good, did not open a civil rights investigation into the AntiFa attack on that journalist who ended up with a brain bleed, or declare that group a domestic terror organization. Wray of the FBI reports to Barr and is still in charge.
Wray was on Capitol Hill proclaiming to Sen Cruz that Antifa is merely an idea not an organization that can be prosecuted
In no particular order:
1. The same GOPe that didn’t really want to fight back still has to approve of nominees. The prime example of this is Jeff Sessions. There are others. Note that Mitch McConnell has carefully avoided allowing President Trump to make recess appointments.
2. The same FBI that is plotting a coup is also in charge of background checks and clearances. What makes you think the “problems” they are uncovering are real?
3. Look at the harassment we’ve seen of both nominees, office holders, and their families. It starts when they apply (see #1 and 2), continues through the process, and extends to family members.
4. The clear tactic of telling anyone “you agree to be nominated, let alone serve in this administration, and you will be unemployable from that moment on.”
All of these limit the pool of outside talent available.
This has always been the BIGGEST ‘tell’ for me. Long ago noticed.
“Note that Mitch McConnell has carefully avoided allowing President Trump to make recess appointments.”
Good list of facts.
So now that we’ve seen Mueller significantly exposed, is there enough there to get to Wray and fire him?
Trump. appointed. Wray.
Explain this please, I can’t.
See my comment to jb4. Note that any position left vacant is EFFECTIVELY filled by a senior “civil service” bureaucrat, and President Trump can’t run the government singlehandedly.
A big problem I see, when talking about the clear bias in media,on every level, the lies told by Dems/Progs, that are not challenged by anyone, people’s eyes glaze over, or they say: “they all do it”, and turn up the volume on the Kardashians. It’s tough to have hope. There are times I really feel like the Last of the Mohicans.
Sometimes I honestly wonder if the left has done with Sloth, excess, and entertainment, what they used to do with hunger, threats, and fear.
Bread and circuses. Works every time.
Exactly. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Left lies, because, unfortunately, lying works.
So the left (rule of discretion for the purpose of dysgenic equality of individuals) lies consistently, and the right (rule of law for the purpose of eugenic meritocracy of families) simply cannot tell the truth because it is actively oppressed.
– Curt Doolittle
I agree 100%. I will just repost this here from an earlier comment thread:
“We’re getting impatient. We want them to move, or at least reassure us that they are moving. It doesn’t mean that they have to indict someone tomorrow, but we want to be sure that they’re investigating with the goal of potentially prosecuting people, you know, we don’t need another IG [report].” – Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch, regarding the possible Barr/Durham investigation into spying on the Trump Campaign and FISA court abuse.
FISA courts should be outlawed anyway. Secret courts with secret judges, sounds more like 1960’s USSR.
Not really. It doesn’t try anyone or harm anyone. There’s no such thing as secret trials. Its only function is to issue limited-use search warrants. In a country like the USSR the police don’t need search warrants, and thus they have no need for judges to issue them. And the alternative to the FISA court is not that the CIA would have to get warrants from ordinary courts; it’s that it would go back to doing its job without any warrants at all.
But if there’s no need for probable cause before a warrant is issued, why bother pretending the court is of use?
In principle it could have worked. I don’t know what else one can do in today’s world — one needs secret operations.
But here the controls failed. The FBI lied in its affidavits, and the judge seems to have willingly been stupid about things.
The solution in such cases is not to wring one’s hands that we need to improve our systems, but at least first to start locking those people up, including the FISA judge if he’s criminally culpable.
There’s no need for probable cause, but Congress was uncomfortable with the previous system under which the intelligence agencies had free rein to spy on anyone they suspected of having foreign intelligence, so it set up this system with a secret court, and requiring them to get warrants from this court, so there’s some check on their activities, some neutral third party verifying that it’s necessary.
“It doesn’t try anyone or harm anyone.”
So it’s not really harm harm? Is that it?
I’m going to bet that anyone other than a neverTrumper like you can see the harm it has caused to the President of the United States.
The president was not harmed by the surveillance on his campaign. He was not charged with any crime, he suffered no legal penalty, thus no harm. That is all the fourth amendment is concerned about, at least as it’s been interpreted for at least the last century or so. I’m not sure that’s really what it meant to people in 1789.
You are the complete and total fool if you believe anything you type.
It’s predictable what side Milhouse will come down on. Whatever it is that defends what the left is doing.
Actually Milhouse seems to be very conservative but not crazy. His comments are well thought out and logical. We have to be careful that like the “orange man bad” people we don’t become “orange man good” and lose the ability to think/analyze/process. You and several commentators (?) may not like his conclusions, but they are logical and most who oppose him do not satisfactorily counter his argument. They essentially say “well you are a poopy head.” I prefer logical argument myself. Let the liberals call everyone a poopy head, or racist, or homophobic, or whatever today’s word it for “I can’t argue successfully against you so I’m going to call you a name instead.”
