Ahed Tamimi and mother take plea deals, to serve 8 months
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Ahed Tamimi and mother take plea deals, to serve 8 months

Ahed Tamimi and mother take plea deals, to serve 8 months

Live streamed assault and call for martyrdom operations lands three in jail, but not to worry, the Tamimis have other children lined up to exploit for the cameras.

Ahed Tamimi, who turned 17 in January, was charged with hitting and kicking Israeli soldiers, captured on a Facebook live stream by Ahed’s mother, Nariman, who also was charged.

Ahed also faced charges for unrelated prior rock throwing and for a broadcast statement supporting suicide bombings, knife and other attacks.

While anti-Israel activists claimed this was a spontaneous attack, audio to the live stream proved that Ahed’s mother set the whole thing up, telling Ahed and her cousin Nuor precisely when to attack:

Ahed and other Tamimi children have been exploited this way for almost a decade by their parents Bassem and Nariman, and their western supporters. The tactic is to send the children out to confront soldiers, with the cameras rolling. It is a dangerous exploitation of children, but a great propaganda tactic: If the soldiers react, it’s used as proof of Israeli brutality; if the soldiers don’t react, it used as proof of Israeli weakness in the face of brave Palestinian children.

We have covered the Tamimi method of exploiting children extensively, with video and photo proof. Please see these posts:

Ahed, above all the other children, has been used this way because her blond hair and blue eyes present the image he wants to present to Westerners, according to Bassem:

Tamimi’s father argues that her blonde hair and Western dress have contributed to the attention she has received.

“If she was veiled and dark-skinned, would she have got the same attention?” Bassem Tamimi told AFP.

“The Zionist propaganda machine always depicts the Palestinian as dark-skinned and ugly, attacking the blonde victim, but now she is blonde.”

Ahed has been trained how to scream and cry on cue.

The Tamimis are supporters of terror and incitement, as author Petra Marquardt-Bigman demonstrated, Ahed Tamimi and Her Family Aren’t the Palestinian Saints You Want Them to Be.

After the arrest, a narrative emerged among Ahed’s supporters that claims it was a spontaneous event sparked by her cousin getting shot with a rubber bullet just shortly before Ahed’s attack.

Yet soon after the arrest Ahed’s father, Bassem, denied that the attack was a reaction to the shooting. In an Op-ed published at Haaretz on December 29, 2017, Bassem wrote:

… it wasn’t sudden anger at the grave wounding of 15-year-old Mohammed Tamimi not long before that, just meters away, that motivated her. Nor was it the provocation of those soldiers entering our home. No. These soldiers, or others who are identical in their action and their role, have been unwanted and uninvited guests in our home ever since Ahed was born. No. She stood there before them because this is our way, because freedom isn’t given as charity, and because despite the heavy price, we are ready to pay it.

Bassem also claimed Ahed told him she would not seek a plea agreement. This likely reflects Bassem’s pressure on his daughter, who he has exploited for the cameras since she was a young girl. It’s all theater.

Despite the bravado, Ahed, her mother Nariman, and cousin Nour, all accepted a plea deal to serve 8 months in prison:

Haaretz reports:

Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi reached a plea bargain with military prosecuction on Wednesday, according to which she will spend eight months in prison.

As part of the deal, the 17-year-old is expected to plead guilty to four counts of assault, including the videotaped slapping of an Israeli soldier….

There will also be plea bargains for Nur and Nariman Tamimi, Ahed’s cousin and mother, both of whom were involved in the videotaped soldier-slapping. Nur will admit to the crime and return to serve five months in prison, though she is not currently under arrest. Nariman will also serve eight months in prison for participating the assault.

While anti-Israel social media is claiming that Ahed and the others were treated unfairly, don’t forget that the attack on the soldier for the cameras was the Tamimi way.

Ahed being in prison opens up opportunities for the Tamimi clan to exploit their two other rising child stars, 7-year old Rouaa al-Tamimi:


and Janna Jihad:


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Could part of their plea deal also have included banning them from using social media? If so, that would be a better punishment than prison, I’d say.

Perhaps she won’t survive the sentence.

Alex, Ill take Child Abuse for $500

“Palestinians, Democrats, School Teachers, Shooters”

People who use dead kids as political props!


Sell them as fur in San Francisco.

Only the Israelis would tolerate this. In most places in the world, the response to hitting a soldier would be a rifle butt in the teeth, and a good kicking after she hit the ground. I don’t know if trying to appear humane is a good thing, or not. It only encourages more such action, and not all of them are unarmed — soldiers have been stabbed in similar circumstances.

JusticeDelivered | March 22, 2018 at 10:54 am

“that is the liberation of Palestine, Allah willing”

Israel should liberate the area known as Palestine from its current infestation of parasites. It really is a waste of perfectly good land.

I don’t know Israeli law so I’ll ask the more knowledgeable folks here. What other options does the law have in Israel? Can they block the family from the internet or issue a restraining order prohibiting approaching soldiers after release?

What restrictions on speech or actions can an Israeli court impose?

    Milhouse in reply to forksdad. | March 23, 2018 at 3:08 am

    It’s a military court (since it took place outside Israel’s borders, in the territories under military administration), so it has wide latitude, so I would guess technically it does have the power to issue such orders, but they would be impossible to enforce.

    Milhouse in reply to forksdad. | March 23, 2018 at 3:10 am

    Also the Israeli judiciary, including the military judiciary, is packed with leftists who bend over backwards to be lenient to Arab “political” criminals, looking for every excuse to find for them. So I would guess the judges would not want to issue such orders, and would use excuses like respect for the freedom of speech.