Bitter: Hillary Blasts Bernie for Causing ‘Lasting Damage’

Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Dem Debate 4-14-2016

People have leaked excerpts from failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s memoir What Happened, which will be released on September 12.

In these excerpts, Hillary lashes out at her primary opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for his actions, which she claims caused “lasting damage” to the party due to his numerous attacks on her.

Hillary wrote that Sanders could not attack her on policy since the two of them agreed on many issues so he resorted to attacking her, which leaked to his supporters. She claimed that his supporters harassed her supporters online, which “got ugly and more than a little sexist.” She wanted to fight back, but no one let her, including President Barack Obama:

She reminded the readers that in one debate, she asked Sanders if she ever changed a vote “because of a financial contribution, he couldn’t come up with anything.”

Top policy advisor Jake Sullivan told Hillary that Sanders’s attacks on her reminded him of a scene out of the movie There’s Something About Mary:

Hillary continued:

Nonetheless, his attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” campaign.”

Hillary did not stop there. She admitted that Sanders also felt horrified at the thought of Donald Trump as president, but she took a shot at Sanders’s party affiliation:

But he isn’t a Democrat – that’s not a smear, that’s what he says. He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House, he got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.

Hillary admitted that Sanders had the correct opinion about focusing on the working family and engaging the youth while railing against spending too much time courting big dollar donors. But she then points out what he has wrong about Democrats:

But I think he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party – the party that brought us Social Security under Roosevelt; Medicare and Medicaid under Johnson; peace between Israel and Egypt under Carter; broad-based prosperity and a balanced budget under Clinton; and rescued the auto industry, passed health care reform, and imposed new rules on Wall Street under Obama.

Then the dagger through the heart: “I am proud to be a Democrat and I wish Bernie were, too.”

OUCH. But Hillary isn’t lying. Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist and only joined the Democrat party to run for the presidency. He went back as an Independent after he lost.

Affects on the Democrat Party?

But who knows what this will do to an already splintered Democrat Party. The party took massive hits across the board in November, not just the White House. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) shocked everyone when he said that the party will support pro-life Democrats. He knows the party needs more outreach and cannot have these sort of litmus tests.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is still facing a fundraising crisis as the Republican National Committee (RNC) continuously brings in the dough. Michael Whitney, the man who led Sanders’s fundraising in the primaries, wrote in Politico that it comes down to messaging. The messages from the DNC do not convince the much needed small donors to hand over money. The DNC have also had to contend with outside groups that will throw money behind any candidate, even one not backed by the party.

Professor Jacobson wrote in a post that Democrats are still trying to find their “Tea Party” candidate. There’s no denying that the Democrat Party resembles the GOP after 2008, but as the professor notes, the Party itself is trying to find one:

Tea Party candidates weren’t recruited by the GOP, they were savaged every bit as viciously by the party establishment as by Democrats. Tea Party candidates won because grassroots support overcame party opposition, not because they were recruited by the party to appear to be outsiders.

Not to mention the fact that the Tea Party was non-violent and polite unlike Antifa, the loud and vicious thugs that have become the face of the resistance against Trump. Professor Jacobson wrote:

And neither have Democrats. The Resistance has done a good job at slowing Trump down, much better than I expected. But that Resistance and the embrace of Antifa could prove toxic at the polls, because even after 8 years of Obama, people still don’t like seeing our flag burned, cops attacked, and urine used as a weapon.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, 2016 Election, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton