Pelosi Reportedly told Democrats She Wants to See Trump in Prison

Democrats have spoken out about impeaching President Donald Trump, but Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has done her best to eliminate impeachment talk.

Maybe now we know why. Sources relayed to Politico that Pelosi told Democrats she would rather see Trump in Prison.

Pelosi supposedly made the remarks during a meeting with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler and other senior Democrats: House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA), and Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY). From Politico:

Nadler pressed Pelosi to allow his committee to launch an impeachment inquiry against Trump — the second such request he’s made in recent weeks only to be rebuffed by the California Democrat and other senior leaders. Pelosi stood firm, reiterating that she isn’t open to the idea of impeaching Trump at this time.“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” Pelosi said, according to multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting. Instead of impeachment, Pelosi still prefers to see Trump defeated at the ballot box and then prosecuted for his alleged crimes, according to the sources.They said she was expressing solidarity with pro-impeachment Democrats who want to hold the president accountable while disputing the idea that it is now time to take that step. Pelosi has long argued that certain conditions must be met before Democrats begin impeachment — public support and strong bipartisan backing, neither of which have so far materialized.

Does this news shock anyone? I did not think so. While Pelosi has brushed aside impeachment, she continually criticizes Trump and his family. She claimed that “Trump ‘is engaged in a cover-up,'” and wants his staff and family to “stage an intervention.” She also described Trump’s actions as “villainous to the Constitution of the United States.”

Yeah, Pelosi, because you always honor your oath to uphold the Constitution. (That was sarcasm.)

The senior Democrats “expressed frustration about the appearance that rank-and-file members — rather than party leaders — were leading the caucus’ oversight strategy, including what they do on impeachment, according to one source familiar with the meeting.”

However, Schiff and Neal pushed for caution when it comes to impeachment. They told their colleagues that if Democrats take this route, “they should also be prepared to impeach Trump, which the caucus isn’t ready to do.”

About 60 members of the House have voiced their desire to impeach Trump.

Pelosi has tried to show the public that the Democrats are united, but Nadler continues to show the party has split:

The gulf between Nadler and Pelosi was on full display Wednesday as the New York Democrat dodged questions about whether he and Pelosi were in agreement on Democrats’ impeachment strategy.“We are investigating all of the things we would investigate, frankly, in an impeachment inquiry,” Nadler said on CNN. He then paused for several seconds when asked if he and Pelosi were “on the same page.”“When that decision has to be made, it will be made not by any one individual, it will be made probably by the caucus as a whole,” Nadler added. “Certainly Nancy will have the largest single voice in it.”Pelosi, meanwhile, is trying to publicly project unity — going so far as to defiantly declare Wednesday that “there is no controversy” within the caucus over impeachment.“Make no mistake, we know exactly what path we’re on. We know exactly what actions we need to take,” Pelosi told reporters earlier Wednesday, hitting her palm on the podium for emphasis.

Professor Jacobson noted on May 21 that Pelosi might not have the ability to stop the impeachment train. Social media makes it easy for Democrats to keep impeachment views in public.

Honestly, I would not mind if the Democrats opened an inquiry. I hope they stay obsessed with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report because that means they have less time expanding government and interfere with my life.

Tags: 2020 Election, 2020 Presidential Election, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, Trump Impeachment, US House