OK krb, explain how the fisa abuse did not cause harm to the president. That is what milhouse claims and you are standing up for milhouse’s opinion here.
So, explain it, if you can.
And I’ll be right here with the ability to explain where that abuse led to harm, and how if that can be done to the president of the United States, how you can be abused to an even greater extent.
Rdm, you are a brazen liar.
Milhouse, you honestly deny that if there is one person in any given thread that is going to stridently take the contrarian view which just happens to be in support in some way of the other side it’s going to be you? Because that is quite often to usually the case, enough that you get defensive about it.
Are you serious or retarded, “limited-use search warrants” it isn’t the CIA getting warrants on foreigners , which is dumb augment in face, it is the FBI getting warrants on people supected of being foreign agents living in America or Americans.
It allows they FBI to plant listening devices in any building they cccupy from their home to work office it allows the FBI to go back five years get to all theur phone records, computer records, it allows the two hop rule, anybody you communicated with they can check their records for going forward and back 5 years and anybody they can communicated,….. you are a delusional hack .
The two hop rule is one of the most insidious part, especially when it’s applied to a politician.
Carter Page easily communicates with a hundred people. Say each of those people communicate with 50 additonal people (that’s being generous to the FBI).
The FBI with a single bogus FISA warrant, gained access to the communications of 5,001 people, potentially all Americans.
We are only a few more civil rights away from being that efficient. Due process is a thing of the past. It will be so much easier to operate the way we all want too, without the need of warrants. All these complaints about police corruption would be a thing of the past.
“…would go back to doing its job without any warrants at all.”
Isn’t it also true that it was illegal for the CIS to wiretap US citizens before the FISA courts existed?
No, I don’t believe it was illegal. Or at least it was not regarded as illegal.
This is quite possibly the most ignorant comment I’ve ever seen written on this blog. I am actually at a loss for words, it is so obtuse.
Milhouse, indeed.
The FISA court issued a report complaining that they had been lied to. They have the power to shut that nonsense down, and are in the process of doing so.
and the FISA could will continue to be in the process of shutting it down until the end of time
Are they doing anything? Why haven’t they done anything yet, this nonsense has been obvious even to us for a year and a half now, probably. Why aren’t people disbarred, locked up, suicided, etc.? Maybe nobody with their hands on the controls really cares or feels any urgency.
Trump hasn’t even fired Wray yet.
Milhouse is right on this.
People simply do not understand what the FISC does. The FISC does exactly what every other court in the land does, approves surveillance warrants based upon the sworn testimony of LEOs. And, just as with every other court in the land, it does this in secret. It kind of defeats the purpose of surveillance, if the target of the surveillance knows about it. Where the FISC does differ from other courts is that its proceedings remain confidential even after a person is charged, if the “investigation” into associates is still ongoing. It is difficult to have evidence, which is gained pursuant to a FISA warrant, suppressed based upon inadequate PC or outright lies, as the warrant application is usually classified.
In this case, the problem does not lie with the FISC, as much as it does with the officials lying to it.
From my understanding the protection/check against warrants issued without legitimate probable cause is that the case is thrown out (if it depends on information gathered from the illegal warrant). But with FISA that information is never provided to the defendant so there is no check on unethical/illegal statements by the state.
After all, there is no doubt that the FISA court was intentionally misled, if not lied to, in the Carter Page warrant. I still have not read about anyone suffering any consequences for that action.
Not exactly. The case is not “thrown out” if search warrant is obtained without sufficient probable cause. Any evidence gathered as a result of the warrant, or gathered due to evidence gained under the warrant is suppressed [thrown out].
As you note, the problem with FISA warrants is that the law allows the affidavit to be withheld for national security reasons, such as an ongoing investigation into other targets. Should the court be eliminated? Maybe, maybe not. Would it change anything? Not really. There is simply nothing to keep LEOs from lying, except their basic honesty and the likelihood of being held accountable for those lies.
“In this case, the problem does not lie with the FISC, as much as it does with the officials lying to it.”
Mac you are a smart guy, encumbered by your reflexive need to always take up for a law or the law enforcers.
Your statement suggests that but for the officials the law would be fine. Well of course. No law does anything without the enforcers and they are the problem. They will abuse what they can.
The fisa process was abused to cause harm to the president of the United States. This is a fact. If they can do it to the president you can be damn sure they will do it to you.
Barry, I did not take up for or defend the LEOs involved in this case. In fact, I specifically said that the main problem was the behavior LEOs involved.
