Professor Jacobson Joined a Panel Discussion at the DOJ Summit on Combatting Anti-Semitism

The Department of Justice held a Summit on Combatting Anti-Semitism today.

Our very own Professor Jacobson will spoke about anti-Semitism that has plagued America’s college campuses, in particular, the issue of intersectionality.

Attorney General William Barr delivered the opening remarks.

Professor Jacobson covered topics stemming from a few of his posts that concentrate on the “intersectionality” theory in promoting anti-Semitism. These posts include how student activists turned an anti-rape group into an anti-Israel group and defeating BDS at Cornell University.

Watch Professor Jacobson here:

The summit also covered topics such as battling anti-Semitism while respecting the First Amendment and prosecuting hate crimes. The last panel will have Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin and FBI Director Christopher Wray to speak about how President Donald Trump’s administration has taken on anti-Semitism.

Here is the full agenda:

Summit on Combatting Anti-S… by on Scribd

Tags: Antisemitism, DOJ, Intersectionality