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Israel destroys largest, deepest and most sophisticated Hezbollah cross-border attack tunnel

Israel destroys largest, deepest and most sophisticated Hezbollah cross-border attack tunnel

“The tunnel, which took Hezbollah several years to dig, also contained railroads to transport equipment and garbage, and was equipped with lighting equipment, air-conditioning and ladders.”

In early December 2018, Israel launched “Operation Northern Shield,” the effort to locate and destroy Hezbollah cross-border tunnels along the Lebanese border in northern Israel.

There were many dramatic videos of the operation, including that moment when Hezbollah operatives on the Lebanese side came face-to-face with an Israeli surveillance camera inserted into one of the tunnels:

I also quite enjoyed watching Hezbollah operatives on the Lebanese end of a tunnel scramble from concrete slurry Israel pumped into the tunnel. It reminded me of the 1950’s movie The Blob:

You can read our full coverage in these posts:

That 6th and largest tunnel was quite sophisticated and long, dug through solid rock as we reported at the time:

[Click Image for video]

This placed the tunnel opening close to Israeli communities:,+Lebanon/@33.0923613,35.2944581,5791m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x151c2a2423a176e3:0x377091770322c230!8m2!3d33.1088767!4d35.3125573

The IDF just destroyed the tunnel in dramatic fashion, with plenty of media coverage. The Jerusalem Post reporter Anna Ahronheim was given access to the tunnel, and reported:

Six months after the Israeli military declared an end to Operation Northern Shield, the IDF has begun destroying the final and largest cross-border tunnel dug by Hezbollah into Israeli territory.

The tunnel began in the Lebanese village of Ramiyeh and stretched one kilometer before infiltrating several meters into northern Israel, close to the communities of Zarit and Shtula….

Unlike the tunnels dug by terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip, each one found by the military on the Lebanese border had different characteristics, with some strengthened by concrete while others were burrowed straight into the rock.

The Ramiyeh tunnel had been dug at a depth of 80 meters and had 20 flights of stairs. The tunnel, which took Hezbollah several years to dig, also contained railroads to transport equipment and garbage, and was equipped with lighting equipment, air-conditioning and ladders.

It will be filled with liquid concrete to remove the threat and prevent Hezbollah terrorists from using it.

Ahronheim posted some video and photos of her tunnel visit:

The IDF released this video:

The IDF also has a sense of humor, putting a Mezuzah on the tunnel entrance:


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Comanche Voter | May 30, 2019 at 8:43 pm

Dang that’s going to take a lot of concrete. I hope they put several bags of strychnine in front of the concrete plug. One way to kill vermin.

Man, it occurs to me that if the Arab “Palestinians” diverted all of the money, energy and material that they currently spend waging incessant jihad against Jews, and, used it to build civilian infrastructure and the foundation for a stable economy, they might actually end their cycle of self-imposed misery. Islam’s sundry intrinsic pathologies — supremacism, totalitarianism, belligerence and intolerance — don’t really allow for peaceful co-existence with its adherents in Gaza and the West Bank. This should be obvious, after 80 years of incessant belligerence from the Arab Muslims, against Israeli Jews.

I’m sure the useful idiot Leftist dhimmi apologists for Islam will find a way to blame the Arabs’ willfully-made, infantile, belligerent and foolish decisions on the Jews. After all, a Muslim is never responsible for his decisions.

    Colonel Travis in reply to guyjones. | May 30, 2019 at 10:49 pm

    Agree. Flawless hatred will do that to you.

    mailman in reply to guyjones. | May 31, 2019 at 5:25 am

    This is the question the media will NEVER ask!

    And this is also the difference between Palestinians and Iraqi Kurds.

    The Kurds, unlike the Palestinians, invested their time, effort, money, lives in to building a functioning State in Northern Iraq based on the idea that if they work hard they can create a better life for their children.

    Iraqi Kurds have also only received a tiny fraction of the support (both financial and otherwise) that the Palestinians have received and unlike the Palestinians the Iraqi Kurds actually do face an enemy that IS committed to the enslavement and destruction of its people (Islam).

    And yet in spite of those very real challenges (unlike the pretend self created challenges the Palestinians have brought upon themselves) they not only have created a functioning State BUT a future for their children.

    So yes…fuck the Palestinians. Lets just support the Iraqi Kurds. Let the Palestinians become a welcome footnote in history (and not before time!).

    JusticeDelivered in reply to guyjones. | May 31, 2019 at 9:22 am

    They savor their misery, preferring such to success and prosperity. The only solution to their misery is to put them down.

    Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | May 31, 2019 at 10:23 am

    Hizballah aren’t “Palestinians” and don’t live in misery. They have plenty of money (mostly from Iran) to live good lives and try to kill Jews.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to Milhouse. | June 1, 2019 at 6:12 pm

      They may have enough handouts to live well, but that is not the same thing as living a productive life. These people are useless, to themselves, their children and to collective humanity. I cannot see any way to fix them except death. We should help them move on to their glorious afterlife where there are 72 virgins who never are deflowered.

Google Translate has its uses, but the raw output is often more amusing than enlightening. Here’s a better translation of Yoav Zitun’s tweet:

A depth of 22 storeys, used urine bags next to cans of olives, and graffiti by exhausted workers saying “How much longer” in Arabic. I was more amazed by the IDF’s decision to install a beautiful mezuzah(!) at the entrance of a Hizballah tunnel. Perhaps it will help the defense minister.

Stipulated Fate | May 31, 2019 at 8:17 pm

I just spent 7 days riding a motorcycle through Israel with four close friends, we traveled from the dead sea, north to the border with Lebanon, saw everything in between. Israel is a gorgeous country, it’s people are resilient and amazing.

If you have not been, do it.

    Arminius in reply to Stipulated Fate. | June 1, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    I take it you’re not an Israeli citizen. How do you go about renting a motorcycle in Israel?

    I’ve ridden dirt bikes my whole life. Starting with my uncle’s Honda Trail 90. Then I “moved up” to a 125cc Hodaka Combat Wombat.

    Which is actually a thing. People laugh when I tell them I owned a Combat Wombat.

    They laugh and say, no, there has never been such a motorcycle. And the thing was, it was actually a decent dirt bike.

    So while I have a lot of experience riding motorcycles I was never licensed. Because nobody needed a license for the bikes I rode.

    I’m thinking of changing that and getting a Honda Africa Twin.

    I can understand that you may not be comfortable giving legal advice. But do you know who in the Israeli embassy/consulate I can contact to find out. Because I really want to see Israel. And if I can’t do it on the back of a horse, a motorcycle is the next best thing.

Actually I prefer cattle to horses.

Horses are too nervous.

One of the little bits of h2ll I’ve been force to put up with is that I had to put up with the cattle industry. The Navy? Not a problem.

One of the bits of h3ll was that Delta smelt was designated an endangered species.

I’m like, what the he3ll?

What it meant was you couldn’t farm. If you have the time I will tell you in full detail what happened.