Now a reality check. Lying to court to obtain warrants, including arrest warrants, is not restricted to the FISC. It happens in federal courts and state courts. The George Zimmerman PC affidavit was nothing but lies and that was a state court. And, in the case of the Trump Campaign warrants, the FISC refused to issue two. The Page warrant was approved, based entirely upon false statements from the FBI and DOJ AND MAY have involved a judge who was a friend or acquaintance of Peter Stzrok. The law was not at fault. The FISC, in general, was not at fault; though a single judge may have been. It was the LEOs who were at fault. And they can be charged with and convicted of perjury. They CAN be held accountable. Whether they will be is another thing.
LE activities always have to be monitored. LEOs are not angels. They are human and that means some are lazy, some are hardworking, some are evil, some are saints but most are just ordinary people, with all the baggage that normal people have. That is why we have so many safeguards built into the criminal justice system. But, no matter how hard you try, human beings are simply incapable of creating a perfect anything.
“Lying to court to obtain warrants, including arrest warrants, is not restricted to the FISC.”
I never said it was. That does not excuse the violations that have occurred, and I doubt we know 5% of the violations. I hold the rest of the federal government in the same high esteem I hold the fisa process, in other words it’s all corrupt. So get rid of every part of it that we can get rid of. We’ll all be better off when the feds have far less power.
“That is why we have so many safeguards built into the criminal justice system.”
They’re not working Mac. They have not worked for a long time.
And it worked great, until a corrupt President realized that he could spend his last years in office abusing the FISA court, and if caught he would face no repercussions because he’d be long gone and unimpeachable. Naturally, the perpetrators in the FBI and IC would play along and cover up their own malfeasance.
The potential for harm now needs to be removed.
I have little hope anyone will every be held accountable. They are all lawyers and know how to cover their tracks. I Have only seen a few high level government official convicted of a crime and have to serve time
Brennan is an idiot, and he did a terrible job of covering himself. I think there’s a good chance that Mifsud is going to bring him down.
I was thinking the same thing Tom. Brennen seems more of the guy on the team you keep around because you know he is to stupid to not get caught and keep his mouth shut without someone holding his hand. That way when things go pear shaped you have someone to throw to the dogs or to let loose and be a distraction.
Ditto. I expect Brennan to be the first to go. He seems to be the key guy who coordinated this and a guy who will wheel and deal with investigators for a plea agreement. He will be not allow himself to be the scapegoat or fall guy. He may get that deal on the way to getting the goods on the Clinton/Obama-led international mafia. It’s not so much how many people we put in prison but making sure we get the top people.
And as I’ve said many times, when the full extent of international involvement is revealed, we may ultimately need a Nuremberg-type trial to root out that octopus.
Brennan is a cur dog, and ought to be whipped like one.
Brennan WILL rat everyone out. He might be another senile front man being used like Mueller so maybe he doesn’t know as much as we think. I believe he does and was deeply involved so his ratting will be worth a deal.
At least until Brennan has a heart attack, while accidently cutting his own throat while shaving, while falling out of a window onto an exploding bomb.
Brennan is not stupid. Once you look at the entire timeline here, you understand that the problem was time. The entire Trump surveillance program was a series of slapped together measures to provide intelligence to assure the election of HRC.
Prior to the ascension of Adm. Mike Rogers to the head of the NSA, The Democrat/Establishment complex was surveilling the Trump Campaign, as well as others, through private contractors use of NSA 702 requests. This allowed them to monitor not only who was calling whom and when, but, in some cases, they could retrieve actual conversations. But, in March, 2016, that came to a screeching halt under Rogers. To continue intelligence gathering, Brennan was tapped to do two things. The first was to maintain the NSA pipeline, which he did through the British Intelligence GCHQ office. The second thing was to establish a predicate upon which the FBI could base domestic electronic surveillance of the Trump Campaign. And, it has to be done fast. So, Brennan decided to frame certain people as foreign agents or, at least, as being in contact with foreign agents for nefarious purposes. He started with Papadopolous. And, assets of four foreign governments, as well as foreign IC contractors, were used for this purpose. This was supposed to open the door for a Title 1 FISA warrant, whoch would have allowed for expanded coverage of most of the important players in the campaign, under the two-jump rule. However, that failed and, apparently, the FISC would not issue a warrant for Papadopolous based upon the information presented. At least one other [or maybe two] attempt was made to secure a warrant against a Trump Campaign member, which was also denied by the FISC. Also, it now appears that the FBI had an agent-in-place within the Trump Campaign who was feeding them HRC/FBI/Establishment information. When, Page left the campaign, the FBI, in desperation, tried to cast Page as a foreign agent and used the wholly fabricated Steele Dossier as the main justification for the warrant. The FISC judge [who may not have been as impartial is we would like to believe] bought it and issued a Title 1 warrant on Page.
The whole purpose was to get HRC elected. If that had happened, all of the problems generated by the slapdash Russian Collusion meme, as well as the previous domestic spying issues and HRC’s Servergate problem, would vanish. This did not happen. To protect themselves, those involved had to continue the assault on Trump.
