Occupy Wall Street Doxxes EPA Chief Scott Pruitt on Twitter
Green justice warriors should stop polluting social media with their hate
One of the reasons I suspect President Donald Trump trolls the mainstream media and progressives so much is that it provides cover for his elite team of regulatory snipers.
Among the most effective of these regulation killers is the Environmental Protection Agency’s Chief Administrator Scott Pruitt, whose rollbacks of Obama-era insanity make him a YUGE target for green justice activist and the #Resistance. This week, the anti-capitalist agitators of Occupy Wall Street doxxed Pruitt by twetting his private Tulsa, Oklahoma address.
As an added bonus, they also directed followers to take a “pitchfork to him directly.” The tweet has been deleted, but thanks to The Daily Caller and screen shots, we can still enjoy the wit and wisdom of Occupy Wall Street haters.
This tweet highlights the need for substantially enhanced security for the man whose crime, according to progressives, is the desire to return the EPA to its original mission of real pollution prevention.
Pruitt’s come under intense scrutiny from Democrats over first class flights, renting a room from the wife of a D.C. lobbyist and outspending his predecessors on security. EPA spent nearly $3 million on Pruitt’s security when travel costs are included.
EPA said Pruitt faced an “unprecedented” amount of death threats, and his security team has reported unpleasant incidents with people at airports and other locations they say prompted more security.
Pruitt’s 24/7 security detail was put in place by former EPA official Don Benton based on potential threats the administrator could face while implementing Trump’s agenda.
Traveling back though time using our Wayback Machine, we will observe Occupy Wall Street’s actional environmental protection priorities, as its Zuccotti Park protest site was a complete dump at the end of the camp-in that was organized in 2011.
As the economy continues to improve, in part thanks to the ending of excessive environmental regulations, the Democrats have also targeted Pruitt. They are demanding the EPA Chief be investigated….over a Chick-Filet Franchise!
In a letter to FBI Director Chris Wray and Justice criminal division chief John Cronan, six Democratic lawmakers with oversight of Pruitt’s agency allege he repeatedly violated federal anti-corruption laws by seeking to leverage his government position for personal gain.
As evidence, the Democrats cite Pruitt’s $50-a-night lease of a Capitol Hill condo tied to a lobbyist seeking to influence his agency, directing an EPA aide to contact a senior Chick-fil-A executive as part of an effort to land his family a franchise, and a $2,000 payment to his wife from organizers of a conference the administrator then attended at taxpayer expense.
President Donald Trump signaled Friday he is still standing by his embattled EPA chief, even as Pruitt’s support among other Republicans has started to erode.
“Scott Pruitt is doing a great job within the walls of the EPA,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “I mean, we’re setting records. Outside he’s being attacked very viciously by the press. And I’m not saying that he’s blameless. But we’ll see what happens.”
For his part, Pruitt sought to laugh off the controversy this week over his using government resources to seek a “business opportunity” with the fast-food fried chicken chain whose owners are known for supporting conservative Christian causes, including outspoken opposition to same-sex marriage.
“I mean, look, my wife is an entrepreneur herself. I love, she loves, we love Chick-fil-A as a franchise of faith,” Pruitt said in a TV interview on Wednesday.
Pruitt’s most recent heresy was overseeing the end of an Obama-era rule forcing chemicals to be evaluated for effects in the water and air, which were already covered effectively by other regulations.
The good news is that the tweet with Pruitt’s address has been deleted. I would encourage the green justice warriors to actually practice what they preach, perhaps cleaning up a local park, instead of polluting social media with their hate.
Besides, if Pruitt goes, Trump may find an even bigger regulation slayer to put in his place.
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Those ‘watermelons’ know how to fight dirty.
I’ll take that as a racist comment even thought Occupy was mostly white. But beyond that, if anyone on the progressive side is fighting dirty, they are playing catch-up with the cons-idiots.
Pruitt is corrupt and has been for years. Forget about arguing over 1st class flights and site-seeing tours of Europe. Just why did Pruitt need fancy pens and notebooks for a total cost to the taxpayers of $3200? This is just the kind of thing you people like to howl about.
If this was a gift for Pruitt’s extraordinary service, why didn’t Trump pick up the tab out of his cut of government business? It is odd how Pruitt’s sense of entitlement doesn’t bother you at all.
Of course, yello snek. Because every leftist butthurt is ‘racist.’
The enviro-fascists are watermelons because they’re green (liars) on the outside and red (commie) inside. But you already knew that…
Of course it’s racist, because when the World Ends in Fire, Minorities will be Hardest Hit!!!
Yes, Whitewall should immediately apologize to any Greenskins a.k.a. Orcs reading his post. I’m sure they are quite offended to be associated with environmentalists.
The quality of your trolling needs work.
LOL, I was at another site and some other s*** for brains idiot also brought up the cost of pens. The stupid has to burn pretty bad for them and their ilk. How come they never complained about oBAAAma and his pens?
