Fuzzy Slippers 5th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection
From commenter, to author, to weekend editor.

Five years ago today “Fuzzy Slippers” became an author at Legal Insurrection. 2012 was a very good year, as we also recently celebrated 5 year anniversaries for A.F. Branco, Mike LaChance, and Leslie Eastman.
But that is not the start of the Fuzzy story. Starting in early 2010, Fuzzy had her own blog first at Google Blogger (didn’t we all?), Fuzzy Logic. That “blogspot” blog no longer exists, except in bits and pieces on the Wayback Machine.
Then she got all fancy (didn’t we all?) and moved to Wordpress in early 2012, Fuzzy Logic:
Her “About” page describes a little bit about her:
Welcome! I’m a book lover, television watcher, former liberal, amateur photographer, patriotic blogger person. Oh, and I also like shoes. And coffee.
Trestin Meacham interviewed me (5/29/10) for a series of conservative blogger interviews he was doing. You can find that interview below.
TM- You use the name Fuzzy Slippers. Is there a story behind the name, or a reason you choose to use this?FS- I chose the name because I rather liked the “comfy” and welcoming connotation that it has, and it seemed to fit the type of blogging that I was doing originally. I would not have chosen “Fuzzy Slippers” for a political blog, but then, I never intended to have a political blog. Circumstances in the country changed, and I felt that I could no longer write about things like Cadbury chocolate eggs, shoes, and television shows as I was doing. It became more and more evident that our country and way of life are in real danger, and I slowly moved to writing exclusively about politics. I never really made a conscious decision to become a conservative political blogger, it just happened in response to this administration and its agenda, so I’m just sort of stuck with “Fuzzy Slippers,” I guess.
This is the footer to every page of Fuzzy Logic:
Fuzzy started as a commenter at Legal Insurrection, brought here by our Scott Brown versus Martha Coakley Senate race coverage.
Her first comment, according to our archive, was January 1, 2010, regarding social media used by the candidates.
Fuzzy had a total of 268 comments through September 2012, at which point she became an author, initially to help with our Empty Chair series. She also helped out, later, on launching the Elizabeth Warren Wiki.
Her first post at Legal Insurrection was on October 6, 2012, Launching the Election Day Empty Chair Countdown:
Fuzzy has had 937 additional posts since October 2012, and now is our Weekend Editor She also does posts during the week.
Fuzzy also has had an additional 1428 comments since becoming an author. She loves to mix it up in the comment section.
I’ve never met Fuzzy, but have interacted with her almost daily for years. I know her real name, but I’m not crazy enough to get on Fuzzy’s bad side by revealing it.
The Fuzzy you see in the comment section is the Fuzzy I’ve come to know. She loves hard, and fights hard. She’s intensely loyal, and has a kind heart.
A frontier woman of the first order. Annie Oakley with a keyboard.

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Congrats Fuzzy, my how time flies when one is having fun. Are you? Oh how I wish Breitbart was still here. And where is Mark Finklestein lately?
Oh, yes, Helen, I’m having fun. I love this site and everyone who works here. It doesn’t get much better than that.
As to the Breitbart is Here, the image on my site links to this video from the amazingly fabulous Misfit Politics: https://youtu.be/4Ld8tJdfVMc
It was a thing. It’s still a thing. #War
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched that short video over the last few years. It’s absolutely perfect, and reminds me that there still are a lot of happy warriors in the Breitbart tradition around today. Brilliant.
I watch it often, too, Amy.
Congrats, Fuzzy! So very glad to know and work with you. Thanks so much for holding down the fort on the weekends. Here’s to the next five! <3
You so rock, Kemberlee! I’m so glad to work with and know you, too.
I love your stuff, Fuzzy. Thanks for all the great articles.
Aw, thanks, snopercod, it means a lot to me that you enjoy my work. Just between you and me, when I am running short of time and can’t read every word of every comment, yours are ones that I make sure to read in full.
Fuzzy makes my weekends fun! Congrats!
Hee! Thanks, Leslie. You are a dream to work with, and you make MY weekends fun (plus I learn a lot from your expertise).
Congratulations, Fuzzy!! I’m so happy to work with you. <3
Thanks, Mary! I’m so so glad to work with you, too. <3
I’ve recommended this blog to a few friends and family members over the years because the contributors, and most of the commenters, are great on this site. I am sometimes amazed at how much high quality content you guys produce.
Thank you all for everything you do and congrats on the milestone.
Thanks MABAW! I’m so thrilled that you love LI because we work so hard to ensure that our posts are interesting, informative, and worth reading and sharing.
Congrats, FuzzySlippers! Love your work – you’re a real asset to this blog!
Aw, thanks, Amy. That means a lot to me. You add so much to our comment section, and I’m so glad you are back.
Congratulations, my dear friend!
utroukx *biggest of big huggs* Miss you lots, my dear friend.
You make wonderful, forceful contributions.
But you should use your real name. (Fuzzington Slippers, III, isn’t it?)
Hee! You are such a delight, Fine! It’s not often that I laugh out loud (really laugh, not just typing “lol”), but you manage to make me giggle with your turns of phrase and insights. You do some powerful writing of your own in comments, and I enjoy reading every one.
What everyone above said, squared!
Yay! Thanks, Walker Evans
Congratulations, Fuzzy Slippers!
Thanks, Rab!
Thanks, Rags.
Aside: How can anyone down vote the single word “Congratulations”? /smh
Congratulations, Fuzzy!
Thanks, Mike (you’re still “Aleister” to me <3)
Yay Fuzzy! I bet you’ve had quite a journey. Enjoy!
Yay Fen! Yes, I have, and it’s been beyond words grand!
She’s a cop on the edge, with a jetpack and a devil-may-care attitude!
Love it, Matt!
Congratulations, Fuzzy. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much, Gremlin!
If I’m Annie Oakley, does that make you Buffalo Bill?
Seriously, though, thank you for your kind words. You’re one of my favorite people on earth, and I am honored to be a part of the most awesome conservative site on the internet.
I’m a bit late to the party. Congratulations, Fuzzy Slippers, from the fuzzy bear.
Hee! Thanks fuzzy bear.
I miss you, too, Fuzzy! I’m still on Facebook…
I haven’t really used Facebook since I broke my Farmville addiction, but I’ll have to stop by your page.