I too share your pessimism, but recently I heard something that gave me a glimmer of hope. It seems that Horowitz was moving forward with his report, but that is has been held up by new information repeatedly coming up at the last minute. Now I am hearing that many who testified in front of Horowitz are asking for a “do over” to set the record straight. It seems the investigations started by Barr are hitting home and scaring people into wanting to fix their testimony to avoid perjury charges. I am also hearing that many of those in power are starting to sign up powerful attorneys “just in case”. Add to this the Epstein debacle and the Left appears to be in full panic mode. One can only hope……
DiGenova is saying Horowitz’s report has been rendered moot by the Barr-Durham investigation: at about 9:20.
I wouldnt say moot.
But Horowitz’s investigation has been given giant teeth this time around, with fangs. He is certainly sharing info with Durham, and anyone who lies to Horowitz gets the Durhammer upside the head. There are real world consequences this time for not being forthcoming to the IG.
That’s the element that was missing from the IG’s Clinton Email investigation.
I listened to Trump talking to Hannity tonight. He sounds like he isn’t ready to let it go at all.
Again, Trump is all talk and no action!
Seriously? He has advanced the country in a more conservative direction than any president in my lifetime and that includes Reagan. On domestic or foreign policy. Domestically he’s shredding red tape, lowering taxes, and has stacked all the judge positions with conservatives including two on the Supreme court. Foreign policy he supports our friends and fights our enemies. Strong on supporting democracies (eg Israel) and opposing dictatorships (eg Iran, Russia). I honestly don’t know what more you could ask for. Reagan may have been more conservative in his heart but did not govern more conservative than Trump – although he was certainly limited by his Congress.
krb, Trump has powers to close our border under statute – to completely close it down! – and yet he won’t do it. There’s a dozen things he has power to do and isn’t doing.
Then he let Barr say that nonsense about they weren’t even THINKING about telling a usurping federal judge to go pound sand and go ahead and put the citizenship question on the census.
You realize that closing the Mexican border has consequences?
Thousands of Americans are working in Mexico and travel back and forth. Hundreds of American companies have operations in Mexico.
You do not use such drastic measures until all else fails.
He also has the power to execute a nuclear strike on Mexico, should he do that too? That would certainly solve the problem.
Grow up.
Whatever keeps anyone from focusing on real issues.
Professor Jacobson:
I think your neighbor is correct about many things, but I want to add a few caveats:
1. When the GOP controller the White House, House and Senate for six years under Bush II they did very little with it beyond starting a war in Iraq and then chickening out. So while voters may prefer Republican policies, Republicans rarely deliver on them.
2. Voting fraud is a growing problem that is a dagger aimed at the nation’s heart. California – with its infamous ballot harvesting – is already a Third World joke, and other blue states are following in their footsteps with equally fraudulent measures. I think we are on the verge of finding out what millions in other countries already know: socialism can be voted in with ballots but usually can only be removed with bullets. If voters foolishly turn control of the country over to a party run by antisemitic totalitarians in 2020 they may not be allowed to remove them in subsequent elections.
Anyone knowingly voting illegally, or helping others vote illegally, or in any way participating in voter fraud … should be shot. Killed. Executed. I’m not talking about jail time, I’m talking about paying the ultimate price. I fully support that.
We fight wars for our right to vote. It should not be treated as an “error of judgment” ending with an election official or two getting fired. It is a fundamental crime of treason that should be prosecuted as such. We should be lining up people in front of walls here in CA for what is going on and we all know it is going on.
But as we’ve seen with Congress, everyone IS doing it. Now that there is no such thing as election “day” and people can cast in their votes by mail or phone, what hope is there of stopping it?
Lets go a step further and knock out the Electoral College while we are at it. Or even better, lets find the people responsible for so many Americans believing in the democratic process altogether. Lets get rid of the people who started this whole “Dem vs Rep” lie to make us think we have options that are not just perpetuating the exact same narrative with different accents…
The Electoral College worked exactly as it was supposed to unless you believe that CA and NY should decide who is POTUS?
The death penalty, or at least sterilization, needs to be reimposed for most grievous crimes. Western civilization became great in no small part because our ancestors culled the human herd. Roughly 1% of the population, the criminal dregs, was executed each year, and men incapable of making a living were unable to marry; thus, were effectively denied access to the gene pool. The result was a eugenic domestication that allowed for civilization to advance.
Under today’s prevailing Marxist-continental pseudoscientific philosophy, the open border welfare state imposes a dysgenic influence on society, wiping out much progress made by Western civilization.
[A]ctivism and incrementalism have been used to destroy western civilization due not to western oppressions but western tolerance and virtue signaling.
– Curt Doolittle
This comment is so spot on. Not just voting fraud but potentially changing laws to allow: felons to vote, 16 year olds to vote and non citizens to vote. Plus initiatives to undermine the electoral college.
It would be nice if you got basic facts right, the GOP never controlled the House and Senate for 6 years under Bush, and when they did control the Senate it was 51 votes, which does little and back then you needed 60 votes to even confirm a judge.
Sorry break to you it wasn’t GOP who chickened out it was the American voter, and even with a hostel House under Pelosi who talked about impeachment of Bush nonstop, Bush still did his surge and did actually win the insurgency war in the Iraq, that Obama did everything to throw away in 2009, before losing his own surge in Afghanistan ( the good war) that killed greater number of Americans with Obama self defeating rules of engagement on our soilders.
That, young Skywalker, is why you fail.
Making excuses for GOP cowardice gets you more GOP cowardice. Democrats briefly controlled the Senate for a few months in the first six years of the Bush II (Republicans held it for the bulk of that time), and Democrats NEVER controlled the House until after 2006. That is six years of lots of opportunity but little action.
Don’t use the “Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to do stuff” alibi. Even then the GOP was being urged to nuke the filibuster – and chickened out.
Do get your facts straight. And no more alibis.
Most of the Mueller team had conflict of interest issues why can’t they be charged with failure to recurse themselves? The top level of the FBI, CIA, NSA all had people acting improperly. I can’t count the members of the Obama administration that acted improperly including Clinton but will they ever be charged. I hope so but have little faith in most of the justice department doing the right thing. I hope I’m wrong. Thanks William A. Jacobson at least here I see good people doing good work.
You are correct as Barr will not go after his former friends and colleagues who probably have enough dirt on the AG to send him to jail
Most of the Mueller team had conflict of interest issues why can’t they be charged with failure to recuse themselves? ”
Because there’s no criminal law about recusal; it’s like the “Pirate Code” in Pirates of the Caribbean; it’s really just a guideline. If someone doesn’t recuse, then it’s up to their boss to decide if they should; and if the boss says it’s fine, that’s that.
If you can show me the elements of “failure to recuse yourself,” together with the applicable legislation declaring it a crime, we can talk about it.
Recusal is a remedy for conflicts-of-interest. The opposing party has to ask for it. DJT bitched about the obvious conflicts, but did not attempt to force any recusals. Hence the conclusion that he did not engage in obstruction of justice.
“It’s almost unimaginable that after this decades-long onslaught, Republicans nonetheless control the Senate and the presidency, and most state legislatures.”
This in and of itself gives me hope. Because it has to mean that the progressive left isn’t the vast majority they claim or believe. You are correct we must remain vigilant. We must also no longer tolerate politicians that betray us in DC.
Especially when you look at all the good things that were done the last time the republicans controlled congress and the presidency. I can’t wait. Maybe we can get the inequality closer to like a 99.5% vs .5% and finally get some more of those pesky civil rights loosened.
A friendly hint: You need to up your game. Tom S. is doing a lot better job with his concern trolling this morning than you are, your troll attempts are so pathetic that nobody is even paying attention to them. Right now, you’re the character who’s just rolling around licking windows and eating glue, and what’s the point of that? I admit I find it a little bit entertaining, but only a little. You can do better.
Unfortunately, the GOPe still doesn’t have a clue.
Yes, I still have hope, but it’s hard.
It’s been hopeless since the 19th Amendment. Just a matter of time.
Of course that doesn’t make it imminent; Rome lasted nearly three centuries even after things definitely started to go to hell under Commodus.
cite the 14th or 16th or 17th Amendment and I’m right there with you, but the 19th? … not so much.
Although women have not shown themselves to be good decisionmakers in terms of the country’s best interests. The female reproductive strategy — submit to the most masculine man around to preserve existing offspring and optimize future offspring — is societally dysfunctional.
The 16th opened the door to totalitarianism. The Personal Income Tax is government’s excuse for knowing everything about you, and keeping track of you and your activities. This is not what Founding-era writers meant by that word “liberty”. The revenue streams they envisioned for the government were far more impersonal and less intrusive, and could be administered by a much smaller bureaucracy.
But it was the 19th which actually guaranteed that totalitarian would gradually (or sometimes not so gradually) seep in and eventually drown us. Women’s relationship to authority is simply not the same as that of colonial-era Anglo-Saxon men. We know this from history; we can understand it from evolutionary biology. But in any event the differences are real and profound, and do not spell good news for the American Experiment as originally envisioned.
One or more of those Obama asslickers needs to swing from a rope.
OneTen or more of those Obama asslickers needs to swing from a rope.FIFY, Paul.
There is a huge red flag with the rudy contreras FISC situation. General Flynn, strzok and page all intersect in Spygate, with Judge contreras eventually being recused from the Flynn case. I would liek to see sally yates role in the Flynn unmasking. Between Declas, Horowitz, Huber and Durham I’m guessing we’re going to find out how the entire thing played out.
at the risk of being redundant again, that is all up to Barr so therefore it ain’t happening!
please you have surpassed the risk and are now just a annoying troll.
please you have surpassed the risk and are now just a annoying troll.