EPA chief Scott Pruitt spent $1,560 on 12 customized fountain pens from a Washington jewelry store. Another can’t-make-it-up report by @brady_dennis & @eilperin https://t.co/7heHCuTA8m
— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) June 1, 2018
This comes out to $130 per pen
Mr No: With a Cross Townsend black roller-ball pen, Obama starts a new chapter (The Veto Years). http://t.co/rgBJrm5jpY
— Tara McKelvey (@Tara_Mckelvey) February 24, 2015
The Cross Townsend has a retail price of $185 on the Cross website, which makes Obama’s pen $55 more expensive than Scott Pruitt’s pen.
We have no idea how many pens Barack Obama used in his entire 8 years in office, but he did use 22 pens just to sign Obamacare:
it was 22 pens https://t.co/ekRSxafkOJ
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 28, 2017
How is “watermelon” even remotely racist?
It marganilizes cucumbers.
Seriously though, I think when Yellow hears “watermelonn” he automatically associates it with Tiger Woods and fried chicken (the Fuzzy Zoeller slur). This is a case of the old grade school adage “he who smelt it dealt it”. Not supprising since “woke” Leftists are usually the most noseblind to their own racism.
But what’s interesting here is that he is old enough to register a racial wisecrack from 1997 but clueless that “watermelon” is a common use metaphor re the marxist takeover of the environmental movement after the fall of the USSR. He must be hermetically sealed in an echo chamber to miss that one.
Um, no, you’ve got it backwards. The reds didn’t take the green movement over, they founded it. The name “watermelon” was used long before 1991 to point out that the so-called greens were red on the inside. After ’91 the movement literally lost its head, and its various components took on their own direction(s), getting progressively crazier because there is no longer one goal towards which all their efforts are being directed.
Because it is considered, along with fried chicken and other basic foods eaten by Southerners of all races, to be somehow associated with black people only.
“Watermelon” as a synonym for Communist eco-loon was actually coined by a gentleman named Thomas Sowell….. who happens to be black.
YellowDick steps on himself again.
There’s a hate-piece against Pruitt almost every day in either the NYT or the WaPo, which is then reprinted in 1000 other outlets. They have descended into pure comedy lately – one of the stories this last week was “oh my God! Scott Pruitt eats at the White House Cafeteria too much!!!”
And they are incredibly frustrated that Trump simply does not care about all of this nipping at Pruitt’s heels.
With all the money he saved eating at the WH cafeteria, couldn’t he afford to pay for 12 pens costing $1560?
One man’s hate is another man’s expose.
The question isn’t why Trump hasn’t done anything. The question is whether you would have been OK with Pruitt’s profligacy being practiced by an Obama Secretary.
Every Secretary of the Interior has an office budget for, among other things, official pens. Scott Pruitt is no different. Since your protests only involve him, the expense is not and has never been your concern, YellowDick.
Mmm, chicken.
The witch hunt progresses. #HateLovesAbortion
Just think how many babies-in-situ will die from poisons that are ingested by mothers-to-be because of roll backs in regulations. How can you risk even one life being lost by some environmental toxin?
I guess the ‘right-to-life’ in trumped by the ‘right-to- profit’. That should bother you. But I think your issue is sex; not babies. You better be married and not use birth control if you want your sex life approved of by n.n
nothing you say or write could ever bother anyone, because you just make everything up. Go on, set your hair on fire and nail one foot to the floor, then start shrieking.
Here’s your chance – name one single chemical that was previously banned which Pruitt has brought back. Just one.
A web search brought up lots of examples. But you would simply deny them.
I don’t think you really care about the little babies. I do believe you won’t be bothered by that. But then you don’t really believe there is a judgement day or you would be bothered by a lot of the conservative agenda.
Oh please Yellow Rags. Get over yourself. No one here takes you seriously. You only care about babies until their useful as a prop expires.
And you’re wastinf your time trying to troll n.n. I’ve been reading n.n. from the days we were both at Althouse. You have no idea how in over your head you are. You’re a flea bite.
HA – you couldn’t even come up with a single one, could you???
“you would just deny them” – WHAT YOU MEAN IS “anything I could say would be easily disproved as a pathetic lie”.
Any wonder why the security budget is high for Secretary Pruitt?
And it turns out the travel budget is actually lower. But liberals lie.
Just wait till Trump et. al. starts cutting ALL the SJW “education” programs.
No need to cut programs, just make government backed student loans be based on what the country needs, STEM degrees. Anyone who wants a doctor’s degree in feminist basket weaving can do so on their own dime (or daddy’s).
Publishing an address and encouraging a mob to go there… what are the chances Twitter will do anything about it?
I think they would find significant less tolerance and support down here for such antics as they would in the more liberal cities they’ve practiced it in before. Oklahoma is pretty red and went heavily for Trump, we won’t look kindly upon them tearing up our turf while trying to get one of our own.
