Sore loser Stacey Abrams to give official Democrat SOTU Response
Senator Schumer confirmed Abrams had agreed to give the official anti-Trump response.

Democrats will trot out failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams to deliver their official State of the Union rebuttal.
Tuesday, Senator Schumer confirmed Abrams had agreed to give the official anti-Trump response.
Schumer confirms. “I was very delighted when she agreed.”
— Zach C. Cohen (@Zachary_Cohen) January 29, 2019
Abrams lost Georgia’s 2018 Gubernatorial election to Republican Brian Kemp. She then refused to concede, prattled on about voter suppression, suggested the election was stolen, and considered legal action demanding a re-do. So basically, she’s a perfect representation of the current Democrat party.
Our previous coverage of Abrams post-election drama:
Hollywood Wants to Boycott Georgia Over Governor Race, But Abrams Pushes Back
Abrams Gives Up Running for Governor, Still Won’t Concede
Stacey Abrams May Sue for Do-Over in Georgia Governor Election
WaPo Faces Backlash Over Criticism of Black Males who Voted Republican in Georgia’s Governor Race
Democrats Ready to Scream ‘Stolen Election’ if Kemp Wins in Georgia
Federal Judge Delays Georgia Governor Vote Certification, as Democrats Hunt for More Votes

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She will need real time fact checking. She has a history of twisting the truth and out right lying.
I’ve read she’s a COMMITTED COMMUNIST,…er…I mean SOCIALIST!
Is that true?
How does that make her different from any other democrat?
Worst job in politics. I take it no one else would do it?
I bet you are correct.
Now there’s the face of destruction
Hilary’s soul sister act perhaps?
Known tax evader and credit card delinquent. Google her and tax evasion. Also sore loser.
Perfect person to offer up Dem response; she represents the party perfectly
Re: “Known tax evader”
That’s the only way they could get an jail Al Capone.
Has cannon fodder written all over her.
Why did Democrats settle for 2nd best? Hillary was available for the job and surely would have accepted, cementing her role as Front Runner in 2020, and she is a much bigger (metaphorically speaking) sore loser than Stacey ‘Tank’ Abrams – Tank only refused to concede and then disappeared; Hillary has poisoned our country by paying for the phony Russia dossier, pimping it regularly, and escaping prosecution thanks to Obama’s politicized Justice Department.
Opportunity missed!
Isn’t this the genius who also is on record publicly stating she has “no problem” with illegal aliens voting in our elections?
A perfect candidate to face the President, who wants to enforce the border and the voter eligibility laws.
How lost are the Dems that they present a losing candidate to represent the party to deliver a national address. That’s the best they can do?
And her “Skin Color” has nothing to do when her selection. Right?
Believe that and I’ve got some swamp land in DC to sell to you.
In other words, those Racist Dems being Patronizingly Racist AGAIN.
At least it isn’t Jeff Flake.
Flake will give is own democrat rebuttal on his newly assigned post with CBS.
Used to be when politicians lost an election or retires we didn’t hear from them; now
they’re in our face more than ever. What makes them think we want to hear or see them?
They lost or knew they were unelectable. Move on already. Geese.
Hmmm. Looks like the D’rats are expecting a real hammering in the SOTU address, and they don’t want anybody valuable to be tarred with their inadequate response.
Dang, I was hoping it would be Michael Avenatti. With a scantily clad Stormy Daniels dancing behind him.
It might revive his moribund Presidential campaign.
I live in GA and had to endure her constant lying. It’s as if she lives in a make-believe world that doesn’t exist. She made up things that did not happen and almost never used hard facts. It was all emotional and victimhood. Of course, this defines the modern Demorat party. If she and aoc are the Dims future then the Repubs are in luck!
If you sort of squint SOTU and STFU might look alike. Is the Democrat Party trying to tell the rest of us to STFU with that person? They don’t just hate Trump, they hate his supporters, and everything they think those supporters believe in. They hate us. (Full disclosure, I am a White Male, of the Roman Catholic persuasion, although not as Catholic as I would like to be. That means I wish I was more Catholic than I am. Yes, it is possible.)
(Oh, and in my youth I earned the distinction of Eagle Boy Scout. A gay coworker told me the Boy Scouts were a cult. Right, as in “I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my county, to obey the Scout Law, and keep myself physically fit, mentally alert, and morally straight. A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” That is like so real cultish.)
They hate America.
At least we won’t have the stiff-faced duo staring soullessly into the camera like the previous Schumer/Pelosi speech. Talk about cold and heartless.
But the photos did provide for excellent internet memes “your father and I are very disappointed in you”
What the heck? It’s over, the ample sized female is ready to sing!
Put some Twinkies on the teleprompter and see how well she speaks.
Just another great example of how fundamentally whacked the Dem Party is. This is either a lack of seriousness or idiocy. Or both.
a huge Donation In Kind to Trump 2020, can’t wait,
in fact skip the SotU which is gonna be Lit AF
and just watch the ‘rebuttal’
prediction? screaming Racist #TDS
Definitely the right move, putting the domesticated beasts at the rear of the parade
believe she’d be the champion in a round of ” Who’s the dumbass? ” with jackson-lee and auntie maxine(though it might be close)
It’s possible that by giving the House to the Dems, where they can put their wares on full display, may have been the best political move over the past 40 years.
Well Chuck asking Stacy Abrams to give the Democrats response to TSOTU address is like asking a 2 year old to explain the theory of reality. The Democrats have sunk to a new low they are so desperate to regain power in all three branches of Government they are willing the jump on the Socialism train. No matter it is headed for a cliff they are desperate to have political power no matter what tom it comes in. Being from Georgia I am disgusted with the Demoncrats and will never vote for them as long as I have a modicum of intelligence and know the difference when someone has the interests of America in mind or their own power. Stacy Abrams is smart enough to convince her feeble minded followers what a great leader she would be. NO just the opposite she would be a pariah inside of and free enterprise government.