You seem to expect the timeline of a 30-minute sitcom. That’s not how a formal investigation by the DOJ works. This is a feature, not a bug.
We have procedures in place that are designed to look out for the rights of the accused. Time is an important factor in allowing passions to cool, and facts to surface. The Gibson case, for example, took a couple of years before a jury reached its decision. Even so, the administration at Oberlin still has not found the emotional gravitas to recognize why their actions were problematic.
Sorry, Val, you have law-itis. Everything takes too long in the law because government employees have no incentive to make it efficient. Nothing to do with passions cooling.
In fact, memories fade… the faster the process, the better. And unless you kill federal employees and get administered the death penalty in “record” speed, you’ll sit on death row until you die a natural death.
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
and we need to start by clawing back every cent these thieving bastards took from us. With Mueller it was “theft of time” and is a firing offense. He did not do the work he was hired to do. What did he do?
As much problem is that the office he was purportedly in charge of did the job they were NOT hired to do.
And Ted Lieu, who inherited Henry Waxman’s old seat, Mexifornia’s 33rd Congressional district, seems to be among the worst of the worst.
What is wrong with the people in that district? Too much nose candy?
What’s wrong with CA? The ongoing Reconquista.
My guess is Trump is hoping Barr is for real and makes some serious legal moves once the facts are known. Trump has re-acquired the moral high ground, especially after all the unjustified political attacks for the last three years, and he hope he has a chance to dole out some return favors legally and politically. But we have to keep finding ways to overcome the media onslaughts, that’s for sure…
Many in the msm will be exposed as complicit deep state operatives. The deep state fed many msm members fake news (hate that phrase but it is what it is) to have it regurgitated back into the deep state plot to take down PDJT. james wolfe was one of the leakers, now look at him. Their old way of doing things no longer work, and Patriots are going to expose them.
The same people, or people with the same motivations, will be investigating this new one for Barr.
If there are so many patriots in the ranks, then where was the “Deep Throat” of the Mueller investigation, to blow the whistle on that hit job?
Don’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. I’d really like to think that Barr can get to the bottom of this but I’m not betting my own money on that happening.
Yes, ALL of these creeps need to be investigated. I fear they will not be; there are two sets of rules and both are not enforced.
Mueller deserves no pity. No matter one’s past accomplishments, a wise man knows his reputation is only as good as his last job, and he knows when to retire from the field before embarrassing himself. Mueller is not a wise man, and he has proven himself to be flagrantly corrupt in addition to being unwise.
Gotta wonder if they knew Mueller was messed up from the beginning. Early stage Alzheimer’s include paranoia that the cast of 19 could have easily feed Mueller.
I question who how and why was Mueller pick. I question who picked the Mueller team. The creditably of the investigation is shot. Did team Trump do that because they allow Mueller to be picked even though they knew he was messed up?
The Senate should call in all the attorneys and question them about how they were picked. I suspect that both teams used Mueller and team Trump won. This should have ended a year ago. Mismanagement of government funds should be held accountable against those attorneys. Now we know why Sessions did not want to get involved, because he would have had to fire Mueller if he knew he was messed up.
I smell a rat with Rosenstein.
I have heard that McCabe was the one who picked the team – the outrage was that the team was kept in place even after McCabe was fired for lying.
Also, that the Team picked Mueller, not the other way around. They needed someone with a respectable pedigree who was too brain damaged to interfere with the op they were running.
Yes the investigators need to be investigated! IMHO it should have been some of the agents that did the actual work on the investigation that should have been called before Congress to testify, not Mueller; we might have gotten some real info out of that instead of Mueller’s evasive hemming and hawing. Hopefully future hearings will correct this if there are any more.
I have zero and I mean zero sympathy for this man. Throughout his career and especially this investigation he has ruined people’s lives, whether emotionally or financially. I’m not talking about Paul Manafort, who is clearly a scumbag, although he would be walking free if he wasn’t tied to Trump, but the people who were tangentially involved in the campaign and were forced to spend their life’s savings defending themselves against these biased and corrupt lawyers.
Something needs to be done about how the DOJ can use the full weight and resources of the federal government to go after people and either force them into significant financial distress or bankruptcy or agree to some trumped up charge just to get the prosecutors to get off their backs.
Mueller is POS and deserves all the ridicule and scorn he has received over the last few days.
End prosecutorial immunity. Limit prosecutorial discretion. Hold prosecutors accountable for incompetence and corruption, with death the penalty for corrupt behavior, by any government official.
I agree that bureaucrats should be held to a much higher standard of law regarding corruption and other crimes, simply because they hold such power over the lives of ordinary people.
50 years ago, who would have ever believed the FBI would become America’s KGB?
