Not Satire: Hillary to Serve as Keynote Speaker at Cybersecurity Summit
No better expert on cybersecurity than Hillary Clinton!

This is not The Onion. This is not The Babylon Bee. Seriously.
Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton will serve as the keynote speaker at the 10th annual Cyber Defense summit hosted by FireEye, Inc.
Where do I even begin?
We devoted a lot of posts to Hillary’s email scandal and her absurd use of a private server when she served as secretary of state.
We are pleased to announce that Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be a featured keynote at our #FireEyeSummit in October! Secretary Clinton will engage in an intimate Q&A keynote discussion with Kevin Mandia.
>> Learn more at
— FireEye (@FireEye) May 30, 2019
According to the summit’s website, the organization wants to bring “together many of the world’s leading security experts, frontline heroes, government leaders, and executives from various industries to address the challenges of today’s threat landscape.”
So let me get this straight. FireEye wants the woman who had a private server as secretary of state to keynote a conference on cybersecurity.
Shall we recap a few instances of her careless behavior concerning cybersecurity? In September 2016, I blogged about the key points from the FBI notes in its investigation into Hillary’s emails. Number 5 is a CLASSIC:
2. State Department officials have released at least 30,000 emails. We know that eight of the email chains contained top secret information, 36 emails had secret information, while eight had confidential information. Since the investigation began, they have classified 2,000 more emails as confidential.
3. The man who retracted these emails could not give the FBI a straight answer on where he found them. The FBI blacked out his name, but said he gave the agents, “inconsistent statements over the course of three interviews regarding from where on the server” he found them. The FBI couldn’t even “specifically identify the location and composition of the repository” he use to gain the emails.
4. The real kicker for me is that Hillary claims that the State Department never offered material on email guidelines nor did she even ask for permission to use a private email address instead of a state address. Hillary also played dumb and insisted she had no idea that she had numerous servers for her account.
5. The FBI notes also told us that Hillary used 13 BlackBerry devices, but no one could recover them. In fact, some aides remember destroying a few with HAMMERS. Of course, the FBI could not determine if any of them were susceptible to hackers.
I went through all our blogs about Hillary and linked a few of the best ones:
- Report: ‘Foreign Actors’ Got Ahold of Some of Hillary’s Emails, Including One Classified
- Judicial Watch: Hillary Had “Detailed Knowledge” of Security Risks; More Classified Emails Discovered
- Newly Revealed Hillary Emails Show More Mishandling of Classified Info
- FBI Notes Reveal Hillary’s Housekeeper Handled Sensitive and Classified Materials
- WaPo: Yes, Hillary did SEND classified emails from private server
- Report: Hillary’s “unclassified” e-mails? Actually classified.
- Hillary: I have no idea if server wiped
BleachBit capitalized on her remarks of not knowing if someone wiped her server. She asked, “What, with like a cloth or something?” BleachBit then sold cloths with Hillary’s image on them.
Of course social media provided us with hilarious reactions. I included a few that made me laugh.
Here’s lesson #1 from @HillaryClinton
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) May 31, 2019
— Brian (@volasher) May 31, 2019
BleachBit is the main sponsor?
— J. Scott Harris (@Harrisjscott) May 31, 2019
Sponsored by #craftsman hammers and #bleach bit ????????????
— BR478 (@Reutabega) May 30, 2019
Announcing @fireye ‘s Chapter 7 liquidation sale.
— JD Hollingsworth (@FourSevenRonin) May 31, 2019

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
quick Duckgogo:
The Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary’s humanitarian organization, hired the computer forensics firm FireEye (feye, -3.51%) to investigate a possible data breach, Reuters reported late Wednesday, citing unnamed sources. As of yet, no files from the foundation have leaked publicly, the report noted.
Also, when is participating on a Q & A panel is Keynote speaker. From press release:
“Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will engage in a Q&A
discussion with FireEye CEO, Kevin Mandia on the geopolitical landscape and
its implications for global cyber security today.”
