It’s getting hard to describe how insane #TheResistance to Brett Kavanaugh has become.
The first day of hearings, which involved no testimony by Kavanaugh, devolved into a circus.
We’ve already covered today the antics of Democrat Senators trying to abort the hearings by repeatedly interrupting, the disruptions by Linda Sarsour and crew, and the stage and phony claim that Kavanaugh refused to shake the hand of the father of a Parkland school shooting victim.
All those things were stupid political theater.
But there is an evil attack on a former Kavanaugh law clerk, Zina Bash, which shows how malicious #StopKavanaugh has become.
Bash has done numerous media appearances in support of Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Bash was sitting behind Kavanaugh as #TheResistance disrupted the hearings. She was in camera view.
Anti-Trump social media users with large followings singled her out for supposedly snide facial expressions and flashing a white power sign.
She even was accused of being a neo-Nazi.
The attacks on Bash spread, and she and her family were the subject of articles at Heavy and elsewhere discussing their personal lives.
So who is Zina Bash? She’s the half-Mexican, half-Polish Jewish lawyer whose family on her father’s side survived the Holocaust.
Bash’s husband, appointed as a U.S. Attorney by Trump, came to her defense:
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, and there will be collateral damage.