J. Edgar Hoover?
You mean the same investigators that after finding a long list of actual, proven violations of the law EXHONORATED Hillary? You do remember Comey’s early July 2016 speech?
Nothing happens to them, or something like Epstine who just has to go to the Jail at night, but take one pic on a sub and you get a year in the brig. Or like Flynn, who apparently never actually did anything (according to the 302s), they still charged him and went after his son.
Mueller’s performance explains the odd event of Barr asking Mueller if his ‘Mueller Report’ summary was OK and then we get a “leaked Mueller letter” that had his staff complaining.
The real question is .. How did a person of obvious reduced mental capacity come to and continue to be the lead person on an investigation of the POTUS and nobody noticed ?
All that talk we got about Trump and the 25th Amendment cones into context when you consider it projection.
As I see it, Rod Rosenstein, Aaron Zebley and Andrew Weissman have a lot of explaining to do.
Any notion of a redo is out. They got an investigation by “19 angry Democrats”. Could they get any better ?
You have to wonder if the 2018 elections may have been different if Trump had fired Sessions by early-summer 2018.
“How did a person of obvious reduced mental capacity come to and continue to be the lead person on an investigation of the POTUS and nobody noticed?”
Mueller stayed out of the public eye for the past two years. And, the DOJ, Democrats, and media were covering up the coup attempt.
I wish 2018 had been differently. The Dems finally got the NY State Senate as well as the Assembly and the Governor, and they’ve already destroyed the laws of the state. We’re headed in the direction of leftist authoritarian paradise now. They’re doing as much, as fast as possible.
Just a week or two ago they pledged that we’ll reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2040 or 2050. Nobody will be able to drive or heat their houses. We’ll be saved by the windmills off the Hamptons (foreign partnership already in place) that were included in the same bills. Right.
You might want to check out Bombard’s Body Language (“Body Language Ghost”) on YouTube. She makes an excellent, compelling case that Mueller is completely competent. The feeble old man thing was a deceptive act, as you can see from the numerous tells she points out.
She has three fascinating videos on the Mueller testimony, describing his body language and explaining what it means.
I keep wondering if sessions and the 2018 elections were a strategic maneuver.
How could Trump be better positioned for 2020 if the republicans were not facing the clown rodeo?
Mueller performance tells me that he will be claiming that he’s just a “patsy.” Claiming not to know the complete details of the investigation says he’s but a figure head, nothing more.
And the best part of it is he further claims he doesn’t know the political persuasion of the folks he put on point. His position comes from connections, not performance. He knows the political persuasion of every lawyer on his team.
This was all about moving scripted perceptions (Republican and Democrat) forward to continue to keep the people divided rather that ferreting the source of the problem.
Yes we should not let him off on the “doddering old man” excuse. He either knew what Fusion GPS is, or he should have known, and it was definitely within the “purview” of his investigation.
He’s lying. I start from there. We should prosecute him and see if I am right or wrong.
Washington Times:
“There were some House Republicans in our prep sessions patting themselves on the back about that and feeling optimistic about assertions he might not be all there,” Mr. Gaetz told The Washington Times.
He said he didn’t believe those colleagues and warned them to expect a razor-sharp witness, but “it turned out the rumors we’ve been hearing about his condition seemed accurate.”
“I told my colleagues to expect him to be like a wolverine and they’d better know every chapter and verse and citation for every question,” he said.
It never hurts to be prepared. Even a lucid Mueller would have had a difficult time defending his investigation.
We don’t seem to be going after those who were involved in this soft coup very quickly, slow than what we saw in Watergate. The Republicans, as a whole, have zero spine. And the two years of GOP control of government proves it. President Trump may be worn down a bit with everything on his plate and this Russia, Russia, Russia continuing distraction.
Here is a timeline for the Watergate investigation.
The timeline is similar.
Watergate took two years from start to finish. The Deep State’s Russia fraud has been in play for at least 3.3 years, substantially longer, and appears to be nowhere near its conclusion.
Admittedly, Watergate was terminated by Nixon’s resignation. A similar event cannot end Russiagate.
The Watergate msm was working overtime to get rid of Nixon. It was a feeding frenzy that was chummed every day. The Spygate msm is in deep coverup mode regarding wrongdoing on behalf of the democrats. If the Republicans had pulled a crossfire hurricane, the msm shrieking would be overwhelming.
Just my speculation, but I think the timing of the “rollout” is designed to reach maximum impact during the 2020 election season.
The maximum pain will be inflicted by making it a continuous scandal, throughout the coming year.
I do not have hope that the governments of men will ever become righteous. They are too easily tools for darkness in the hands of the evil one.
I do have hope in the Light of the World and in those who choose to walk in the Light.
Which is why the American Revolution’s principle, rooted in the Anglo Enlightenment, of individual natural rights aided by limited government with checks and balances is infinitely better than the French Revolution’s principle, rooted in the Continental Enlightenment, of reason aided by government supremacy.
