Trump’s Improving Numbers a Mystery to Those Inside DC Bubble
SHOCK! People enjoying results of tax reform bill.

Shocking no one, those within the DC bubble cannot believe that approval numbers for President Donald Trump and Congressional GOP lawmakers continue to climb into February.
A Rasmussen poll has shown Trump’s approval rating at 49% while RealClearPolitics has it at 41.9%
Almost unfathomably, both Trump’s and the congressional Republicans’ position in polls seems to be improving.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) February 3, 2018
Yes, unfathomable. The Daily Mail‘s David Martosko quickly reminded Wittes why:
Why is this almost unfathomable? The SOTU speech was strong and the tax cuts are about to kick in. This is a great demonstration of how so many in Washington are out of touch.
— David Martosko (@dmartosko) February 3, 2018
Kemberlee blogged the day after the SOTU about the polls, which showed that the speech was a home run.
Eight in 10 Americans who watched tonight felt that the president was trying to unite the country, rather than divide it, according to CBS News poll
— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 31, 2018
The CBS News poll found that 54% believed the policies Trump spoke about would help them personally. 75% approved of the SOTU.
The SOTU scored well with the Independents, too:
— ???????????????????????????????????????? (@El_Chuco_TX) January 31, 2018
Let’s get into the tax reform that Trump and the GOP passed before the end of 2017. RealClearPolitics reported:
When Trump’s took office in January he had a +72 percent net approval rating among Republicans, a +6 percent rating among Independents, and -68 percent rating among Democrats. By summer’s end, those numbers had declined to +61, -21 and -73 percent, respectively. Significantly, his economic approval ratings hovered nearly 20 points above his overall ratings among Republicans and Independents, suggesting that voters might be willing to separate his handling of the economy from his general comportment in office. By the beginning of December, however, Trump’s economic rating had begun to resemble his overall numbers, falling to -5 percent among Independents, as compared to 0 percent in August 2017, and +9 percent in January 2017. On the subject area generally most important to Americans, Trump was losing ground.
Since the passage of the tax act, Trump has seen a reversal of fortune among Independents, and to a lesser extent among Republicans. On economic performance, he’s moved the dial upward, especially among Independents, and reduced his net negative ratings on the overall job approval to single digits.
A Monmouth University Poll confirmed the findings:
Poll: 55% say @POTUS legislative agenda is successful.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 2, 2018
Asbury Park Press reported (emphasis mine):
“The president devoted a significant amount of the State of the Union address (to) touting a growing economy and his new tax plan. While there is still some way to go to really win over the public, it looks like the needle has moved in the Republicans’ direction since passage of the tax bill,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute in West Long Branch.
The survey showed 47 percent of respondents said they would support a Democrat in the 2018 midterm elections and 45 percent would support a Republican candidate. In December, Democrats held a 15-point advantage, 51 percent to 36 percent, when voters were asked who they would support this fall.
“The generic Congressional ballot is prone to bouncing around for a bit until the campaign really gets underway later this year,” Murray said. “But Democrats who counted on riding public hostility toward the tax bill to retake the House may have to rethink that strategy,” said Murray.
How much you want to bet this message will fall on deaf ears? Democrats, especially Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have continued to bash the tax cuts even as more and more companies have passed on their savings to their employees and expand. Pelosi called these moves pathetic and crumbs. Great way to show you care for the working class, ma’am.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Enough with this ‘ruling class’ crap and their corrupt media and completely corruption of our educational system.
Complete corruption – and treason and incompetence – aside, after 8 years of the fraud of Saddam Hussein Obama, it’s degenerated into us being sold on future ‘ruling class’ hacks of the likes of Drooling Joe Kennedy, and America’s dumbest privileged child, chelsea clinton.(She makes paris hilton look smart by comparison.)
“Chelsea Clinton Gets Lifetime Achievement Award. Seriously.”
We dumped one monarchy oppressing us in the 1776 (thank you, George Washington) and partially dumped another in 2016 (thank you, Donald Trump.) Time to finish the second job.
Not only in denial, Obamawhores like Juan Williams cite 35% approval, is corrected and cites it again the next day. This is call ‘lying’.
“This is call ‘lying’.”
(What else they got?)
They lie to themselves about themselves — how smart and important they are. Lying to us is just an extension.
An alcoholic once told me…
“When you learn to lie to the first person you see in the mirror every morning, it’s easier to lie to everyone else”
I begin to suspect that Rags has quit this site completely rather than face up to The Awful Truth.
Trump is popular, and he’s an extremely clever politician, and he’s winning. That’s gotta hurt.
Trump’s policies are more popular than the man.
He’s probably just busy making a new little T-Rump doll.
He couldn’t get any more needles in the last one.
I just hope he didn’t OD on Cheetoh dust during one of his rituals
I think it’s SOOOOOoooooooooooooo sweet you bois can’t get enough of me.
Why would I be even slightly upset that T-rump had a not-terrible week? Someone wrote him a reasonably good speech, and he delivered it well. Yea.
He also called for a pure Progressive new entitlement in the form of a paid family leave mandate, and wants a Keynesian boondoggle of a new “stimulus” package that will be the graft generator they always are.
I don’t call him Mr. Establishment for nothing…!!!
We have an over/under on how long till you realize the T-rump taunts beclown whatever rational points you make.
I would really appreciate it if you would ride that whale for a few more months, thanks.
So you pretend that my anti-PC nomenclature is the root of your animus…???
I’m glad you’re back! Ready to admit I won our bet?
Where’s that link confirming what I said what you said I said?
Rags: “So what you’re saying is that women should quit their jobs and bake cookies?”
No, I’m saying that your school yard T-Rump taunt puts a clown nose on every thing you say. Hoink! Hoink!
Gorsh, I’ll bet you’ll agree with me if I just cease the word=play….
Naw. You’re full of shit, Fen.
Rags, man up – don’t play such a sad game. Everyone on this site saw you say, very clearly, that Chuck Schumer was going to accept Trump’s offer on the Dreamers, in the same thread that I told you that Schumer would reject it out of hand, because he has no choice.
You did all this fal derol about how you would IMMEDIATELY advise YOUR clients to take an offer that good, and I told you that was the whole point. And then I asked everyone on this site to judge over time which of our predictions were correct.
Are you really going to play “show me the link, show me the link”? Because if you are, then I’ll show it to you. But if you were to just man up, and admit you made a mistake and your predictions, which everyone saw, were wrong, then I’ll drop it.
Or I guess I can go link hunting, but in that case I will NOT drop it.
How many times do I have to ask? Show me the link.
“I begin to suspect that Rags has quit this site completely rather than face up to The Awful Truth.”
I suspect that he’s lurking. *Someone* is downvoting innocuous comments, and I think we know who.
49% or 41% are what they will admit to. The polls in the entire Trump era (measured from the day he first declared he was running) have been bogus, consistently underreporting his actual popularity.
The only real poll, the only one that counts will be on election day, 2018. Then, two years later.
This collective of Leftists just cannot believe or accept that the smartest woman in the world could lose a rigged election to someone that has not held elected office.
Right, the most qualified candidate ever, said Bill.
— Or they were dumb enough to trust her with the entire leftist house.
I don’t know why the left would believe that. She almost lost a rigged nomination process to an ancient socialist kook. Hillary is not a compelling candidate.
Oh their nightmare is just beginning.
Because Trump is getting better at this every day – more experienced using the trappings and power of the Oval Office. And more presidential.
Ah yes. The Polls.
Fake news.
Related: Kennedy IV or whatever, the one who gave the State of the Union rebuttal? Photos surfaced of his home and – you guessed it – it’s a walled compound.
Is the wall coated in Chapstick?
Rasmussen is the only polling outfit that counts online votes in their final numbers. Must we be willing to believe anything?