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NBC/MSNBC Attempt to Restore Credibility by Hiring… Ben Rhodes

NBC/MSNBC Attempt to Restore Credibility by Hiring… Ben Rhodes

The term “echo chamber” comes to mind.

After starring in one of the best moments from election night 2016, former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes is taking his act to cable news. Prior to this, he was best known as the man who helped Obama lie to the American people about the Iran Deal.

David Rutz reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Former Obama Aide Ben Rhodes Joins MSNBC, NBC News as Political Contributor

Former top Barack Obama White House aide Ben Rhodes is joining MSNBC and NBC News as a political contributor.

MSNBC’s media relations team tweeted out the announcement Saturday, saying Rhodes would make his NBC debut on Sunday on “Meet The Press.”

Rhodes’ official title in the Obama administration was Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, and he played key roles in numerous foreign policy decisions. He took heat in 2016 when he boasted in a New York Times profile of creating an “echo chamber” to sell the Iran nuclear deal and mocked Washington, D.C., reporters.

That should definitely help them seem more objective.

Allahpundit of Hot Air has a fascinating take on the thinking behind this:

The media, which supported the deal, naturally ate up the Rhodes-orchestrated expert offensive. After spoonfeeding Obama talking points on Iran into their mouths, which they then happily regurgitated down the public’s gullet, it’s only natural that they’d invite him to join their nest. Somehow it took 16 months, though. How come?

…As most righty activists are well aware, Rhodes’s brother is the president of CBS News. How did he end up at NBC then? It can’t be that he and his bro were sensitive to accusations of favoritism; the industry is filthy with familial relations between media and Democratic operatives. My guess is that he simply saw more opportunities for airtime at NBC. Both networks have a prominent Sunday chat show but only NBC has a cable cousin that airs ’round the clock and needs to be fed constantly with fresh guests. If he went to CBS, Rhodes would have one or maybe two chances at most each week to do his “This latest Trump move is a disaster” routine. On MSNBC he could conceivably be on every day.

The good news for Democrats is that even if they lose the 2018 midterms, they’ll still control the fourth estate.

Last word goes to Stephen Miller:


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Henry Hawkins | June 3, 2018 at 10:16 am

I look forward to his fresh approach, objectivity, and journalistic professionalism as we’ve all come to expect from MSNBC.

    DieJustAsHappy in reply to Henry Hawkins. | June 3, 2018 at 10:29 am

    I bet you didn’t type this with a straight face. I know I couldn’t have.

      Henry Hawkins in reply to DieJustAsHappy. | June 3, 2018 at 11:56 am

      I had to get the mail lady to type it. I just couldn’t.

        DieJustAsHappy in reply to Henry Hawkins. | June 3, 2018 at 12:07 pm

        Ah, bit of levity there. Good for the soul!

          Henry Hawkins in reply to DieJustAsHappy. | June 3, 2018 at 3:14 pm

          It’s either laugh or go up on the roof with my rifle raising hell, stark naked, with AC/DC blasting Satellite Blues out my windows, and me as stoned as stoned gets on some sweet Afghan popcorn buds till the police come and I hold them off knowing local media won’t be far behind, but I keep kind of sort of acting like I’m really gonna go off and when the media arrive I arrange an on-air interview when I can finally scream to the world, “I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!”

          It might appear I’ve thought this thing out, but I assure you…

          DieJustAsHappy in reply to DieJustAsHappy. | June 3, 2018 at 4:12 pm

          Well, Henry, I think there are probably many who agree with your sentiments. In the tens of millions? Looks as though there’s no end in sight, when it comes to the issue of credibility and the media.

        murkyv in reply to Henry Hawkins. | June 3, 2018 at 3:24 pm

        You know John Kasich’ Mom?

    casualobserver in reply to Henry Hawkins. | June 3, 2018 at 11:25 am

    Who expects it? Most people think it has been suggested. No evidence yet, though. Some of my progressive friends and neighbors don’t see it that way either. They see NBC and its divisions as “more fair” to Dems and FNC “more fair” to the GOP.

    Anonamom in reply to Henry Hawkins. | June 3, 2018 at 12:50 pm

    Hey, thanks a lot, Mr. Hawkins. My husband just had to perform the Heimlich to get the coffee out of my lungs!

JusticeDelivered | June 3, 2018 at 10:39 am

Ben could supply some entertainment, we could use him to demonstrate an old fashioned tar & feathering.

