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All Hail the King Harv’s Imperial Coffees (Updated)

All Hail the King Harv’s Imperial Coffees (Updated)

The Ethiopian Limu coffee shares a certain quality with me.

I have been known to be drink $4 Ithaca lattes, if visiting Legal Insurrection readers pay.

So when reader David threw a pity party for me after Amazon dumped us, and offered to send me some coffee from his family business, I was like: If you insist.

Wow, he didn’t just send me coffee, he sent me the mother lode.

Turn’s out David’s family coffee business, King Harv’s Imperial Coffees, specializes in exotic coffees. David provided this info:

King Harv’s Imperial Coffees roasts one of the largest selections of rare and unusual coffees in the world. We are a family business, and have been roasting coffee since 2002. My awesome father Harvey, a retired teacher and vice principal, has had the nickname “King” for many years, and is the source of our unusual name. We feature free shipping on any and all orders within the USA. Our website is

The little black bag of Ethiopia Limu is pre-ground for you (just in case you did not have a grinder) that should get you through until your grinder arrives for the rest. The Limu is a very interesting coffee that has natural Key Lime overtones added to the usual Ethiopian pungency. Check out the aroma when you open it; it’s hard to miss.

The Ethiopian Limu coffee was fantastic.

I generally prefer lighter roasts, since most dark roasts are bitter and harsh. The Ethiopian Limu, however, was a dark roast that was not the least bit bitter.

I haven’t tried the others yet, as I needed to go out and buy a coffee grinder. Which I did, a Krups grinder from, ahem,, for the same price as Amazon with free 2-day shipping without having to pay an annual fee.

Like the Ethiopian Limu coffee, I’m not the least bit bitter.

Update 6-8-2018:

I’ve now tried the Nepal coffee. Superb. My fear is now that I’ve gone King Harv’s Imperial Coffee, I’ll never go back.


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Very Regal I see!

Close The Fed | June 6, 2018 at 7:43 am


Great story, especially about dark but not bitter coffee. Who knew such a coffee existed?!?!

And Walmart, yes, our beloved American-Made Walmart!

Good Ol’ Sam Walton valued his customers, something that cannot be said for some chromedome Bozos.

WJ: If you really like coffee, see about finding a secondhand store grinder in good condition such as a Ditting. This is a huge heavy thing which, unlike nearly any home grinder, will grind the beans with a near perfect consistency; the particle sizes are near-perfect.
If you don’t want to bother chasing down a commercial grinder, then try a Barratza. That’s considerably smaller and lighter, and there’d be no need to find a second hand model.

There’s actually a little bit of science to making a good cup of coffee. You’re aiming to get the desirable amount and type of coffee solubles extracted from the solid coffee, and holding it Within a certain temperature range until you drink it.

    mochajava76 in reply to beagleEar. | June 6, 2018 at 9:02 am

    I agree that the Barratza grinder is a great grinder. I own one and am very happy.

    But you should be all set, as King Harv said a grinder is on the way.

    Now if you buy a good quality cappucino maker, you can teach your classes in half the time *and* double the articles on LI! A Win-Win.

    forksdad in reply to beagleEar. | June 6, 2018 at 9:43 am

    Does it work with a keurig (sp?) cup? Lots of grinds make a mess when using a reusable filter cup.

A good life is the best revenge!

mochajava76 | June 6, 2018 at 8:58 am

So Prof; does that mean that if a Legal Insurrection reader visits you in Ithaca, instead of them buying you a $4 latte, you will now make a cup of coffee for them?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Just as long as he didn’t send you any cat shit.

Halcyon Daze | June 6, 2018 at 1:26 pm

The natural processed Ethiopian coffees are superior to the wet processed. I prefer Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia, but the natural processed Kenyan coffees are excellent, too.


Years ago, I did make my own espresso. It’s a bit of an expensive hobby, because pretty soon you’ll swallow only truly good espresso, so now you need an espresso grinder, and a pretty good espresso:cappuccino maker, etc.

If you have the means and some spare time to full around, you can make very satisfying espresso and cappuccino, better than in almost any restaurant.

/But you know that 😉 This is for any coffee novices who may be reading.