We can now conclusively say the Iran nuke deal was induced by fraud

We know that the U.S. was defrauded into entering into Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.

The first fraud was committed by the Obama administration, which deliberately misled the American people and created an echo chamber to amplify and sustain that fraud.

But don’t take my word for it, take the word of the Obama official who coordinated it, Ben Rhodes, who admitted as much in an NY Times interview. See our prior posts, Grand Deception: How Obama and Ben Rhodes Lied Us Into the Iran nuke deal and The Five Deceptions of Obama-Rhodes Echo Chamber

There was a second fraud, by the Iranians. That fraud, which involved hiding and secreting evidence of its advanced nuclear weapons program, was just exposed by thousands of documents and CDs the Israeli Mossad stole from right under the Iranians’ noses at one of its most secret locations, Netanyahu Reveals Newly Discovered and Damning Intel on Iran Nuclear Program.

The echo chamber which supported the Iran nuclear deal has gone into overdrive to try to minimize the importance of what Iran hid from everyone. But as Benny Avni explained in The NY Post, Iran’s past lies are very important now:

Critics of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “Iran Lied” presentation on Monday quickly opined that it contained nothing new and, since it didn’t point to violations since the 2015 Iran deal, it in fact showed Tehran is in full compliance….Can we really trust we know Iran’s current nuclear status without accounting for what happened in the past? Not according to some who know how nuclear inspections actually work. It’s difficult to say whether Iran is advancing in its nuclear program without completely accounting for what it did before.As Olli Heinonen, a former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said in a press call shortly before the Iran deal was signed, “When the agreement comes in force, there will be a complete declaration by Iran on its . . . past and current nuclear program. That’s the first prerequisite.”Well, Iran never actually agreed to make such a declaration. Although the IAEA professionals know such accounting is necessary, American and European negotiators didn’t insist on it.Instead, they bought generalized public declarations by Iranian officials. As Netanyahu showed in his presentation, those included statements by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and the ever-smiling Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. All said pursuing nuclear bombs is, literally, against their religion.

They lied about their religion. Who could have seen that one coming.

But it goes beyond that. One of the best explanations as to why the deception matters was by David Horovitz, Editor in Chief of The Times of Israel, Derisive response to PM’s exposé shows world still refusing to get real on Iran:

The largely derisive response in most international quarters to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s avalanche of evidence of Iran’s nuclear weapons program on Monday night, notably from among the nations that negotiated the 2015 nuclear capitulation to Iran, merely underlines their incompetence, their failure, their disingenuousness, and the gravity of the ongoing Iranian threat that they so reprehensibly failed to defuse.Showcasing the Mossad’s astonishing haul of Iran’s own nuclear weapons documentation, Netanyahu did not seek to claim that Israel had attained smoking gun evidence that Iran has breached the terms of the P5+1’s 2015 agreement with the ayatollahs. The critics sneering at his ostensible failure to produce a post-2015 smoking gun are — most deliberately, as is their wont — missing the point.Israel does not contend that Iran is breaching the specific terms of that radically inadequate accord. Quite the contrary.It is Israel’s deeply unhappy assessment that the deal is so negligent, so misconceived, so badly constructed, that the Iranians have no need whatsoever to breach it. (I set out many of the central flaws in the accord at the time it was finalized, in an article headlined “16 reasons nuke deal is an Iranian victory and a Western catastrophe.”)

Horovitz goes on to demonstrate why Iran’s now-proven intent on creating nuclear weapons, as it claimed at the time was demonstrated by the supposed fact that it never had a nuclear weapons program, is so important:

No, Israel’s contention is not that Iran is breaching the deal. It is, rather, that this agreement, far from preventing Iran from attaining a nuclear weapons arsenal, paves Iran’s path to it.And what that haul of Iran’s own documentation conclusively demonstrated is that this is precisely what Iran intends to do. Compelled to freeze the program in 2003, Iran is merely biding its time before resuming nuclear weapons-related activities, empowered by the R&D progress it is being allowed to make under the terms of the accord….It must have been galling for the P5+1 negotiators and their defenders to watch that irritating Netanyahu strutting around in front of those shelves of files and those racks of CDs, claiming vindication and underlining the negotiators’ scandalous failure.But the fact is that the 2015 deal was a terrible, misconstructed accord. It let the duplicitous Iranians off the hook. It did not dismantle the weapons program they still lie about. It did not close their path to a nuclear weapons arsenal.

There are many other good takes out there dismantling the Iran Echo Chamber talking points.

At The Washington Examiner, Michael Rubin writes, Iran is a nuclear cheat and the IAEA is a complete failure:

Advocates of the Iran nuclear deal say that Netanyahu’s exposure of 100,000 documents is proof that the Iran deal worked because, they insist, the agreement ended such Iranian work. That is far from clear.What is worrisome, however, is how proponents of the JCPOA ignore two problems: First is Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s previous insistence that Iran had never worked on nuclear weapons, and second was that former President Barack Obama accepted Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s supposed fatwa against nuclear weapons as evidence that Iran was sincere. In reality, Netanyahu’s bombshell shows both Zarif and Khamenei have lied repeatedly, raising questions about their honesty about every aspect of Iran’s nuclear program.The bigger problem, and one that should lead to resignations, is with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Contrary to those who argue that Netanyahu’s revelations reveal nothing new, the documents show both that the size and scope of Iran’s program was far greater than the IAEA realized and that Tehran sought illicitly to retain the ability to reconstitute its program. And yet, the IAEA missed the extent of Iran’s nuclear program, all the while giving cover for largely political reasons that the deal was working.

At Ynet News, Ron Ben-Yishai writes:

As for Iran’s current compliance, of course it’s complying. The deal gave Iran the best of all worlds. It weakened U.N. restrictions on its right to develop, test and field ballistic missiles — a critical component for a nuclear weapons capability that the Iranians haven’t fully mastered. It lifted restrictions on Iran’s oil exports and eased other sanctions, pumping billions of dollars into a previously moribund economy. And it allows Iran to produce all the nuclear fuel it wants come the end of the next decade.Yes, Iran is permanently enjoined from building a nuclear weapon, even after the limitations on uranium enrichment expire. But why believe this regime will be faithful to the deal at its end when it was faithless to it at its beginning?

The U.S. agrees that there is much new material in the materials, as Reuters reported:

The international agreement on limiting Iran’s development of nuclear weapons was reached under false pretenses because the country’s nuclear program was more advanced than it indicated at the time the deal was negotiated in 2015, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said on Tuesday.“The problem is the deal was made on a completely false pretense. Iran lied on the front end,” Sanders said at a regular White House briefing. “They were dishonest actors and so the deal that was made was made on things that were not accurate. Particularly the fact that Iran’s nuclear capability were far more advanced and further along than they indicated.”

Netanyahu did the cable news circuit, and explained the importance:

[Alternative YouTube upload here}

We now can conclusively say the Iran Nuclear Deal was induced by fraud by the Obama administration and the Mullah regime.

As a result, Iran is just biding its time, putting all the pieces into place to launch and deliver a nuclear weapon when the deal sunsets. We know that because of the archives obtained by Mossad.

Tags: Ben Rhodes, Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran Nuclear Deal, Mossad