Amid Terror Fears, Austria Builds Walls to Protect State Buildings

Remember the Left’s chorus of “build bridges not walls”, condemning every sane move from limiting mass migration into Europe to President Trump’s proposed border wall? With Jihad warfare fueled by mass migration rocking one European city after another, Europe’s ruling class is finally having an unpleasant rendezvous with the reality. Though it’s still “open borders” for the ordinary citizens of the street, the ruling class is protecting itself as it senses the approaching disaster of its own making.

Austrian government has taken the first steps by constructing blast walls — capable of withstanding vehicle bombs — around its vital state buildings in the capital city of Vienna, including the Federal Chancellery, the President’s Office, and a few other key government ministries, local newspapers report.

Fearful of a right-wing resurgence, Austria’s government, unlike Germany, has shown reluctance in accepting the migrants swarming its border. The country, however, has been compliant to the diktats coming from Berlin and Brussels, even amending the federal constitution to accept high quotas of migrants. Previous Austrian laws restricted the intake of refugees exceeding 1.5 percent of the native population.

German newspaper Die Welt reported:

The Viennese government quarter will be protected against attacks by a concrete wall. The construction work in Austria’s capital are expected to end in the autumn, said the spokesman for the Interior Ministry on Monday.The Federal Chancellery and the President’s office will be surrounded by a 80cm high and a meter wide barrier. This would ensure that vehicles won’t drive into the buildings. [Author’s translation]

“Compared to other countries, in Austria the government offices are accessible very easily,” added the German newspaper, pointing to the fact that Chancellor Angela Merkel has already ensured that her offices don’t become an easy target for the freshly-imported jihad-seeking car bombers.

Earlier this year, Austria’s leftist President Alexander van der Bellen called upon “every woman” in the country “to wear a headscarf” to help combat “Islamophobia”. While Austria’s President chases the phantom of “Islamophobia”, the country’s Muslim youth are lining up to join the Jihad against the host country.

Austria has begun reaping the bitter fruits of mass migration from Arab and Muslim majority countries. According to a study conducted in Vienna last year, 27 percent of the city’s Muslim youth openly admitted their support for the violent Jihad and nearly 50 percent of them held anti-Semitic beliefs.

Things aren’t that great in rest of the Europe either. Earlier in January, leftist agitators unfurled a banner on the London’s Tower Bridge that read: “Build Bridges Not Walls”, to protest President Trump’s inauguration, which The Washington Post gleefully reported. Another huge banner unfurled on London’s Vauxhall Bridge, as part of the same protest, reading: “Queer Solidarity Smashes Borders”.

But after the deadly June terror attack on the Tower Bridge, of all places, the city of London installed a security barrier between the road and sidewalk on the very bride.

Europe needs to learn its lesson, and learn it fast. Those who fail to build walls and bridges where they duly belong, end up building “walls on the bridges” and everywhere else.

Refugees Welcome: Austria opens the borders to migrants in the Autumn of 2015

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Angela Merkel, Austria, Islamic State, refugees, Terrorism