Pelosi Dismisses Americans’ Strong Consumer Confidence

The economy is moving in the right direction, with the unemployment rate the lowest it’s been for 18 years and consumer confidence at “a 17-year high.”  This is not good news for Democrats who are watching their midterm blue wave potentially dwindle into a sad little ripple.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is in a tough spot.   Not only is she too moderate for the Bernified Socialist Democratic Party and too radical for moderate Democrats running in red states, but she can’t seem to figure out how to talk to or about an American people who are going back to work and who are experiencing growing consumer confidence.

She first showed how tone-deaf she was in navigating these matters earlier this year when she seemed to sneer at the “crumbs” represented by employee bonuses given in response to the Trump tax cuts.  She just doesn’t get that big government has been squeezing Americans dry, to the point where a thousand dollar bonus sounds pretty darned good to many Americans and their families.

Pelosi isn’t sneering at the welcome “crumbs” of President Trump’s tax cuts; instead, she’s refusing to acknowledge that consumer confidence is at “historically strong levels.”


In doing so, she appears to be undermining (mocking?) the American people who are reporting strong consumer confidence.

Pelosi is trying to make the case for the Socialist Democrat platform of $15 minimum wage, “free” college, healthcare, and etc., but she’s coming across as out-of-touch, confused, and, as the GOP has labeled her, as “Negative Nancy.”

Fox News reports:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday resumed her attacks against President Donald Trump, this time criticizing the nation’s nearly 18-year high in consumer confidence under the president’s leadership.

The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index rose 2.4 points in May, reaching 128 — for the highest reading in more than 17 years, the organization said this week.

But in her weekly news conference, the California Democrat downplayed the figure, just a week after she claimed low unemployment numbers reported earlier “mean little” to the American people.Her recent responses about the economy have prompted Republicans to nickname her “Negative Nancy” over her attempts to downplay positive news.”(P)eople say, ‘Oh my goodness, … people are saying the unemployment rate is down, why isn’t my purchasing power increasing?” Pelosi said. “So, this isn’t just about the unemployment rate, it’s about wages rising in our country, so that consumer confidence is restored.”

Watch Grover Norquist discuss Pelosi’s dismissal of Americans who have more money in their pockets and have reported increased consumer confidence:

Tags: 2018 Elections, Nancy Pelosi, Trump Economic Policy