Lindsey Graham’s Five Most Awesome Defenses of Brett Kavanaugh

Out of all the horror and vileness of the Democrats’ all-out war on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, there comes a most welcome surprise:  Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).  The man has been on fire all week, and he is not close to stopping.

Following are Graham’s five most awesome moments in defense of Kavanaugh.

We’ve covered some of his finer moments, but I wanted to compile them and more into one post for us all to enjoy.  I’ve never (before) been a fan of Graham; I found him too squishy on too many issues that matter to me, and I was confounded by his insistence on seeing Democrats through rose-colored glasses and imagining a cross-aisle collegiality that just wasn’t there and hadn’t been for decades.  He’s been the steady, quiet guy who tried to hold on to the congenial and respectful aspects of the Senate that were long ago abandoned by those he kept attempting to reach on the other side of the aisle.

But no more, Graham was well and truly pissed off by the Democrat treatment of Kavanaugh.

And very happy that the Democrat effort to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation failed.

The Kavanaugh debacle seems to have shaken him from his stupor, and he now not only understands what we are dealing with but is incensed to his very core by it.  The Democrats’ behavior and tactics were so unseemly, so disgraceful, so shameful that they offended Graham’s sensibilities, his sense of honor and ethics, his very foundation.  With that, the gloves have come off, and Graham is proving to have a spine of steel and a wit to match.

# 5 Graham claps back at screeching Kavanaugh protester: “Yeah, please move to South Carolina”

A Kavanaugh protester chased Graham in DC and screeched that she would vote him out of office—something incoherent to do with his “white privilege patriarchy,” and Graham shot back, “Yeah, please move to South Carolina. I hope you come, you’d be welcome in South Carolina.”

Business Insider reports:

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina shrugged off a protester with a quip of his own as he walked to his car at Capitol Hill on Friday.A female protester followed closely behind Graham’s entourage shouting, “your own white privilege patriarchy,” and threatened to vote him out of office.Graham appeared unfazed by the protester’s remarks and encouraged her visit his home state.”Yeah, please move to South Carolina,” Graham said with a smile. “I hope you come, you’d be welcome in South Carolina.”

The prof included this yesterday: This might be the best thing ever via Benny Johnson:

# 4 Graham is so over anti-Kavanaugh protesters: “Why don’t we dunk him in water and see if he floats”

I’m a huge Monty Python fan and have used this scene in many a discussion, so I was particularly happy to hear this from Graham.

“If he would take a polygraph, it would all be over, Senator Graham,” she interrupted. To which Sen. Graham responded, “why don’t we dunk him in water and see if he floats.”

# 3 Graham on Democrats overplaying their hand:  “What ya’ll have done is bullshit.”

Fox News reports:

Now that the probe has been completed, Ingraham pointed out, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) has called it a “bulls**t investigation” and Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) has called it a “cover-up.””To my good friends, is this advise and consent?” he asked of the two Democrats. “Your view of the Senate’s role is to take a good man’s life and turn it upside down.””That’s not advise and consent, that’s despicable,” Graham said of Democrats’ actions during the confirmation process. “[This] might blow up in your face — I hope it does.””Let me tell it to my friend Bob, what y’all have done is bulls**t,” Graham added, borrowing Menendez’ choice of expletive.Graham said that protesters hassling Republicans in the halls of Congress “won’t work” with him.Addressing top Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, Graham said, “I’ve never been more disappointed in you and your party.”

# 2 Graham comes out swinging at Kavanaugh hearing

This is must-watch viewing for anyone even remotely interested in the Kavanaugh debacle.

# 1 Graham is taking the fight to the streets: “I’ve never campaigned against a colleague in my life. That’s about to change”

Graham is so ticked off that he is going to break one of his own rules against campaigning against a colleague. He’s heading to purple states and districts to campaign, not just for Senate candidates, but for those in the House, as well.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Grabbing the spotlight in the Sunday morning talk show circuit, Graham unveiled stage two of what has been a vigorous defensive campaign against an flurry of sexual assault allegations that threatened to derail Kavanaugh’s chances of becoming the 114th Supreme Court justice.“All I can say is this is going to the streets at the ballot box,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I’ve never campaigned against a colleague in my life. That’s about to change. I’m going to go throughout this country and let people in these purple states, red states, where Trump won know what I thought, know what I think about this process.”Graham’s pledge indicates a rising frustration with Democrats that has reached a tipping point; his willingness to discard civility for his Senate contemporaries on the other side of the aisle to bolster Trump shows a turn-around for the South Carolina Republican. Only a few short years ago, amid a bitter Republican presidential primary, Graham warned that a Trump administration would be “an utter, complete and total disaster.”Now Graham, though he regularly warns the president against a willingness to embrace perennial U.S. adversaries like North Korea and Russia, is one of Trump’s biggest boosters on Capitol Hill. After his brash TV blitz Sunday, he hit the links with Trump, who has now fulfilled a campaign promise by molding a conservative-leaning Supreme Court with two successful nominees under his belt.

Bonus goodness: Graham to audience who booed his assertion “Kavanaugh was treated like crap”: “Yeah, well, boo yourself!”

Tags: 2018 Elections, Brett Kavanaugh, Lindsey Graham