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Google Exec Blasts GOP Over Kavanaugh, Claims Party is ‘Finished’

Google Exec Blasts GOP Over Kavanaugh, Claims Party is ‘Finished’

“I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames.”

Top Google executive David Hogue lost his damn mind on Twitter over the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. In the now deleted tweet, Hogue wrote:

“You are finished, @GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. F*CK. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL.”

He added: “I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames.”

Alrighty then.

Hogue eventually deleted the tweet and said he could have found a “more eloquent” way to express his thoughts.

Yes, we know that his opinions are his own and doesn’t represent Google or his coworkers. But the news hasn’t been kind to Google lately over treatment of conservatives.

A Google spokeswoman told Fox News: “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

The company has denied a bias against conservatives. Google CEO Sundar Pichai met “with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill last month to discuss the allegations and concerns about privacy issues and the firm’s re-entry into China.” A source described the meeting as “positive” and had a “tough but fair and respectful” tone.

But the bias doesn’t stop at Google.

During Kavanaugh’s hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Facebook had to hold a townhall because employees could not understand why a senior executive attended the hearing in support of Kavanaugh.

Joel Kaplan works as Facebook’s policy chief and is friends with Kavanaugh. He attended the hearing as a personal friend, not on business.

But that didn’t stop the snowflakes at the large social media company from going crazy. In fact, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg attended and “spoke in an effort to diffuse internal tension.”

INTERNAL TENSION over Kavanaugh? Good grief.


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With a baby on the barbie, and a warlock trial cut short, there is still a demand for progress.

Don’t be evil. R-i-i-i-ght.

Oh. Did we leave Google off the list?…

…why.. yes we did.

Thank you, Google Nazi Asshat. We almost forgot about you.

“diffuse” or “defuse”?

Google: GOP go to hell.. We can do better

Peterson: Clean up your own room first. How can you he trusted to change the world when you can’t even control yourself.

Fen: I say we take off and –

As often as godless liberals invoke the flames of hell to condemn conservatives, I have to laugh.

Decades ago, that wonderful old Christian satire magazine the Wittenburg Door named Mr. T “Theologian of the Year” for his faith-based explanation of all the chains he wears.

With that memory in mind, I could envision an AFB cartoon (in the style of Larson / Far Side) of bearded God hurling conservatives headlong into hell for opposing Roe v. Wade, voting for Kavanaugh, etc.

It does make me wonder what kind of schizophrenic God the liberals serve, anyway? The wrath of WOKE God is terrifying to imagine! Ha!

    Arminius in reply to MrE. | October 10, 2018 at 11:05 am

    Godless leftists are fanatically religious. It’s just that their god is government. Their religion has no moral component other than the highest and only good is that they pursue unlimited power over government, and they stamp out heresies such as there should be any limits on government (and consequently their own) power to dictate every aspect of other people’s lives. Which is why they’re so vicious toward the heretics which right now are also leftists. As many have noticed right now they’re eating their own.

    Think Bolsheviks wiping out the Mensheviks.

A Google spokeswoman told Fox News: “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

Oh, really? Why can’t they accept that other people do the same?

Warning….Radical democrat dangerous lunatics on the loose. Crazy People.

Hi Ho Trigger….away!

“You are finished, @GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. F*CK. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL.”

I don’t take “HateSpeech” lectures, much less veiled death threats, from soyboy miscreants who don’t know how to re-assemble an M16 blindfolded.

Google is the company building a Orwellian artificial intelligence surveillance algorithm for the totalitarians of China?

David Hogue just gave October Surprise marching orders to his employees – and for those same employees to salt the earth – FOREVER. I’m not creeped out at all. Nope, not one bit.

Sidebar. David Hogue doesn’t seem to know the origin and history of the fluer-de-lis ornamenting his twitter account.

Fleur-de-lis, stylized emblem or device much used in ornamentation and, particularly, in heraldry, long associated with the French crown. One legend identifies it as the lily given at his baptism to Clovis, king of the Franks (466–511), by the Virgin Mary.

The lily was said to have sprung from the tears shed by Eve as she left Eden. From antiquity it has been the symbol of purity and was readily adopted by the Roman Catholic church to associate the sanctity of Mary with events of special significance. Thus, when Pope Leo III in 800 crowned Charlemagne as emperor, he is reported to have presented him with a blue banner covered (semé) with golden fleurs-de-lis.

Well thank goodness he did not say women are emotional or he’d have been fired for being in conflict with Google’s values.

