Rubio Takes Broward County to Task Over Ballot Counting Delay, Opening the Door to “Steal” a Senate Seat
“#Broward election supervisors ongoing violation of #Florida law requiring timely reporting isn’t just annoying incompetence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here & try to steal a seat in the U.S. Senate & Florida Cabinet”

The Florida Senate race is in the midst of a recount, with a looming deadline of November 10th.
And you would know that Broward County, the same county under fire for numerous issues surrounding the Parkland school shooting, is also embroiled in what appears to be a blatant attempt to scratch up votes.
So bad is the situation, that Senator Rubio accused Broward County officials of creating a scenario where a Senate seat could be stolen.
Long but IMPORTANT THREAT ON ELECTIONS IN #FLORIDA.#BayCounty was hit by a Cat 4 Hurricane just 4 weeks ago,yet managed to count votes & submit timely results.
Yet over 41 hours after polls closed #Broward elections office is still counting votes? #Sayfie
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018
#Broward supervisor:
– says she doesn’t know how many ballots are left to be counted; &
– Isn’t reporting hourly or regularly,but rather releasing thousands of additional votes,often in the overnight hours,that are chipping away at GOP leads2/6 #Sayfie
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018
#Broward elections department has a history of violating the law:
A court found they improperly handled votes by mail:
Court found they destroyed ballots in 2016 in violation of state & federal law: #Sayfie
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018
Now democrat lawyers are descending on #Florida. They have been very clear they aren’t here to make sure every vote is counted.
– They are here to change the results of election; &
– #Broward is where they plan to do it.#Sayfie4/6
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018
A U.S. Senate seat & a statewide cabinet officer are now potentially in the hands of an elections supervisor with a history of incompetence & of blatant violations of state & federal laws.
Read Here:
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018
#Broward election supervisors ongoing violation of #Florida law requiring timely reporting isn’t just annoying incompetence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here & try to steal a seat in the U.S. Senate & Florida Cabinet
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 8, 2018
More on Brenda Snipes, the Broward County Board of Elections Supervisor from National Review:
Brenda Snipes, the Broward County Board of Elections Supervisor previously convicted for illegally destroying ballots, is once again under scrutiny for her questionable handling of Tuesday’s elections.
Snipes has so far refused to disclose the number of Broward County ballots that have yet to be counted more than 40 hours after the polls closed, in possible violation of Florida law, which requires timely reporting of vote counts.
A local ABC affiliate recounted its reporter’s confrontation with Snipes:
“Could I please get a moment to go into the room and find out?” Snipes asked the group huddled around her. “OK, when I come back I’ll let you know.”
“But, Dr. Snipes, it is now Thursday,” Weinsier said. “We are still counting ballots in Broward County.”
“We’re counting five pages or six pages for each of the people who voted,” Snipes said.
“But other counties have been able to do it,” Weinsier said.
“But other counties didn’t have 600,000 votes out there,” Snipes shot back.
“Well, Miami-Dade did,” Weinsier said.
“Well, have you been inside my — never mind, let me go check. I’ll check,” Snipes said.
“But it’s a serious issue. It always seems like…” Weinsier said before Snipes interrupted him.
“It’s a serious issue with me,” she told him. “I’ve been doing this now since Oct. 22.”
“But if it’s a serious issue with you…” Weinsier said, only to be interrupted again.
“We ran 22 sites, we ran 14 days, we ran 12 hours, we had a big vote by mail (during early voting), so don’t try to turn it around to make it seem like I’m making comedy out of this,” Snipes replied.
A judge ruled in 2016 that Snipes violated federal election law by prematurely destroying ballots from a congressional race that were relevant to an outstanding lawsuit against her office. As a result, the Florida Department of State said elections experts would be dispatched to monitor Snipes’s office in future elections to “ensure that all laws are followed.”
Snipes was once again chastised by the court in February of this year after the state’s Republican party sued her for opening mail-in ballots before the Board of Elections had the opportunity to examine the ballots and determine their authenticity.

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in a nation of laws, she would have been in prison years ago…
supposedly, we now have an AG, so where is the DOJ, and why haven’t they seized everything already?
It’s a matter for state law. None of DOJ’s business.
Not quite true. Federal Courts do intervene at times. See Bush v Gore. When the fundamental fairness of an election rises to a level of possible deprivation of Constitutional rights, Federal Courts can get involved in State elections.
It is a matter of State Politics rather than State Law. See the 2004 theft of the Washington State Governorship from Republican Dino Rosssi. Rosssi was in the lead until an election supervisor in Kings County suddenly “discovered” thousands of ballots in the trunk of a car. Rossi lost a State Court challenge and declined to appeal citing the political makeup of the State Supreme Court.
What is different here is that Broward and Palm Beach officials have to answer to Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi and a possible Federal corruption probe led by the FBI. Trump will not lie down like Bush.
The Senate race is a Federal matter. The Constitution states:
“Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members”
So if the Senate believes there has been fraud, it is perfectly free not to seat Bill Nelson and instead seat Rick Scott. Nelson would have to litigate in Federal Court. It is not clear that a District Court ruling would be binding on the United States Senate.
The Democrats are playing with fire
Actually, per Article 1 Section 5, not even the Supreme Court has any authority here.
Milhouse, your thinking is too narrow here. The United States Department of Justice routinely investigates and prosecuts corrupt acts of State Officials. The Federal Investigation would use the Hobbs Act and would be geared towards prosecuting corrupt election officials who supplied fraudulent ballots. This is routine and settled practice
One overlooked factor in all of this is the role of Mitch McConnell. He has SOLE authority under the Constitution to determine if a Senator will be allowed to take office.
