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July 2018

President Donald Trump has been holding a series of rallies across the nation, which are designed to promote the candidacy of supporters and to elect more Republicans so he can get more of his agenda items through Congress. One intriguing aspect of those rallies is the obvious support for the US Space Force that is evident in the crowds.

Third time is a charm for former Mexico City mayor Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The two-time presidential runner up came out on top of Mexico's presidential election on Sunday in a landslide victory. He's the first leftist to win the election in decades in Mexico. Some of his supporters have referred him as the "messiah" as they look to him to uphold promises the other parties have failed to uphold.

In Janus vs. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees), the Supreme Court (in a 5-4 decision) ruled that government unions cannot require non-members to pay union dues. Earlier this week, Obama-appointed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her minority dissent to the Janus ruling that the Court had "weaponized the First Amendment."

In several posts we have described how biased teaching materials about the Arab-Israeli conflict and the history and practice of Islam were used for years in the curriculum of two public high schools in the Boston suburb of Newton, Massachusetts:

Last summer, we covered the cancellation of a planned Patriot Prayer rally in San Francisco. The event was cancelled after "Californian leaders, including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D), ... adamantly opposed a rally organized by the Patriot Prayer group on the grounds that it is 'alt right' and 'white supremacist'.”  Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson ably refuted these allegations at the time. Gibson, who is running for the U. S. Senate in Washington state, was in Portland, Oregon yesterday with over a hundred of his Patriot Prayer group for an announced, permitted rally.