Kavanaugh Evening Open Thread: Ashley Kavanaugh Receiving Death Threats

In the morning thread, Mary mentioned threats against Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, and Sen. Susan Collins.

Since then it’s been reported that Kavanaugh’s wife Ashley has received death threats.

Ford’s legal team has put forth terms for an interview and they’re…odd

From Fox News:

Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team has asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to agree to certain terms before she sits down for a potential interview over her accusation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago, two sources told Fox News on Thursday night.Among the terms: Only members of the committee — no lawyers — can question her; Kavanaugh cannot be in the room at the time; and Kavanaugh should be questioned first.The requests, some of which appeared to be negotiable, capped a whirlwind day that began when Ford’s lawyers told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she was open to testifying, apparently backing off her bid for the FBI to first launch a new inquiry into her allegations.But the attorneys said it was “not possible” for Ford to testify at a hearing scheduled for Monday by Senate Republicans, and they reiterated that she has a “strong preference” for an FBI probe beforehand.According to an email sent by her attorney Debra Katz to the committee, Ford would appear as long as senators provide “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety.” It was not immediately clear whether Senate Republicans would agree to Ford’s latest requests, but they have said they are considering them.Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a moderate considered a potential key swing vote in Kavanaugh’s confirmation, had previously suggested that lawyers from both sides initially question Kavanaugh and Ford.That arrangement, Collins suggested, would avoid an overtly political atmosphere in which Ford was questioned by Republicans on the Judiciary Committee — an entirely male contingent.

Threats Against Ashley

From The Wall Street Journal:

Judge Kavanaugh’s wife, Ashley Estes Kavanaugh, also has faced threats, which are being investigated by the U.S. Marshals Service, a senior administration official said Thursday.Mrs. Kavanaugh has received two profane notes in her work email account in recent days, the official said. Both notes, which have been reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, were sent from the same email address.One of the notes to Mrs. Kavanaugh, a town manager in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., reads, “May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell.” The other, whose subject line reads, “Hi, Ashley,” says she should tell her husband to “put a bullet in his … skull.”One person close to the confirmation process said that while Mrs. Kavanaugh is upset by the attacks on her husband, she doesn’t want him to drop out. Judge Kavanaugh himself hasn’t considered withdrawing, according a person familiar with his thinking.

“Dem super-activist Ricki Seidman who derailed Robert Bork’s nomination, found a reluctant Anita Hill” is advising Ford

There’s also this:


They’re trying to drag this out as long as possible — Ford now saying she is open to testifying, just not on Monday

From WRAL:

Christine Blasey Ford opened the possibility she would testify before Congress about her accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.An email her lawyers sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee said Ford “would be prepared to testify next week” if the senators offer her “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety.”The message came a day ahead of a 10 a.m. Friday deadline set by Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley for Ford to decide whether she would appear before a hearing he set for Monday.Testifying Monday, however, “is not possible and the Committee’s insistence that it occur then is arbitrary in any event,” Ford’s lawyers wrote.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, US Supreme Court