That or he means to put out the image of intentionally tainting the fleur de lis.

Bucky Barkingham | October 9, 2018 at 2:49 pm

Like King Canute standing at the sea shore and commanding the incoming tide to stop. Except that Canute knew that he did not have that power and was only demonstrating so to his subjects.

Witch hunters seem to come in two flavors: those who do so for fun or profit, and those who are convinced of the righteousness of their cause. Although those in the first category are sometimes taken in by their own propaganda, and those in the second sometimes have second thoughts.

David Hogue seems firmly in the second category and, whatever his public apologies (if these are required) seems unlikely to ever have second thoughts. Although he does mix his secular condemnation with religious concepts, which seems confused at best.

Perhaps one day we’ll be treated to one of those Google homescreen animations, only this one will show Kavanaugh (or other condemned) attempting to escape the auto-da-fe by jumping out of the flames (only to fail due to the restraint of Google’s righteous chains)?

Translation: A bitter, morally bankrupt and intellectually bereft honcho at a multinational technology company started in 1998 declares the end of a political party established in 1856, and which currently controls most levers of government at the national and state level.

Simply put, G00gle is evil. Don’t use their products or services. It starts with using a different search engine, like duckduckgo, that respects your privacy and doesn’t manipulate search results.

Comanche Voter | October 9, 2018 at 3:34 pm

Why I’d say that the little boy is all wee wee’d up. But it may be time to shift away from Google.

hillary said yesterday that civility would return to America when the Dems reclaimed the WH and Congress! I can tell this guy was already on his way to civility towards his fellow man/woman. For the fun of it, try and think how long a conservative employee would keep his job after saying something like this about a Dem!

A Google spokeswoman told Fox News: “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

Yes, yes yes. We all know he said it in his personal capacity.

But did he say it on his personal TIME, from his personal DEVICE?

Or is he using Google’s corporate resources to spread his hateful views?

I hope no one here uses Google. I’ve used StartPage for 6 or 7 years now. The best part is that it uses Google resources but Google gets nothing out of it.

Colonel Travis | October 9, 2018 at 4:33 pm

I like how these clowns say that the (R)s have just screwed themselves by doing blah, blah, blah. Doesn’t matter what it is – elect Trump, confirm Kavanaugh, do this, do that – YOU’RE GONNA REGRET IT BIG TIME!

But for some strange reason, the adults in America have made sure that as the (D)s have turned into whack jobs in recent years, to remove (D)s from the levers of power. What does the (D) party control in America now? Nothing of consequence but a few states and urban hellholes.

Leftists – we’re the ones grounded in reality!

Lest we forget the “Google interns” at Dr. Ford’s home. Tell me this was just repressed memory of one woman … go ahead. There are some many characters in play with this Ford story to make a Russian novel look abridged.

“A Google spokeswoman told Fox News: ‘What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

This is what we call a “lie.”

Google is already manipulating search functions to push liberal narratives. I was searching the other day to find “Pay disparity between majors” and the results on page after page of search results are all about gender pay disparities.

Don’t think these reactions from their executives are isolated from actions the company will follow through on.

So what exactly is this guy’s thesis? Does he seriously think that 100 million American women will think, “Forget Ted Kennedy; forget Bill Clinton; forget Keith Ellison: the rascally Republicans are the rape & abuse party; I’d better vote for a Democrat!”

Women have a finely tuned sense for other women they consider “fakes”. I don’t see too many of them falling for Ford’s act.

Steady in a fox hole, eh Hogue?

INTERNAL TENSION = Post pubescent toddlers who’s diapers are in a twist.

Say something that vile to Democrats and watch your job disappear like magic.

James Damore, who said something politely with data, says hi.

Google Nazi: “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

Bullehit. One of your Executives cant contain his hatred and loses all self-control in public. And you expect us to believe he has self-discipline when the office door is shut and no one is looking?

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for”

SeekingRationalThought | October 9, 2018 at 10:06 pm

DuckDuckGo is the answer to this problem. And they don’t track you either.

Definition of a Hogue TWIT: “a silly or foolish persons rants.”

What is david hogue’s home address?

Anybody know?

His family’s names and addresses?

Two can play hogue’s game.

Google: “What employees say in their personal capacity has no bearing on the way we build or operate our products.”

They are either lying or delusional. Corporate policy flows from the personal beliefs and values of the employees. For example, YouTube’s policy of censoring PragerU videos is obviously purely political, the result of the personal values of the employees affecting how Google operates its product.