I think it is a stupid move by FireEye. FireEye is is a CIA born Intel company
“In-Q-Tel (IQT). Created in 1999, IQT functions as a strategic investment arm of the CIA and broader national security community.”
Just wow.
Shall we recap a few instances of her careless behavior concerning cybersecurity?
It wasn’t carelessness. It was deliberate, and very profitable. She was selling classified material to hostile foreigners.
Of course, the FBI could not determine if any of them were susceptible to hackers.
They weren’t hackers, they were customers.
Hillary’s crimes are both blatant and grotesque. We know government is full of time-servers, corruptocrats, perverts, child molesters and thieves. Hillary, though, crossed a line to outright espionage and treason. If American law enforcement is truly helpless to do anything about it, we might as well just disband the whole intelligence/counterintelligence/judicial apparatus and save a boatload of money.
She will be at the “What not to do” Booth.
Hillary is an attack vector.
Next up for Hillary a Lifelock Commercial
Hi, this is Hillary Clinton. In 2015 I had over a dozen accounts opened in my name. All of them were in Russia. Actually, seven names were “Iliya Clintonsky”. HAHAHAHA! But seriously. If I had known about Lifelock then, I wouldn’t have pounded all my server drives into dust with a sledgehammer. But at least I was able to extract the rare earth materials and invest them into cattle futures. HAHAHAHA! Hoo boy. I think I’m going to faint. Anyone have a bottled wa- *THUD*
In possession of 750 FBI files of prominent republican politicians.
Sandy Berger surreptitiously absconding with national archives paperwork and secreting said papers in a construction site dead drop.
Rose Law Firm billing records magically appearing in the east wing of the WH.
Looting Vince Foster’s office records just prior to the arrival of law enforcement investigators.
Locating a missing hard drive with nuke data stashed behind a copy machine at Los Alamos.
Hillary at the Cybersecurity Summit?
I guess President Xi wasn’t available!
This is Water Closet. This is what not to do. Unless… ulterior motives matter.
Also smacks of Protection Racketeering.
You just can’t make this Schiff up. I wonder if she’s still getting $300,000 a pop now that she holds no political sway?
Crone Clinton’s keynote lecture is entitled:
“How to brazenly and lawlessly jeopardize national security by violating every single information technology-related protocol and law in the books, with total impunity, selfishness and imperial arrogance,” and, get away with it.”
Hopefully she brings her cloth.
Title of Hillary’s talk; “Best cloth for wiping servers.”
Spoiler Alert!
Next Week: Bill Clinton to speak on the virtues of living a chaste life.
People just don´t get it. They think FireEye is paying Criminal Hillary for her presence by charging $800 to those attending the summit.
FireEye is losing money right now. They have no money to pay the crook. It´s also well known that Hillary´s speaking tour has been a massive failure. The Clintons can´t even sell $10 tickets, and we are supposed to believe FireEye will be able to sell $800 tickets? LOL. It´s all BS.
It´s a con. Typical money laundering. This scam is meant to give the Clintons a “legitimate” way to unload some of that illegal cash they collected for years. The Clintons are paying FireEye to host the summit by “buying” the $800 “tickets”. The money from the tickets, minus a nice commission for FireEye, is then returned to them.
The Clintons tried that with the speaking tour, but curious minds started reporting on the lack of interest to listen to the grafters. So they couldn´t unload too much money.
I have heard that she will show the proper way to wipe a server and each attendee will get an autographed rag to wipe their own server.
So this is the original … FireFly Festival
My son sent me a link to this story last night saying “this isn’t a joke.”
My reply was: “It is a joke, but it isn’t a joke.”
The swag bags for the attendees will include BleachBit sample, a hammer, safe password suggestions, and a cloth
Their links go back a few years, apparently. I would not at all be surprised if this wasn’t some sort of quid pro quo.
Black Hats have a right to speak too!