Republican Lawmakers Under Attack: Sen. McConnell Harassed by Anti-Kavanaugh Activists

Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader McConnell was harassed at the Reagan National airport.

Three anti-Kavanaugh activists walked alongside Sen. McConnell demanding he explain whether he believes women who make allegations of sexual assault.

The Daily Wire has more:

Two of the activists have been identified by The Huffington Post as Tracey Corder, Center for Popular Democracy’s “racial justice campaign director,” and Naina Khanna, Positive Women’s Network USA’s executive director.The women are working to make sure Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — who has had weak, changing, and uncorroborated accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against him in the eleventh hour — doesn’t get confirmed.McConnell, seemingly unfazed by the harassment, looked straight ahead and even shook a random man’s hand on his way out of the airport.This did not sit well with the feminists, as you might imagine.”It is really telling that you shook the hand of a man while a woman is trying to tell you her story,” yelled Corder.”We would like to know if you believe survivors of sexual violence?” said Khanna.At one point, Khanna bizarrely accuses one of the men escorting McConnell of “assaulting” her after she repeatedly brushes up against him. “I keep stepping on her feet,” he responded, explaining why he moved.As McConnell walked up an escalator, Khanna yelled, “Senator McConnell, do you always turn your back on women like this?”He was also asked if we would “support a full FBI investigation.” There is already an FBI investigation underway, of course.”We walked up to him respectfully. We really wanted to ask him about his vote and how he felt,” Corder told The Huffington Post. “This is three women of color trying to talk to him. He saw a white man and instantly shook his hand. That felt pretty hurtful.”

McConnell is not the only Senator to be bombarded by the crazed mob.

Tuesday a hazmat team was dispatched to Sen. Cruz’s Houston office to investigate a letter containing a white powder substance. Two people are in the hospital.

McConnell said Monday that the Senate would vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation this week.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell