WaPo Faces Backlash Over Criticism of Black Males who Voted Republican in Georgia’s Governor Race

The Washington Post is facing backlash over its “analysis” piece entitled “What’s up with all those black men who voted for the Republican in the Georgia governor’s race?”.

The article begins with the obligatory attack on white women, but we aren’t the “real” target this time.  Instead, the author is enraged that between 8% and 11% of black men voted for Democrat Stacey Abrams’ opponent, Republican Brian Kemp.

White female voters in Georgia showed little interest in helping black women fulfill their dream of electing Stacey Abrams as governor, which would have made her the first African American woman to head a state in the nation’s history.

Seventy-five percent of white women voted for Republican Brian Kemp, who was declared the winner late last week, more than 10 days after disputes over absentee and provisional ballots.

. . . . But another group of voters also raised eyebrows for how they voted in the race, in which Abrams fell about 17,000 votes short of forcing a runoff with Kemp.

Black men voted for Kemp at a higher rate than black women, according to exit polling, a data point that drew gasps and rebuke on social media and news commentary.

According to network exit polling provided by CNN, 11 percent of black men voted for Kemp; the Associated Press’s VoteCast reported 8 percent.

Those numbers are reminiscent of the double-digit level of support that Donald Trump got among black men in the 2016 presidential election. Trump endorsed Kemp, which helped him win a runoff primary contest in July, and he traveled to Georgia to stump for Kemp two days before the Nov. 6 election.

The problem, apparently, is not that black men are sexist; instead, the outrage appears to be that they are likely to be socially and/or fiscally conservative and buy into the right’s crazy notion of self-determination and free market capitalism.  The horror.

The article continues:

Sexism was probably not a major factor in black men supporting Abrams at a lower rate, [Ted Johnson, a senior fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice] said. He cited a paper published earlier this year that looked at how gender stereotypes affected black and white voters’ behavior in the 2016 presidential election.

. . . .  Black men who voted for Kemp were not so much rejecting Abrams as embracing the conservative messages of rugged individualism and free-market economics.

“I think it boils down to — the conservative mantra of self-determination and economic empowerment resonates with men, period, but especially with a certain cohort of black men,” Johnson said. “Like the brothers that are hustling CD to the brothers that open barbershops, that entrepreneurial spirit is alive in the black community.”

He said those voters believe that the GOP talking point of “getting government out of the way and letting people determine their own economic path. That sounds good to black men, and it’s a mantra they can support rather than having the government say we’re gonna help you to be a man.”

. . . .  Johnson said there are a lot of black people who “may be social conservatives or fiscal conservatives but are liberal on the issue of civil rights and race.”

“To be a racial conservative means you’re okay with Jim Crow,” he added. “There’s only one party that you can support and be progressive on race, and that’s the Democratic Party.”

This is why the Democrats work so hard to paint the right as racists; fear and hate are the only things they have to offer racial minorities who otherwise reject their increasingly anti-American, anti-capitalist socialist platform.

A fact not lost on Candace Owens, who recently launched #Blexit, and her Twitter followers.

Twitchy has some other great tweets on this “analysis”:

Tags: 2018 Elections, Georgia