Trump Urges DOJ to Investigate Huma Abedin After Report She Forwarded State Dept Passwords to Personal Yahoo Account

President Donald Trump tweeted that failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s former aide Huma Abedin should face jail after reports have emerged she sent State Department passwords to her personal Yahoo account.

The Daily Caller reported on Monday that Abedin sent these passwords to the account before every single Yahoo email account was hacked.

Abedin worked as Hillary’s top aide when the latter served as secretary of state.

The State Department released these documents after officials found them on disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop, Abedin’s ex-husband. Abedin filed for divorce from Weiner after numerous sexting scandals. The last one, which happened in 2016, set off an FBI investigation because Weiner sexted with a minor. This led officials to raid the couple’s home, including the shared computer, which had the emails. Weiner is currently serving a 21-month sentence in jail.

Officials heavily redacted most of the emails because the documents contained classified information. Those marked as classified included emails that “deal with talks between the Palestinian militant movement Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organization; a call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; and conversations with the United Arab Emirates’ foreign ministers.”

An email message about a phone call to Prince Saud al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia, who served as the country’s foreign minister, had a small trace of redactions. The November 2010 email had “talking points about Wikileaks’ impending release of documents leaked by former Army Pvt. Bradley Manning.”

The Daily Caller noted that Abedin “regularly forwarded work emails to her personal address.” The FBI report stated that Abedin resorted to these accounts if her State account didn’t work or print off a document. The Daily Caller continued:

Abedin sent passwords for her government laptop to her Yahoo account on Aug. 24, 2009, an email released by the State Department in September 2017 shows.Long-time Clinton confidante Sid Blumenthal sent Clinton an email in July 2009 with the subject line: “Important. Not for circulation. You only. Sid.” The message began “CONFIDENTIAL… Re: Moscow Summit.” Abedin forwarded the email to her Yahoo address, potentially making it visible to hackers.The email was deemed too sensitive to release to the public and was redacted before being published pursuant to the Judicial Watch lawsuit. The released copy says “Classified by DAS/ A/GIS, DoS on 10/30/2015 Class: Confidential.” The unredacted portion reads: “I have heard authoritatively from Bill Drozdiak, who is in Berlin…. We should expect that the Germans and Russians will now cut their own separate deals on energy, regional security, etc.”

These were not the only sensitive documents Abedin sent to her Yahoo account:

Clinton forwarded Abedin an email titled “Ambassadors” in March 2009 from Denis McDonough, who served as foreign policy adviser to former President Barack Obama’s campaign and later as White House chief of staff. The email was heavily redacted before being released to the public.Stuart Delery, chief of staff to the deputy attorney general, sent a draft memo titled “PA/PLO Memo” in May 2009, seemingly referring to two Palestinian groups. The content was withheld from the public with large letters spelling “Page Denied.” Abedin forwarded it to her Yahoo account.Abedin routed sensitive information through Yahoo multiple times, such as notes on a call with the U.N. secretary-general, according to messages released under the lawsuit.

News of Yahoo hacks built up during Hillary’s term as secretary of state, but Abedin continued to use her account.

Here’s another coincidence. The U.S. charged Russian intelligence agent Igor Sushchin with a Yahoo hack that affected 500 million accounts. It started in 2014 and the hackers went into the accounts in 2015 and 2016.

Sushchin also worked for Renaissance capital…the Russian bank that paid President Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech in Moscow in June 2010…during the Uranium One deal. You know, all this talk about Russia and Trump, but I see a lot of Russia in stories about the Clintons, too.

Tags: FBI, Hillary Email Scandal, James Comey, State Department, Trump Twitter