Rep. Ilhan Omar Attacked Covington Catholic Students, Defended Hate Group
Didn’t take long for people to correct her.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has only been in Congress for a few weeks, but she has faced backlash day after day for remarks. The latest comes from a tweet that attacked the Covington Catholic students three days after the incident.
She has since deleted the tweet.
Now @IlhanMN has deleted her tweet from last night.
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) January 23, 2019
Needless to say people eagerly corrected her.
You are a shameless liar!
Not only did the boys not taunt the “5 black men,” but it was actually the 5 members of the Black Hebrew Israelites who taunted not only the boys, but other black men AND women who tried to interject & stop their racial slurs against Native Americans!
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) January 23, 2019
Hi @IlhanMN here’s a fact-check:
• The 1 boy who said that was not with the Covington Catholic group
• The 5 Black men called the boys f*ggots, crackers, racially taunted a Black boy, the boys didn’t retaliate
• Show us one racist chant on video from the boys, there isn’t one— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 23, 2019
-The single boy who yelled “it’s not rape if you enjoy it” isn’t from Covington
-The 5 black men yelled at them, calling them “faggots,” “child molesters,” and “crackers”
-Sandmann’s family hired a PR firm to protect themselves from the smears being spread by people just like you— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) January 23, 2019
@IlhanMN tweeted an article from Rewire News, an absurdly far-Left publication that blamed Jews for being too critical of Farrakhan (among other things). Notice how much of the supporting fire comes from the repulsive @jdforward.
— David Reaboi (@davereaboi) January 23, 2019
Remember… The Black Hebrew Israelis are a hate group… Even the SPLC defines them as such.
And @IlhanMN sided with them.
— Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D., M.S. (@Neoavatara) January 23, 2019
You are evil. If Democrats had any standards, you would have already been censured.
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) January 23, 2019

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Unless she publicly apologizes, I think she’s going to learn that there’s no government fund for libel defense.
Brett Kavanaugh was enthusiastically attacked and smeared by the Dems but made it on SCOTUS anyway. The Dems damn well be careful what they do with the next Repub nominees. I don’t believe Kavanaugh would be as fond of SCOTUS jurisprudence on defamation and the First Amendment (as well as invasion of privacy and the First) as justices in the past. The more judges that make it to the top with first hand experience of being defamed, the better the chances of pulling back on high bar/standards for a plaintiff that were established in cases like Gertz, Milovich, and Sullivan (NYT case).
Setting the tone of what she has yet to opine on.
More of the great divide to be had.
The disparate, uneven standards applied by Twitter to marxists and conservatives is not always a bad thing, as the chronic foot in mouth disease of Alexandra Ocasio and the new goatherding saracens elected to Congress are demonstrating. It is good that fools have a platform to boldly display their vapidness and true feelings so that others can judge them.
We need Twitter to allow the saracens and the marxists in the Dem camp to remain active.
or as Lincoln put it…”better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
I thought good Muslims were against abortions.
Only when they are trying to overrun the natives and need a plentiful supply of martyrs.
But Steve King must be booted from Congress?
What do you wanna bet the “one” yelling inappropriate slurs was on the Soros payroll, along with all the others surrounding the boys?
It’s long past time to persistently call out Leftists in Congress & the MSM as garbage human beings concerning their blatant anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic bigotry.
She’s gonna fit right in!!
She was given a seat on the house Foreign Affairs Committee.
Buckle up! Turbulence ahead.
There is no shortage of examples of why America and other western countries should not allow moronic Muslims to settle.
IO is a rabid diversitist and indulges in color judgments including racism. She’s a Democrat and does it on principle, which is Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent (PC).
A big smile can’t hide the hate seething beneath the skin. It will continue to seep out over time.
I hope Rep. Omar is on Robert Bernes’ lawsuit list. Representatives can say just about anything on the floor of the House, but this ugliness was on social media. Omar has enough followers, I think, to make it onto the lawsuit list.
The best part of the Age of Trump .. people identify themselves/show their bigotry
She is a member of two hate groups. First she is a member of the political warfare hate group called muslims. Second she is new member of another political warfare hate group called Demoncrats. It is plain to see that she is into hate groups.