AG Nominee William Barr Said It’s ‘Vitally Important’ for Mueller to Finish Russia Investigation

Attorney General William Barr said that he plans to tell the Senate during his confirmation hearings this week that he believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller should finish his Russia investigation. From NBC News:

“I believe it is vitally important that the Special Counsel be allowed to complete his investigation,” Barr plans to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to prepared remarks obtained by NBC News.“For that reason, my goal will be to provide as much transparency as I can consistent with the law,” Barr plans to say. “I can assure you that, where judgments are to be made by me, I will make those judgments based solely on the law and will let no personal, political, or other improper interests influence my decisions.”

The confirmation hearings begin on Tuesday and should end on Wednesday in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Democrats on the committee plan on concentrating on the Mueller investigation since Barr sent a memo to Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein last year that said, “Mueller should not be permitted to demand that the President submit to interrogation about alleged obstruction. Apart from whether Mueller [has] a strong enough factual basis for doing so, Mueller’s obstruction theory is fatally misconceived.”

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) reiterated this stance on ABC’s This Week on Sunday. From The Hill:

Durbin said during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” that he’s “worried” about whether Barr can properly oversee Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible obstruction of justice on the part of Trump.“I’m worried about it. Clearly, he’s a good lawyer. There’s no question. But when it comes to this delicate political situation — the power of the presidency, whether this investigation is warranted — Bill Barr had better give us some ironclad assurances in terms of his independence and his willingness to step back and let Mueller finish his job,” Durbin said.

Rosenstein has overlooked the Mueller investigation after former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself. However, Rosenstein will leave the DOJ after the confirmation of a new attorney general.

Tags: Democrats, DOJ, Robert Mueller, Trump Russia, US Senate, William Barr