Continental “reason” unchecked by empiricism and religion, and fanned by government tyranny, gave the world Marxism, Nazism, and today’s subversive multicultural dysfunction.
We basically have two americas now, the coastal america, with some big non urban coastal areas and the south and central america. Each group is dominated by one political leaning. The left is deeply entrenched in their power and population density will keep them in power, the right is much more vulnerable in their power base, espcially in areas of mass migration from the coasts to other states. There are a few outliers but they are few and far between.
Power needs to become more decentralized, I look at the Department of Education as a prime example, education has always been a local issue not to be managed in DC. Controlling the message in the classroom and the pocketbook is not what we need. The average citizen is far too disconnected from the government, especially when the power resides too much in DC.
The root of the present mess is in post Civil War reconstruction and the desire to centralize power in Washington.
“The average citizen is far too disconnected from the government, especially when the power resides too much in DC.”
Sometimes, on certain issues, it’s a lot better to leave some power or responsibility in the hands of your local guys, if for no other reason than it’s a lot easier to go yell at them in person when they mess up!
It seems to me that there are some serious questions to be asked about Mueller’s frailty. How much has he been impaired and for how long? Has there been a medical diagnosis? If so when? If so did he notify the Attorney General of any incapacity?
The bad news…. this investigation of President Trump is going to continue.
The good news.. it will last for another 6 years.
I am going to asset this was another case of elder abuse.
I found out yesterday that Mueller spent the last two weeks at his personal attorney’s office practicing for the hearings. IMO the entire “helpless old man” was a complete act. IMO He knows exactly what’s going on and is hoping this act will deflect any charges that may come his way.
He did not look all that helpless to me. I admit I only watched part of the hearing in the afternoon, but I’ve seen clips from the part I did watch, and commentary about how he looked feeble, and I did not see that.
I saw him refuse to let anybody put words in his mouth. He made people tell him exactly where they thought the report said thus-and-so, and then generally disagreed with the Democrats, and made a few golden admissions to the Republicans, who at least acted like they’d read and understood the Report.
I did see the discussion about the use of the notion of exoneration, and thought that part was weak and partisan. The team didn’t like DJT’s statements, but admitted they did not amount to a case.
In my opinion, Mueller’s apparent weakness was due to the nature of the Report. The Report did not find a crime on the part of DJT. It was noting but an encyclopedic collection of all the rabbits the team chased down, with no positive result. It’s a lot easier to appear smart and dynamic if you have a story to tell involving a list of elements and facts that, woven together, establish a prima facie case. The Report did not have a prima facie case as an organizing framework, and so it sprawled all over a bunch of ultimately unimportant territory.
Unimportant details are hard to remember, and it must be a bit surreal to find out what people have made of what your team wrote.
I would suggest that you watch some of the morning session, he had difficulty processing the members questioning. As usual they were trying to cram too much into a 5 minute window and overwhelmed him. The members slowed down the questioning by late morning and the afternoon and he looked better as a result.
Some of his statements were hard to believe. He’s never heard of Fusion GPS?
I have no doubt he was practicing. I doubt the ‘old man’ act is all pretend. (he is old, after all, and at that age I don’t want to have to sit through six hours of congressional anything)
Since each questioner was limited to five minutes, he knew that simply “Can you repeat the question” chewed up double the time, and “I stand with the report as written” throws the questioner up against a blank wall, while “That was outside of our purview” is pure bull that he got called out on repeatedly.
The questions on the second section of the report needed to be changed to be more effective. *Asking* Muller how many times the NY Times, WaPo, etc… were mentioned as sources in it was a total waste of time. Far better to just list them and then flow into “…and none of these news reports were verified by your office. We paid thirty million dollars for an investigation that seems to have wound up with a half-dozen people cutting articles out of newspapers in the back of the room. And what is worse, a number of these articles are sourced in the very document your office declared to be unverified, written by a man your office *fired* for lying to the FBI. So you want us to believe newspaper articles written by people who hate Donald Trump, sourced by an unverified document created by a foreign intelligence officer who hated Donald Trump, paid for by Donald Trump’s political opponent, would somehow reveal the truth?
I felt no pity for Mueller. If his appearance was real and not an act then, given his history of prosecutorial abuse and “sharp practice”, it was karma.
Just because He does not have a cable or television program, and does not have His Own website, God’s involvement in and influence upon our nation should not be overlooked.
We must get to the bottom of it, hold all accountable- all the way to the top including 0 involvement (remember Strozk/Page texts ““potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”).
Or it will happen again.
The other fear, we hear rumblings of Michelle 0 perhaps stepping into the 2020 race at the last minute. That needs to be stopped now, so let the investigations go full tilt and squash any talk of any 0 “legacy”.