New York to Remove Subway Tiles Resembling Confederate Flag

Just in case you thought removal madness couldn’t get any wilder…New York!

Friday, MTA announced plans to “modify” some subway tiles in Manhattan. Patrons have complained the tiles, which have graced the Times Square station for these last 100 years too closely resemble the Confederate battle flag.

From local news:

The MTA says it is going to “modify” tiles in a Manhattan subway station that people have complained look like Confederate Flags.The pattern of tiles have been in the Times Square station for almost 100 years. The architects are said to have installed them to pay homage to the Southern roots of former New York Times newspaper head Adolph S. Ochs.The MTA has claimed the tiles actually are meant to honor Times Square’s nickname as the “Crossroads of the World” and are not Confederate Flags.In a statement to Fox 5 News the MTA says: “These are not confederate flags, it is a design based on geometric forms that represent the “Crossroads of the World” and to avoid absolutely any confusion we will modify them to make that absolutely crystal clear.” The station sits below the former New York Times building and Times Square didn’t actually exist at the time of the Civil War.The station was renovated in 1998 and included re-creations of the original mosaic design.

Amazingly, these tiles weren’t the least bit offensive these last 100 years, but I digress.

There seems to be no end to the revisionist wave emboldened by the fringe protest in Charlottesville.

Earlier this week, we blogged about a radical pastor in Chicago demanding the Emanual administration rename Washington and Jefferson parks due to their name sake’s slave-holding connections.

No longer are historical figures permitted to be flawed, nor their time in history understood. No more are key players in the founding of our country remembered for their best attributes and accomplishments — progressives are hell-bent on ensuring our best and brightest are remembered only for their sins.

Catering to the overly sensitive and often ignorant is the surest way to expedite cultural decline. Should the revisionist wave continue unabated, America will eventually become completely historically bankrupt. And we all know what happens to those who don’t know their history.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: New York, New York City