I love irony. Here we have Occupy Wall Street, which was responsible for the eco-disaster which was the Occupy Wall Street camp, demanding a clean environment. I find it very interesting that these self identified ecology groups end up producing so much ecological damage during their protests. From, massive amounts of raw sewage to mountains of garbage to protected species being trample with Birkenstocks, these ecology protestors do more harm than most corporate polluters.
What a bunch of maroons.
Yeah, as if that approached what Koch Industries or Coal fired electric plants push out in 1/10th the time. On top of that, the OC mess was cleaned up.
Coal ash dumps and leaks are not getting cleaned up. The Dan River spill despoiled miles of pristine river and added arsenic and other poisons. Now Pruitt wants to ‘relax’ the rule on coal ash. How much more relaxed can it get?
Thanks for the parody of an Occupy Trust Fund Brat. Amusing, but needs a bit of polish. Maybe try ALL CAPS and lots of exclamation!!!! And finger snaps too.
Occupy camps had to set up safe spaces to keep losers like you from raping the porky feminists.
But the best part was when you guys segregated the homeless to an outer ring of your camps. Perfect metaphor for your hypocrisy.
The Dan River leak was the result of the collapse of a buried 48″ storm sewer line which was under, but not attached to, the ash bunker at the plant in NC. No evidence was ever provided that the company had violated the requirements for the containment bunker. It was an accident. Also, the company agreed to correct the problem and to pay for the cleanup [something which the EPA has steadfastly refused to do in the Animus River spill, which its personnel and contractors directly caused]. Accidents happen. Finally, the effects of the Dan River leak were apparently minor in nature.
What is of more concern is how the Flint water authority, The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the EPA managed to miss the lead leaching out of the outdated pipes of Flint and into the resident’s taps. It seems that reasonably periodic checks of terminal water quality would have given warning of the problems there. Then there was the Legionnaire’s disease outbreak which has been linked to the water system switch.
I Live just outside of Tulsa in a gated community, I hope he lives in my neighborhood. I could use the target practice when the SJW’s come and start trouble.
Just make sure you check with Fish and Wildlife. You wouldn’t want to be cited for hunting a baited field.
Occupy Wall Street still exists? Who knew?
They’re part of the Hydra, along with black lies matter, antifa, etc.
We let them tap out. Never let a marxist tap out. Give them a hand getting off the mat and on their way up they’ll shiv you in the gut.
Marxists are just Nazis with better PR.
Give them no quarter. Show them no mercy.
We need the home addresses of loretta lynch, James comey, Andre mccabe, Peter strozk, Lisa page, Robert mueller, Susan rice, Valerie Jarret.
I almost agree with you. What we actually need is live news footage of each of those people being led out of their homes in handcuffs.
“The good news is the tweet was deleted”
No. That’s just another holding action. Has the person(s) tied to the Twitter account be indentified? Has that account been banned?
We keep doing this. It’s why we lost the Culture War.
Bano Ocupado
I despise leftists. They must be eliminated BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY (politically speaking, of course).
I don’t think that goes far enough.
We often forget that Justice not only protects the innocent, she also protects the guilty from the mob.
“When the responsible authorities fail to act, other forms of authority will assert themselves. They may not behave responsibly but they *will* act” – Glenn Reynolds.
My philosophy holds that, if I’m an LEO who refused to run down a thug and bring him to Justice, causing a mob to feel they have to take matters into their own hands… I bear someone responsibility for what happens.
We really don’t want the Weaponized Austism of 4chan to counter dox this guy for a mob to turn up and pitchfork his mother father and dog. But if we keep looking down at our shoelaces (instead of swarming Twitter with demands to ban this guy) that’s exactly what will end up happening.
Maybe not today. Maybe not to this guy. But it’s a damn that’s slowly approaching a point of failure. If we continue to do nothing, we shouldn’t complain about how some future mob handles it.
If we truly believe in the Rule of Law, this guy needs to be indentified and prosecuted. For his own sake and the sake of his friends and family that will become collateral victims.
My senator has been rallying the mentally disturbed, useful idiots to pour on the hate against Pruitt. The democrats in the Senate are just as responsible as OWS.
Pruitt is one of the best things Trump has done. He’d better not throw him under the bus. And for all the good Pruitt is doing, and the money he’s saving the public, I don’t give a **** if he has a fancy taste in pens. I don’t care if he gets a nicer hotel room or a better seat on the plane.
And I certainly don’t care at all if, at no cost whatsoever to the taxpayer or the public or really anybody at all, he seeks to leverage his public position for some private gain. Why not? He deserves it. Don’t muzzle the cattle who thresh the grain.
And how is it different from the way every ****ing member of congress or of any administration falls on their feet afterwards? Not to mention how they somehow manage to leave office much richer than they arrived.