Laura Loomer Handcuffs Herself to Twitter HQ to Protest Her Twitter Ban

Last week, Professor Jacobson blogged about Laura Loomer who was kicked off of Twitter for criticizing incoming Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

Loomer is a “controversial” figure because of her bold tactics, such as getting in the face of left-wing politicians and shouting out provocative questions. Those are tactics that the media normally defends when directed at Republicans. She also challenges Islamism, which makes her anathema to the left-leaning media. This all gets her put in the “far right” media box.

In protest, Loomer handcuffed herself to Twitter’s NYC headquarters.

From The Washington Times:

Laura Loomer, a conservative activist and provocateur recently suspended from Twitter, handcuffed herself to a door outside the company’s New York City headquarters Thursday in protest.Ms. Loomer, 25, started the stunt shortly before 4 p.m. Thursday, eight days after her Twitter account was suspended over a tweet criticizing Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Democrat.“I’m here for the millions of conservatives who have been censored by Jack Dorsey,” Ms. Loomer said after shackling herself to Twitter’s headquarters Thursday, referring to the company’s co-founder and chief executive.“I put away the key,” she added. “I’ll be here as long as it takes.”Twitter “notified the relevant authorities who are responding,” a company spokesperson told The Washington Times.Ms. Loomer “was suspended for violating our policies,” said the spokesperson. “We apply the Twitter Rules impartially and not based on ideology. “The incident ended after roughly 2.5 hours when New York Police Department officers used bolt cutters to sever Ms. Loomer’s handcuffs at her request, The Verge reported. She was not placed under arrest, the report said.

Twitter keeps claiming they are not targeting anyone based on ideology, but Loomer blew up tweets made by Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan that tell a different story.

As Professor Jacobson pointed out, you’re only at risk of being deplatformed if you’re a “right-winger.”

If you are an Islamist anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan, Linda Sarsour, or Congresswoman-elect Ihlan Omar, you are safe. If you are the military wing of Hamas, you are safe. If you are an unhinged anti-Trump conspiracy theorist, you are safe.If you are accused of being “far right” (regardless of whether that’s an accurate description), you are at risk.

Conservative pundit Jesse Kelley was recently suspended from Twitter. Only have two US Senators called attention to the issue was Kelly’s account reinstated. There’s a growing list of pundits and activists on the right who are being kicked off one of the largest social media sites for alleged “hate speech” while the anti-semites go untouched.

Twitter is a private entity and can enforce their terms of service as they see fit, but they’re not fooling anyone with the “impartial” schtick.

Tags: Social Media, Twitter