Article 1 Section 5: “Section 5
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, “
The DOJ with the Voting Rights Act seems to get into a lot of “local” stuff.
Throw out all Broward votes. Every last one. Arrest the democrat criminals. Send in the guard to quell the riots sure to come.
Palm Beach County has 264,902 registered Republicans and 276,328 Independents. There are 395,775 registered Democrats. So even in Palm Beach County Democrats are outnumbered by Republicans and Independents.
When you vote in Palm Beach your driver’s license is scanned. You are then presented with a touch screen that displays your information. You then sign an electronic document. You scan your own ballot before you leave. Given that system, it should be easy for criminal investigators to uncover ballot fraud.
Jail time.
About the time you were writing your comments, Governor Scott (candidate for Senate) was holding a press conference listing all the laws Broward County was violating and announcing that he was sending in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The FDLE is like a state version of the FBI with a lot more credibility than the FBI for investigating corruption!
We need some automatic triggers for investigations of corruption, such as when a county takes twice as long as 50% of the other counties to report their votes or 50% longer than 75% of the counties.
Also, when a Supervisor of Elections violates certain standards, they should be barred from ever holding public office in Florida again.
Why is she still running the operation? This is outrageous!
Because she’s elected.
She explicitly violated the law 2 years ago. She should have been prosecuted, removed from office, and as a felon prevented from holding office any more.
What a shock she’s still fucking cheating. Why would she not? If she succeeds she steals a seat and gets a Democrat in. If she fails so what? They lost anyway and she faces zero consequences.
Why do you assume she committed a felony? Or even a misdemeanor?
The DOJ with the Voting Rights Act seems to get into a lot of “local” stuff. And suddenly Federal laws are violated.
Meanwhile, the effort to steal the Arizona seat appears to be succeeding.
By any means necessary.
Dammit! Why didn’t I get a career in gov’t??? I could be doing whatever the hell I want, and never get in trouble!
Wait, right after the 2016 elections Trump complained about vote rigging and Rubio along with the other deep-state NeverTrumpers said that it’s impossible. They helped scuttle Trump’s commission on voter fraud.
Will Rubio admit he’s a dumbass for not doing anything in 2016? Of course not! The ruling class is never held responsible for their failures.
Yup, Little Marco was more likely complicit in the attempted sabotage of Trumps’ campaign and presidency, so screw him.
Its always interesting that these vote-tabulation problems, vote-counting problems and ballot-finding situations always seem to occur in Democrat dominated counties. It might be time for the Governor to empanel a state-wide grand jury to look into election problems in the state of Florida.
Not if Gillum wins. How else can the Dems compensate for the voter fraud they project on their opponents?
We are dealing with a mindset that is unfathomable. Maybe a binge of meth, alcohol and sleep deprivation can readjust my mind to think like theirs. I agree with Michael Savage… it is a mental illness. Look at the planned impeachment hearings for Trump and Kavanaugh.
There is no magic dirt. When you invite the third world in then all your institutions will soon become third world.
How much more will it take, how many more examples of blatant corruption and misconduct will be required before the only clear solution becomes complete removal of every Broward county official accompanied by criminal charges?
It will continue until Trump orders the FBI to clean it up
How is it a matter for the FBI? Where’s the federal crime?
Where is the Federal Crime? It is now accepted and settled that public corruption cases involving State Officials can be prosecuted as Federal crimes. Indictments often fall under the aegis of 18 U.S.C. § 1951, 18 U.S.C. § 371, 18 U.S.C. § 201, 18 U.S.C. § 666, 18 U.S.C. § 1346.
So yes, without a doubt State Election Fraud can be federally prosecuted.
The DOJ with the Voting Rights Act seems to get into a lot of “local” stuff. And suddenly Federal laws are violated.
Governor Scott ordered in the the FDLE before you made your comment.
They clearly violated reporting laws in a way that would enable cheating.
The laws need more teeth in them.
Can the Senate refuse to seat a person of the year stole an election? That’s what I’m wondering.
Why can’t we have a feature on this site where we can edit our comments after posting? My comment above was meant to be …if that person stole an election.
“Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members”, so yes. But a resolution not to seat Nelson would probably be subject to filibuster.
Didn’t the Democrats do away with the Filibuster?
If Milhouse had two brain cells functional, he would realize that a filibuster is NOT a legal requirement, nor mentioned in the Constitution. It has ZERO bearing on this matter.
The filibuster is a rule of the senate, which is the body that would have to pass a resolution not to seat Nelson.
Stop or we shall chastise you again!
Rubio is impotent.
The guy might as well write a harshly worded letter ending it with “or else” for fucks sake.
I was thinking a similar thing but along the lines of Monty Python: “Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-ah”
How the fuck does this kind of shit CONTINUE to happen?!?!
I really am flabbergasted that fraud is still playing a role in American politics…and isn’t it funny how all these questions of fraud seemingly only ever go one way (kind of like all those errors in climate science only ever happen in one direction!!).
When do the riots start?
if anything requires rioting, Democrat voter fraud should be the thing people should be rioting over!
Lowe’s and Home Depot sells tar. Who sells feathers?
[If you don’t know what I am talking about, you have just cause to file a lawsuit against your school district for providing an inadequate education.]
The Democrats believe “every vote should be counted” until their candidate is ahead. Every vote includes fraudulent votes that may be “suddenly” discovered.