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Legal Nightmares Week in Higher Education

Legal Nightmares Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

The college admissions scandal is already having a huge legal impact on higher education.

And here’s another legal nightmare to throw on the fire.

More from the crime blotter.

The fight for free speech on campus goes on.

As all of this unfolds, the left is doubling down.

Compare and contrast.

Not even trying to hide it.

Orwell in real life.

This is how it always begins.


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Democrats want rid of the Electoral College because it is one college they can’t bribe. Yet.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 30, 2019 at 6:01 pm

RE: “Legal Nightmares Week in Higher Education”

They “ain’t” seen nothing yet!

Let a few Trillion lawsuits against their crimes blossom.