Just another dim bulb in a chandelier of dim bulbs.

Well, their fake news are not working at all so the obvious thing to do is making them more fake.

casualobserver | June 3, 2018 at 11:31 am

The only surprise to me is that out of the pool of Obama sycophants that had to choose from they selected him. You don’t even need to spend much time with his twitter timeline to know his role will be 100% opposition to everything from this administration. And he just might have some S. Bee/Rosanne type of bad outburst in his future.

Odd choice if they are really cloaking it in the idea of some balance. Are they?

Maybe they’ll give him his own show, based on his election night meltdown.

They could name it “It’s..Umm..A Lot To Process.”

I find it interesting the media is hiring so many non-journalist political pundits at this time to, in my opinion, shape the narrative prior to, and after the release of the upcoming OIG reports. The media owners know that 50% of the Country will believe the narrative they see as presented by these pundits. The owners do NOT want anyone thinking of two years worth of Russia, Russia, Russia that has been force fed to media consumers by this very same media. Perhaps they see some culpability on their part for dishonest presentation. I’m not sure, but it sure is interesting from a mile high viewpoint.

Time for a shareholders revolt.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | June 3, 2018 at 12:49 pm

Great context about this matter here.

“Many people have noted the bizarre number of former Obama Administration DOJ, FBI and Intelligence Community officials who have gone to work within the U.S. media apparatus in order to protect their interests.

Former CIA Director John Brennan now working for NBC; former DNI James Clapper now working for CNN; former FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker now working for Lawfare blog; former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Josh Campbell now working for CNN; former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes now working for MSNBC…. the list goes on. All motives transparently political.

Notably absent, the hiring of any actual journalists.

All of these pre-positioned forces are defensive in nature. All of their collective narrative constructs stem from a self-preservation instinct. The U.S. media has imploded onto itself and devolved into an Kafkaesque assembly of political narrative engineers churning out fake news 24/7.

inspectorudy | June 3, 2018 at 1:57 pm

“Mouth Breather”, says it all about this creature. It is impossible to imagine that he set national foreign policy with the world’s least experienced president in history! He is a proven liar and a person who put self and party before country.

Seems to be a typo in the announcement. Don’t worry. I’ll fix it.

NBC-MSNBC attempts to restore incredulity by hiring Ben Rhodes

Fixed it for you. 🙂

When I worked for Lt Gov Hobby in Texas, the Congressional offices were rife with this kind of twice-removed nepotism.

You were not allowed to hire your own mistress. So Sen Smith would do a favor for Sen Johnson and hire Johnson’s mistress, and Sen Johnson would return the favor by hiring Sen Smith’s mistress.

It had the bonus of avoiding tension in the office or worrying about cues and body language others would invariably pick up on.

Very corrupt.

They need a few employees who won’t be indicted.

MSNBC: I just don’t get why no one trusts us anymore

CNN: You should hire that guy who lied to the American people about the Iran deal.

“Former CIA Director John Brennan now working for NBC; former DNI James Clapper now working for CNN; former FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker now working for Lawfare blog; former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Josh Campbell now working for CNN; former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes now working for MSNBC”

State run media.

It’s all just one big FBI/CIA counter-intelligence op. Hail Hydra!

They should at least be subject to campaign finance laws.

Our “media” generally only hire communist operatives.

They are worse than Pravda.

Henry Hawkins | June 3, 2018 at 3:17 pm

Maybe MSNBC could hire Karl Rove away from FOX News. I noticed they’re using him again.

Hint: Susan Rice – she can lie on five networks in the same day. Costco bundling. If you’re gonna buy lies, buy in bulk

Have to say, the Obama Administration sure killed any illusions that women with power would be less corrupt.

Lois Lerner
Samantha Powers
Valerie Jarret
Susan Rice

I’m forgetting someone… Oh yah

SecState Hillary Clinton

Sources say the latest reports from Devin Nunes could link the Obama Administration with the so called “spygate” scandal. For his take on this we go to our new political commentator, Ben Rhodes. Ben?

Rhodes – Barack Obama didn’t do it.

Thank you, Ben. We’ll be right back.

I used to like MSNBC (and the other news channels) before they turned to opinion shows and became unwatchable.

I am very selective now about what I watch there (especially Fox). Maybe I’ve consciously avoided prime time and mainly watch them during the afternoons and on weekends.